Biden Administration Threatens Texas Over Trans Kids: 'HHS Will Take Immediate Action If Needed

That's pretty much the current left wrong-wing view of “freedom”. “Freedom” to sexually abuse children in a manner guaranteed to fuck them up seriously for life, but no freedom to decline injections of a dangerous, experimental drug.

Modern LIbEralism truly is both a mental disease and a moral disease.

The ONLY freedom they care about is sexual freedom. Otherwise slavery for everyone. Of course except themselves of course. People like Penny always think themselves exempt
Why does it bother you that they cannot have the same freedom as you?
How will there gender change etc affect you?
Are you on a crusade from religion doing gods work?

BTW. Its nothing to do with Biden. You never objected to the same HHS when Trump was there and the same procedures were done on the sly.
You sick fuck, these are children that YOUR party is influencing to get sex changes. No child should be encouraged to make life altering decisions when they are children. I hope the devil makes sure your eternity sucks. Fuck off.
I can't believe we're living in such a world. It is beyond time to take action against the spread of this Satanic madness. Where are the good guys? Where are the people in power who this as disgusting as we do? I don't think they exist anymore.

America and Western Civilization may have reached their 'sell by' dates.
So you good with children making life altering decisions? A decision that cannot reverse when they become an adult? If that answer is yes, you need to be removed from society.

I can't believe we're living in such a world. It is beyond time to take action against the spread of this Satanic madness. Where are the good guys? Where are the people in power who this as disgusting as we do? I don't think they exist anymore.
Hate to sound like a broken record. All I can say is be prepared. The time has grown short. I blame myself and people like me who not only passively allowed these demonic elements to infiltrate the country, but I was one of those that actively put the Lord on a back burner and offended God with a myriad of my actions. I cannot tell you how many.

Now, they have burrowed way too deep and the culture is too far gone. Way too far gone. I have been told to repent and beg the Lord for mercy. Now, I have felt that glory of love and its real. However, it's a struggle for me cause I see more clearly my treachery. Which I still struggle with.

Anyway, this country is gone and judgement is here. It's their time to celebrate and laugh and giggle. Just keep fighting but turn your gaze on his mercy.

That's all that matters anyway and everything else is utter garbage. Everything else.

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