Biden Administration: “Teachers Unions are infrastructure.”


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Biden Administration: “Teachers Unions are infrastructure.”

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Repairs to the Interstate 40 bridge linking Arkansas and Tennessee could take months after a crack was found in the span, forcing thousands of trucks and cars to detour and shutting down shipping on a section of the Mississippi River, a transportation official said Wednesday.

A congressional Democrat from Tennessee flagged the crack as a warning sign of the urgent need to act on fixes to the nation’s infrastructure.

The six-lane bridge into Memphis was shut down Tuesday afternoon after inspectors found a “significant fracture” in one of two 900-foot horizontal steel beams that are crucial for the bridge’s integrity, said Lorie Tudor, director of the Arkansas Department of Transportation.

Yes, Biden is trying to do something for infrastructure while the Repubs under Trump failed to produce any legislation for the nation on the issue in four years..
What does that have to do with teachers' unions?
The teachers unions should be broken up as should all government unions. They're robbing the taxpayer.

Teachers unions are unavoidable, the idea "free association" and all of that.

The problem is collective bargaining, contracts with teachers unions and worst of all, mandatory collection of agency fees and dues from teachers to get passed along to the mob.
This is what happens when overreaching on an issue. Prioritize actual items of infrastructure before going off on tangents.
Unions haven't been a positive thing for a very long time.

At one point unions were needed because workers were be abused, cheated, lied to and treated poorly.

But now we have federal and state rules and regulations, lawsuits can be filed at the drop of a hat, and new coverage is easy to obtain. So unions are no longer needed.

Now unions are an awful thing that exist just to leach money off workers. They don't care about workers they care about making money off of them and nothing else.

Where I worked a while back everything was fine, no one complained. Then a union rep showed up and met everyone and they told them how they would get them raises and force the company to pay us what we deserve and so on. They got voted in by a landslide because those people were stupid as hell. Yes we got a raise and the union dues we were forced to pay pretty much negated the raise. I wouldn't even sign the contract though because I didn't want to pay union dues, so after a couple weeks my hours started shrinking and in the end I worked 1 shift for hours. They pushed me out because I wouldnt sign up and give them money.

Now teachers unions do nothing but turn teachers into greedy monsters and hurt kids with dumb policies.
The teachers unions should be broken up as should all government unions. They're robbing the taxpayer.

Teachers unions are unavoidable, the idea "free association" and all of that.

The problem is collective bargaining, contracts with teachers unions and worst of all, mandatory collection of agency fees and dues from teachers to get passed along to the mob.
Like the air controllers, just takes a POTUS signature to disband teachers unions. JFK’s EO to let government workers unionize was the beginning of the flushing sound of citizens being in charge of their government.

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