Biden Administration Threatens Texas Over Trans Kids: 'HHS Will Take Immediate Action If Needed

Twiggy was famous for her slender body

and her face

But I suspect after being on top of the world at 16 it was all downhill for her after that

Actually unlike most people in that situation she seems to have lived it up even until now

Twiggy - Wikipedia

Not sure how old this picture is, but it's of her older.

Unless Dr Fauci has developed a queer virus that was dumped into the lib public schools drinking water that would be impossible

the teachers must be messing with children’s minds

Or just the kids are giving the response they think the teacher wants without really understanding what they are agreeing to.
Or at least reeducation camps.
Liberals, pay attention. ^^^

I told you I told you I told you so.

And plenty of others are telling you so.

Right here. ^^^ Look ^^^

Y'all are in trouble. You'll probably never know it cause your masters won't tell you, but you're on the business end of a hair trigger. ALREADY.

Keep going the way you're going, and things gonna get ugly.
Or it's just the new hip thing and impressionable kids are going along with it, except other fads didn't require you to take hormones or tuck it.

Their highest aspiriation is to ‘identify’ as a victim, to become a victim. That desire can overwhelm logic, experience, and even reality.

So many seek an identity, being special, different….and that plays right into the hands of the Left.

1.One of the revelations due to capitalism, is advertising, a kind of manipulation such that people can be convinced, trained, to believe things that may or may not be true:

How Do Advertisements Persuade People? › business-finance › advertisements-persuade-people-99918578bee6692c
Advertisers also use explicit claims to convince people to buy their products and services. It is possible to prove existing claims via close examination or testing. If an advertiser says a product works in less than five minutes, this is an explicit claim. Repetition serves to reinforce a message in the minds of audience members.”

There is repetition, word of mouth, personal benefits….and monetary rewards, even!

2. .... the point that “political advertising” works similarly:
“In fact, more than half of the Prius buyers surveyed this spring by CNW Marketing Research of Bandon, Ore., said the main reason they purchased their car was that ‘it makes a statement about me.’
Say ‘Hybrid’ and Many People Will Hear ‘Prius’ (Published 2007)

3. Which brings us to this bizarre phenomenon we are witnessing:

4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs ... › cbnnews › us › 2018 › september › 4-000-explosion-in-kids-identifying-as-transgender-docs-perform-double-mastectomies-on-healthy-teen-girls
Charlene Aaron The number of people identifying as transgender is on the rise in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, including many children and teens. This year the American Academy of Pediatrics published findings that more teenagers are beginning to use "non-traditional gender terms" to self-identify.

Increasing rates of people identifying as transgender ... › 29346355
There has been a progressive increase in number of people identifying as transgender presenting to the clinic, particularly since 2010.

WHY ARE SO MANY FEMALES COMING OUT ... - Gender Health Query › increase-trans-females-nonbinary-dysphoria
In 36.8% of the friendship groups described, the majority of the members became transgender-identified. The most likely outcomes were that AYA mental well-being and parent-child relationships became worse since AYAs "came out".

Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens ... › us › blog › culture-mind-and-brain › 201811 › why-is-transgender-identity-the-rise-among-teens
Transgender identity* is characterized by experiencing distress with, or an inability to identify with one's biological sex, usually prompting a desire to live one's life as the opposite sex ...

The Explosion In Queer Sexuality Among Kids Is Not A ... › 2021 › 03 › 01 › the-explosion-in-queer-sexuality-among-kids-is-not-a-natural-trend
March 1, 2021 A new Gallup poll published on Feb. 24 shows 1 in 6 Gen Z adults identify as LGBT. These results represent a remarkable jump from 2017, when 4.5 percent of Americans identified as...

Transgenderism…It’s not real. Don’t believe the Democrats: men don’t become pregnant.

The mass psychosis is the result of Leftist propaganda and rewards of fame and status.

And, as is the aim of nearly all Leftist plans, it destroys lives, cultures and nations.
I think for the targeted tween/teen age group, it's fashion.

Funny, in my day they thought "Seventeen" Magazine was the tool of the devil!

View attachment 624448
Today the Democrats/Progressisve control every major cultural institution…media, government, education, economy, family, religion, arts and entertainment,….all the means of dissemination of information.

"It's not just in the sciences. Teen Vogue, which once was a fashion magazine for the younger set, is now a Marxist instruction manual. In the latest issue, between fawning articles about Megan Thee Stallion's fashion sense and Khloe Kardashian getting her make-up done by younger family members, you find this:

Their highest aspiriation is to ‘identify’ as a victim, to become a victim. That desire can overwhelm logic, experience, and even reality.

So many seek an identity, being special, different….and that plays right into the hands of the Left.

1.One of the revelations due to capitalism, is advertising, a kind of manipulation such that people can be convinced, trained, to believe things that may or may not be true:

How Do Advertisements Persuade People? › business-finance › advertisements-persuade-people-99918578bee6692c
Advertisers also use explicit claims to convince people to buy their products and services. It is possible to prove existing claims via close examination or testing. If an advertiser says a product works in less than five minutes, this is an explicit claim. Repetition serves to reinforce a message in the minds of audience members.”

There is repetition, word of mouth, personal benefits….and monetary rewards, even!

2. .... the point that “political advertising” works similarly:
“In fact, more than half of the Prius buyers surveyed this spring by CNW Marketing Research of Bandon, Ore., said the main reason they purchased their car was that ‘it makes a statement about me.’
Say ‘Hybrid’ and Many People Will Hear ‘Prius’ (Published 2007)

3. Which brings us to this bizarre phenomenon we are witnessing:

4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs ... › cbnnews › us › 2018 › september › 4-000-explosion-in-kids-identifying-as-transgender-docs-perform-double-mastectomies-on-healthy-teen-girls
Charlene Aaron The number of people identifying as transgender is on the rise in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, including many children and teens. This year the American Academy of Pediatrics published findings that more teenagers are beginning to use "non-traditional gender terms" to self-identify.

Increasing rates of people identifying as transgender ... › 29346355
There has been a progressive increase in number of people identifying as transgender presenting to the clinic, particularly since 2010.

WHY ARE SO MANY FEMALES COMING OUT ... - Gender Health Query › increase-trans-females-nonbinary-dysphoria
In 36.8% of the friendship groups described, the majority of the members became transgender-identified. The most likely outcomes were that AYA mental well-being and parent-child relationships became worse since AYAs "came out".

Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens ... › us › blog › culture-mind-and-brain › 201811 › why-is-transgender-identity-the-rise-among-teens
Transgender identity* is characterized by experiencing distress with, or an inability to identify with one's biological sex, usually prompting a desire to live one's life as the opposite sex ...

The Explosion In Queer Sexuality Among Kids Is Not A ... › 2021 › 03 › 01 › the-explosion-in-queer-sexuality-among-kids-is-not-a-natural-trend
March 1, 2021 A new Gallup poll published on Feb. 24 shows 1 in 6 Gen Z adults identify as LGBT. These results represent a remarkable jump from 2017, when 4.5 percent of Americans identified as...

Transgenderism…It’s not real. Don’t believe the Democrats: men don’t become pregnant.

The mass psychosis is the result of Leftist propaganda and rewards of fame and status.

And, as is the aim of nearly all Leftist plans, it destroys lives, cultures and nations.

I've been making the whole "pity pole" argument for years now, it's amazing how it just refuses to die out.

Right now the top of the pole would be a black illegal immigrant former muslim atheist transgender lesbian woman.
I've been making the whole "pity pole" argument for years now, it's amazing how it just refuses to die out.

Right now the top of the pole would be a black illegal immigrant former muslim atheist transgender lesbian woman.

......slated for the Supreme Court!!!!

...oh....and 'votes Democrat.'
as long as the parents approve of the surgery, then who am I to say.

Fucking brain dead lefties!

Transgenders ALREADY HAVE FREEDOM, dummy.

They were free enough to change their gender, weren't they?

This is not about your precious transgenders, it's about MY CHILDREN !!!

You leftist fucktards are trying to put ignorant know-nothing teachers in charge of COERCING my children to change their genders, WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION.

And you wonder why so many of these kids commit suicide?

Did you ever consider that maybe YOU are responsible for their deaths?

You: If the parents approve
REALITY— These mentally gone nut jobs are changing the sex of children WITHOUT parents knowledge.

Some schools allow kids to change into dresses at school while telling them NOT TO TELL THEIR PARENTS!

Half these parents are so gawd dam stupid they can’t get what is wrong from right you have to tell them, show them.

Parents tell kids they are girls when it’s a fkn boy so that makes it all ok .

Please wake up.
The sick people including Joe Biden will stop at nothing. No degeneracy, no perversion, no demonic inclination is enough for them.

No one voted for this, outside of a tiny number of sick people, no one.

The Doctors involved can all go to hell.

President Biden’s HHS has gone all-in on radical transgender ideology, encouraging early body-changing medical interventions as “gender-affirming” care. From the HHS Office of Population Affairs publication:

And it can ruin their lives, too.
What kind of interventions constitute “early gender-affirming care”?

This is awful. Children and adolescents with gender dysphoria certainly need proper care and support. But puberty blocking is not benign and can lead to adverse medical issues such as reduced bone density — which is why it is no longer recommended in the U.K. and Finland, for example.
Mutilating surgeries on genitals and breasts of minors should be off the table altogether. They are irreversible, result in sterilization when of the genitals, and remove healthy organs.

This father is going through living hell with this kid. The mother is a nut job allegedly not the biological mother.
SHE WON he LOST and the father has to PAY for this bullshit!!!

Court Strips James Younger’s Father of Custody But Says Permission Needed for Puberty Blockers, Gender Surgeries​

The order stopped shy of letting mother Anne Georgulas consent to procedures that would physically change the child's sex.

and another article on it

I've been making the whole "pity pole" argument for years now, it's amazing how it just refuses to die out.

Right now the top of the pole would be a black illegal immigrant former muslim atheist transgender lesbian woman.
Oh - Omar. :p
But the baby’s genitalia may also look completely male or completely female. In other words, they may have male anatomy on outside but female anatomy on the inside, or vice versa.

It could be that a child’s status as intersex doesn’t become obvious until puberty, when their body produces more of a hormone that doesn’t match their assigned sex.

here read this.
I don't even have the words aside from he is a sick fucking degenerate. And so is everyone who supports this.

I may dislike children, I never wanted or have had any, and that's a lot to do with me as I am a terrible teacher, I'm a bit selfish with my time, and my patience is easily worn, I also even as a kid liked solitude and quiet.

But I would never harm a child mentally or physically. I'm not even a religious person but I'd qualify that as a sin. Kids are kids and need to be allowed to be kids. This is when you get down to it sexualization of children because you're injecting sex into their lives at a time when they aren't developed enough to even comprehend it. And it does warp kids because it messes up the natural patterns of development. By nature kids are not able to understand things like this, it's confusing, uncomfortable and scary to them and a lot of children aren't able to express that so they go along with it while it hurts them inside and they don't even realize it.

This is a truly horrific turn of events for our country when the president of the United States is actually pushing, pushing, to sexualize children and give them surgeries and hormones that will forever damage their bodies and psyche's. This is a crime against a civilized society and against children in my mind.

I wish nothing but contempt and scorn on anyone who supports this. And I never wish anything bad on anyone, I don't need the bad juju. But I'll make an exception on this case.

If there is truly a hell he should burn in it forever.
Here is the wickedness and why and how these globalist elements divide and conquer and re-educate or form us. They divide the family unit. Here was why the promoted women's lib and the true intention behind it.

The two main objectives:

1. To tax the other half of the population that weren't being taxed prior to.

2. To get the kids into the brainwashing institutions that we call schools so that by the time they reach college and or university, they are ready to really be Indoctrinated as obedient workers or cogs in the machine.

Ever see how ridiculously ignorant the graduates are coming out of colleges? Even out of Ivy League colleges. I have friends that are Ivy Leaguers and they stopped giving money years ago cause of what they have deliberately done.
The word “intersex” relates to physical sexual characteristics, and not to an internal sense of identity. An intersex person may also identify as trans, but they are separate things, because gender and sex are separate.

An intersex person may be straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual or asexual, and may identify as female, male, both or neither.


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