Biden Administration Threatens Texas Over Trans Kids: 'HHS Will Take Immediate Action If Needed

Why does it bother you that they cannot have the same freedom as you?
How will there gender change etc affect you?
Are you on a crusade from religion doing gods work?

BTW. Its nothing to do with Biden. You never objected to the same HHS when Trump was there and the same procedures were done on the sly.
Freedom rings for even transgenders.
The sick people including Joe Biden will stop at nothing. No degeneracy, no perversion, no demonic inclination is enough for them.

No one voted for this, outside of a tiny number of sick people, no one.

The Doctors involved can all go to hell.

President Biden’s HHS has gone all-in on radical transgender ideology, encouraging early body-changing medical interventions as “gender-affirming” care. From the HHS Office of Population Affairs publication:

And it can ruin their lives, too.
What kind of interventions constitute “early gender-affirming care”?

This is awful. Children and adolescents with gender dysphoria certainly need proper care and support. But puberty blocking is not benign and can lead to adverse medical issues such as reduced bone density — which is why it is no longer recommended in the U.K. and Finland, for example.
Mutilating surgeries on genitals and breasts of minors should be off the table altogether. They are irreversible, result in sterilization when of the genitals, and remove healthy organs.

Don't you think transgenders have their freedom?
The acceptance of all the above mentioned gives those on the left who are in favor of it a feeling of superiority. These are people with low intellect and mental issues. Our children are not safe in government schools, especially in BLUE states. Biden loves it because he himself has abnormal sexual proclivities for young girls. He's a sick-o too and has been for many years. Ask any member of his past and present security guards. :death:
I was taught that God created us, is it true or not?
Why does it bother you that they cannot have the same freedom as you?
How will there gender change etc affect you?
Are you on a crusade from religion doing gods work?

BTW. Its nothing to do with Biden. You never objected to the same HHS when Trump was there and the same procedures were done on the sly.

WTF, you do know many of these trans individuals go later go on to detransition and almost all express being mislead by the medical community. Most of these individual have some form of mental heath issue that is ignored and they are sold the fix all treatment of transition. Whose responsible when a 16 year girl regrets having a mastectomy?
For example, there have always been hermaphrodites, with the genitals of both male and female.
There are also cases of Cloacal Exstrophy where there are no genitalia.
There are women with XX chromosomes that have a penis because part of a Y chromosome got transferred to the X chromosome in some ancestor.
So you can NOT tell chromosome or mental gender by looking.
And in reality all that matters is mental gender, which does not happen until after puberty.
These are biological conditions completely unrelated to gender dysphoria.
Texas has a long history of discrimination against students who are LGBTQ.

My friend. who is a trans woman, was expelled from school because she wore a dress.
School districts are local fag not statewide.
Freedom rings for even transgenders.
Fucking brain dead lefties!

Transgenders ALREADY HAVE FREEDOM, dummy.

They were free enough to change their gender, weren't they?

This is not about your precious transgenders, it's about MY CHILDREN !!!

You leftist fucktards are trying to put ignorant know-nothing teachers in charge of COERCING my children to change their genders, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION.

And you wonder why so many of these kids commit suicide?

Did you ever consider that maybe YOU are responsible for their deaths?
Fucking brain dead lefties!

Transgenders ALREADY HAVE FREEDOM, dummy.

They were free enough to change their gender, weren't they?

This is not about your precious transgenders, it's about MY CHILDREN !!!

You leftist fucktards are trying to put ignorant know-nothing teachers in charge of COERCING my children to change their genders, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION.

And you wonder why so many of these kids commit suicide?

Did you ever consider that maybe YOU are responsible for their deaths?
The reckoning is coming.

It will hurt.

tick tock
I wonder it this will be looked at in 50 years the same as the sterilization of blacks or the experiments conducted on children by the Nazis.

If the forced gender reassignment of minors is not a crime against humanity then I don't know what is.

Indeed, I see the DNC as a criminal organization much like the SS was after WW-2 and they should be treated as such. I believe there is a case to be made for declaring all dems to be part of a criminal organization.
The Dems have found a voting block in mentally ill, and/or just plain evil, professionals in the transgender industry. Not all Dems support this nonsense, but they all either pretend to support it or they keep their mouths shut.


People who want more welfare support people who want more millions for New York opera houses. People who want the border open support people who want guns taken from the law-abiding. People who promote the transgender fad support people who promote taxing “the wealthy.” All of them support laws that make voter fraud easier and less risky.

That is how they stay in power.

Democrats are not a homogeneous group, at all. They are one heterogeneous group composed of several groups of varying sizes. But each subset knows the rules: Don’t speak out against fellow Dems who support an entitlement that you consider off the wall. Instead, vocally support them, and they will do the same for your entitlement, regardless of how they actually feel about it.

Ask a typical Democratic voter - say an MS13 gang member smuggling teenage girls and boys into Laredo to await a Biden bus to take them to the buyers’ cities - if their gang accepts transmen as members. My guess is they will say, “!Mierda! !No permitamos los maricones!” But, once they are recruited as bilingual poll workers, they will sing the Democratic Party Song as loudly as any frightened Russian in the Soviet Union sang The Internationale.
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And since 100% of all Democrats vote for almost all Democrat proposals, this evil lunacy belongs entirely to the Democrat party, and that goes for ALL representatives.

Absolutely. These are the scum Thomas Jefferson and Franklin and the Founder would deport post haste.
This is a push by the Marxists to destroy the family unit. Its in their writings.

The moderate left have been indicrinated by the far left, and they are too cowardly to push back, its now a cult.

I know I keep saying this, but its true.

When you accept all of this absurdity without any push back, you are brainwashed.

Comes from Antonio Gramsci, and in America his hero Saul Alinsky and others, like Harry Hay, founder of the Faggot Rights scam in the U.S., a card carrying commie piece of shit beloved by all 'Progressives' and well known NAMBLA fan.
You hate that people have freedom to refuse a vaccine though. Get your stories straight Penny

That's pretty much the current left wrong-wing view of “freedom”. “Freedom” to sexually abuse children in a manner guaranteed to fuck them up seriously for life, but no freedom to decline injections of a dangerous, experimental drug.

Modern LIbEralism truly is both a mental disease and a moral disease.

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