Biden Administration Threatens Texas Over Trans Kids: 'HHS Will Take Immediate Action If Needed

The sick people including Joe Biden will stop at nothing. No degeneracy, no perversion, no demonic inclination is enough for them.

No one voted for this, outside of a tiny number of sick people, no one.

The Doctors involved can all go to hell.

President Biden’s HHS has gone all-in on radical transgender ideology, encouraging early body-changing medical interventions as “gender-affirming” care. From the HHS Office of Population Affairs publication:

And it can ruin their lives, too.
What kind of interventions constitute “early gender-affirming care”?

This is awful. Children and adolescents with gender dysphoria certainly need proper care and support. But puberty blocking is not benign and can lead to adverse medical issues such as reduced bone density — which is why it is no longer recommended in the U.K. and Finland, for example.
Mutilating surgeries on genitals and breasts of minors should be off the table altogether. They are irreversible, result in sterilization when of the genitals, and remove healthy organs.

This is compared to castration of Russian soldiers in Ukraine and the Soros connection to that is funding. From the same New York county, Hillary Clinton's employees DNA link to Planned Parenthood abortion doctors, no doubt about that.
In some state the republicans at age 16 allow kids to get married.

If its good for republicans it's good for transgenders.
You can get a divorce, you cannot reverse changing your body with drugs. You sick people are starting this in elementary school. You people have to be destroyed.
This is compared to castration of Russian soldiers in Ukraine and the Soros connection to that is funding. From the same New York county, Hillary Clinton's employees DNA link to Planned Parenthood abortion doctors, no doubt about that.
You hit the ballground, you used Soros and H.Clinton in the same post.
You can get a divorce, you cannot reverse changing your body with drugs. You sick people are starting this in elementary school. You people have to be destroyed.
why should they get divorced, marry young below 16 , by then the men have their way with females. Thats what the law is for, to have pedophiles.
The sick people including Joe Biden will stop at nothing. No degeneracy, no perversion, no demonic inclination is enough for them.

No one voted for this, outside of a tiny number of sick people, no one.

The Doctors involved can all go to hell.

President Biden’s HHS has gone all-in on radical transgender ideology, encouraging early body-changing medical interventions as “gender-affirming” care. From the HHS Office of Population Affairs publication:

And it can ruin their lives, too.
What kind of interventions constitute “early gender-affirming care”?

This is awful. Children and adolescents with gender dysphoria certainly need proper care and support. But puberty blocking is not benign and can lead to adverse medical issues such as reduced bone density — which is why it is no longer recommended in the U.K. and Finland, for example.
Mutilating surgeries on genitals and breasts of minors should be off the table altogether. They are irreversible, result in sterilization when of the genitals, and remove healthy organs.

Two factors make this whole thing such a disgrace.

One- these are CHILDREN. Its one thing if an adult who has lived life decides to become a homo and be castrated, its quite another for a stupid ass kid who thinks he can have an operation and transform into Raquel Welch like it was claimed in the famous film about gender bending.

Two- there is no test which will OBJECTIVELY diagnose transexuality. Its just the goofy liberal psychologists' opinion of it. No lab test , no MRI will be any different with a kid who is tranny. Marching forward with disfiguring surgery based upon their word is stupid at best. Like I said, if an adult man who has lived life like army vet "Christine" Jorgenson wants to do this, its a free fucking world. But we are supposed to be watching out for children
why should they get divorced, marry young below 16 , by then the men have their way with females. Thats what the law is for, to have pedophiles.
You described liberalism perfectly, influencing children sexually, so liberals can get their Rock's off. To bad liberals won't stick with adults.
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Minors are protected for a reason.

Minors don;t have the freedom to marry (age depending on state) drink alcohol, get a drivers license. order porn on tv and the list goes on and on as to what youngsters are not allowed to do.

For a reason.
But....but....but.... Penelope thinks it should be all access, all the time. The younger the better.
Why does it bother you that they cannot have the same freedom as you?
How will there gender change etc affect you?
Are you on a crusade from religion doing gods work?

BTW. Its nothing to do with Biden. You never objected to the same HHS when Trump was there and the same procedures were done on the sly.
We're talking MINORS here, you diseased fucking degenerate!
Freedom rings for even transgenders.

Keep this for when you get to junior high.

Don't you think transgenders have their freedom?

Transgender movement: forcing everyone to participate in some people's delusions.

Male and Female are biological categories. People lie; DNA doesn’t.

Gender dysphoria, a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender with which he/she/ claims to identify, is a mental illness.

Demanding that other people participate in the delusion is not a right.

They deserve therapy, not credence.
I was taught that God created us, is it true or not?

Clearly, you weren't taught well.

The choice is also about order versus chaos. The Bible religion draws distinctions by providing examples, opposites, juxtapositions: God distinguishes between light and dark, day and night, land and water, and humans and animals; and, as we will see elsewhere in the Torah, God distinguishes between man and God, good and evil, man and woman, the holy and the profane, parent and child, the beautiful and the ugly, and life and death.”

Leftism does the opposite.
Today, because a very different force is ascendant, chaos is on the increase. The best example…Well, Facebook offers 56 options. You can use up to 10 of them on your profile. Fifty-six sounds like a lot, but actually a lot of them are variations on a theme — "cisgender man" and "cisgender male," as well as "cis man" and "cis male." In terms of broad categories, there about a dozen.
See Confused by All the New Facebook Genders? Here's What They Mean.

. When one considers the values in the faith of our Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin, versus that of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, there is marriage as a it important, or to be eschewed?

Genesis 2.18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone. Until this verse, the only adjective God used to describe what He created was “good.” Now, for the first time, God declares something “not good.” In the words of the great seventeenth-century writer John Milton (Paradise Lost): “Loneliness is the first thing which God’s eye named not good.” It is important to note that it is not Adam who said this; it was God who made this observation. Men do not independently know that it is not good for them to be alone. 2.18 (cont.) I will make a fitting helper for him.”

A literal translation is “a helper who is his equal.” (Prager translation)

OK…so, so far, if not for government schools, you could consider whether to have children, and whether there are two sexes, or dozens.

More choices, differences between the faith of our founders, and that of Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx.... next.

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