Biden Administration Threatens Texas Over Trans Kids: 'HHS Will Take Immediate Action If Needed

This is what a stupid ass minor child thinks what they will look like after being transformed:

This is the reality:


As adults, we know this. But stupid ass kids don't, because they are kids. And that's why we protect them.
Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence.

I honestly don't even think its true gender dysphoria anymore for a majority of these cases, it's either some other mental illness and "change your gender" is the trendy progressive cure right now, or it's a bunch of fetishists taking advantage of the situation.
This is what a stupid as minor child thinks what they will look like after being transformed:
View attachment 624436

This is the reality:

View attachment 624437

As adults, we know this. But stupid ass kids don't, because they are kids. And that's why we protect them.

I actually think that even the adults that go the whole nine yards think they are getting the real thing, or at least hoping the cosmetic changes will be enough for them to convince themselves they are the real thing.
I honestly don't even think its true gender dysphoria anymore for a majority of these cases, it's either some other mental illness and "change your gender" is the trendy progressive cure right now, or it's a bunch of fetishists taking advantage of the situation.

It's the cred accrued by being able to say "look at me...I'm your talking point against those bad Americans."
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I honestly don't even think its true gender dysphoria anymore for a majority of these cases, it's either some other mental illness and "change your gender" is the trendy progressive cure right now, or it's a bunch of fetishists taking advantage of the situation.
I think for the targeted tween/teen age group, it's fashion.

Funny, in my day they thought "Seventeen" Magazine was the tool of the devil!

I don't even have the words aside from he is a sick fucking degenerate. And so is everyone who supports this.

I may dislike children, I never wanted or have had any, and that's a lot to do with me as I am a terrible teacher, I'm a bit selfish with my time, and my patience is easily worn, I also even as a kid liked solitude and quiet.

But I would never harm a child mentally or physically. I'm not even a religious person but I'd qualify that as a sin. Kids are kids and need to be allowed to be kids. This is when you get down to it sexualization of children because you're injecting sex into their lives at a time when they aren't developed enough to even comprehend it. And it does warp kids because it messes up the natural patterns of development. By nature kids are not able to understand things like this, it's confusing, uncomfortable and scary to them and a lot of children aren't able to express that so they go along with it while it hurts them inside and they don't even realize it.

This is a truly horrific turn of events for our country when the president of the United States is actually pushing, pushing, to sexualize children and give them surgeries and hormones that will forever damage their bodies and psyche's. This is a crime against a civilized society and against children in my mind.

I wish nothing but contempt and scorn on anyone who supports this. And I never wish anything bad on anyone, I don't need the bad juju. But I'll make an exception on this case.

If there is truly a hell he should burn in it forever.
Yep. My locker partner in seventh grade borrowed a copy of Seventeen from me and took it home and her religious parents destroyed the magazine and punished her harshly.
Twiggy was famous for her slender body

and her face

But I suspect after being on top of the world at 16 it was all downhill for her after that
I think for the targeted tween/teen age group, it's fashion.

Funny, in my day they thought "Seventeen" Magazine was the tool of the devil!

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It's also plays into the need for adolescents, especially girls, to be part of the "in crowd"

I recall that one twitter nut teacher proudly saying 20 out of 32 of the kids in his/her class ID as LGBT(alphabet soup).

Really? over 50%? I guess that's the end of the species unless we perfect cloning.
I don't even have the words aside from he is a sick fucking degenerate. And so is everyone who supports this.

I may dislike children, I never wanted or have had any, and that's a lot to do with me as I am a terrible teacher, I'm a bit selfish with my time, and my patience is easily worn, I also even as a kid liked solitude and quiet.

But I would never harm a child mentally or physically. I'm not even a religious person but I'd qualify that as a sin. Kids are kids and need to be allowed to be kids. This is when you get down to it sexualization of children because you're injecting sex into their lives at a time when they aren't developed enough to even comprehend it. And it does warp kids because it messes up the natural patterns of development. By nature kids are not able to understand things like this, it's confusing, uncomfortable and scary to them and a lot of children aren't able to express that so they go along with it while it hurts them inside and they don't even realize it.

This is a truly horrific turn of events for our country when the president of the United States is actually pushing, pushing, to sexualize children and give them surgeries and hormones that will forever damage their bodies and psyche's. This is a crime against a civilized society and against children in my mind.

I wish nothing but contempt and scorn on anyone who supports this. And I never wish anything bad on anyone, I don't need the bad juju. But I'll make an exception on this case.

If there is truly a hell he should burn in it forever.
Good post, well said.

These liberals are DANGEROUS.

They represent a direct threat to my children. And yours.
The left is REALLY invested in all this shit. Just in case you missed this at the oscars...

View attachment 624329
And just in case you need additional back up?

and this

Entertainment, media and gov't all connected at the hip....the trinity of debauchery.

Most idiots in society can’t even begin to connect the depth of this and what you posted.
Even with it in plain view, even though they tell you in plain view the sheep can’t get it.
It's also plays into the need for adolescents, especially girls, to be part of the "in crowd"

I recall that one twitter nut teacher proudly saying 20 out of 32 of the kids in his/her class ID as LGBT(alphabet soup).

Really? over 50%? I guess that's the end of the species unless we perfect cloning.
Unless Dr Fauci has developed a queer virus that was dumped into the lib public schools drinking water that would be impossible

the teachers must be messing with children’s minds

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