Biden Administration Threatens Texas Over Trans Kids: 'HHS Will Take Immediate Action If Needed

THIS!! RIGHT HERE!!! YES. These kids ARE being encouraged to get these procedures sometimes without parental knowledge or approval. The gov't is now in the business. It's not just in their heads to kill the babies before birth. If they miss that opportunity then they can still dedicate these kids to Moloch and they'll kill themselves. INDEED..WTH IS wrong with YOU PEOPLE????? These are OUR KIDS, YOUR KIDS, the FUTURE of this country.

Ghost1776 said:

You: If the parents approve
REALITY— These mentally gone nut jobs are changing the sex of children WITHOUT parents knowledge.

Some schools allow kids to change into dresses at school while telling them NOT TO TELL THEIR PARENTS!

Half these parents are so gawd dam stupid they can’t get what is wrong from right you have to tell them, show them.

Parents tell kids they are girls when it’s a fkn boy so that makes it all ok .

Please wake up.

YES> THANKS for this post.
colon norris said:
Why does it bother you that they cannot have the same freedom as you?
How will there gender change etc affect you?
Are you on a crusade from religion doing gods work?

why does it bother the left that many of us do not want your clot shot?
For example, there have always been hermaphrodites, with the genitals of both male and female.
There are also cases of Cloacal Exstrophy where there are no genitalia.
There are women with XX chromosomes that have a penis because part of a Y chromosome got transferred to the X chromosome in some ancestor.
So you can NOT tell chromosome or mental gender by looking.
And in reality all that matters is mental gender, which does not happen until after puberty.
Transgenders and Gender Fluid people are fucking garbage. Have you ever talked with one? They are gross and virtually subhuman. With nothing but disgust for everything around them.
I honestly don't even think its true gender dysphoria anymore for a majority of these cases, it's either some other mental illness and "change your gender" is the trendy progressive cure right now, or it's a bunch of fetishists taking advantage of the situation.

All of the above.
Why does it bother you that they cannot have the same freedom as you?
How will there gender change etc affect you?
Are you on a crusade from religion doing gods work?

BTW. Its nothing to do with Biden. You never objected to the same HHS when Trump was there and the same procedures were done on the sly.
No shock you want minors sexually mutilating themselves for your agenda.
In some state the republicans at age 16 allow kids to get married.

If its good for republicans it's good for transgenders.

What states allow marriage at 14?
  • California
  • Idaho
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Mississippi
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington
The acceptance of all the above mentioned gives those on the left who are in favor of it a feeling of superiority. These are people with low intellect and mental issues. Our children are not safe in government schools, especially in BLUE states. Biden loves it because he himself has abnormal sexual proclivities for young girls. He's a sick-o too and has been for many years. Ask any member of his past and present security guards. :death:

This is your child:

This is your child on 10 years of cultural Marxism in the state schools:
Mutilating children is against the law.
Why do the Regressive Progressives hate children so much?
Because that's also the current nazi agenda in Ukraine: castration of Russian prisoners. When we linked Soros funding and the Chappaqua Blue Racer's employees to Planned Parenthood, the thread was scrubbed.
Not in this case. How is allowing parents to follow medical advice concerning their children playing politics?
This is a state issue, not a federal, he has no authority to demand a state to change their care.

Transgender is a mental illness, nothing is proven otherwise. To allow children to play into this dysphoria is abuse. When they become adults, then do what you want, until then should we not cater to a whim. Children have enough confusing issues growing up, this just makes it worse. Biden is playing to his base.
This is just basic humanity guys. You don't do this to children. Children know nothing of life, of permanancy. They want to feel special....that is where families may be failing. if you don't get it may never.
coyote said:
Not in this case. How is allowing parents to follow medical advice concerning their children playing politics?

True there are some parents who give into their kids insanity because they love them and they don't want to lose them. But many, MANY parents are opposing this and it is being done AGAINST their will. What you don't hear about, what the media does not want you to hear about are the number of young people...and older...who try to transition back with limited results. They totally regret what they did and wonder how the medical folk. (i won't call it a profession anymore) could do this to them knowing the dangers and the regrets of these victims of this profoundly evil procedures.
Now imagine in the future when everyone is forced to drive EVs and everyone is on The Smart Grid.
Biden just presses a button and all of Texas is immobilized.

Biden Administration Threatens Texas Over Trans Kids: 'HHS Will Take Immediate Action If Needed​

Good to see! Government needs to stay out of these parent’s lives, this isn’t Nazi Germany.

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