Biden Administration Using Taxpayer Funds to Link Republicans To Nazis and Terrorists

For some it did, just like with you all it means that for Biden.

One more example of how alike the two sides are
What a snotty little liar you are…You come in here daily and say over and over how independent you are, railing against “the duopoly“, whoever that is…But every post you put up is in defense of this administration…This thread is just one more example.

In your first response you said….”You might want to look up the word "allegedly" and see what it means.”

Exactly what every lib said in this thread…Then when called out on it, you hide behind this “duopoly“ bullshit…Sickening….
In your first response you said….”You might want to look up the word "allegedly" and see what it means.”

Exactly what every lib said in this thread…Then when called out on it, you hide behind this “duopoly“ bullshit…Sickening….

And exactly waht all of you said every time the word was used in regards to Trump

I am sorry that me pointing out how you are just like those you hate so very much is sickening to you, but perhaps you should stop being just like those you hate so very much
And exactly waht all of you said every time the word was used in regards to Trump

I am sorry that me pointing out how you are just like those you hate so very much is sickening to you, but perhaps you should stop being just like those you hate so very much
Nah, you’re a fraud…Probably a sock….
What a waste of taxpayer money

Everyone already knows Republicans are terrorists and that Nazis are members of the RepubliKlan Party

Whenever someone makes absurd claims such as this they are instantly discredited and dismissed as folly.
this is what fascism looks like, using the power of the executive to go after political rivals

Uncle Jojo is doing his dirty lies again. The research that uncovered this activity was done by the Media Research Center. The program was started by Wacky Baracky Obama. The recipients will not disclose what they are doing with the money they get. Included as targets are Heritage Foundation, Fox News and the GOP National Committee. Brent Bozell runs the MRC and he is the son in law of William F Buckley.

Obama is from the South Side of Chicago, where dirty politics and lies are the way of life. When I lived in Chicago, the cops took bribes and burglarized homes.
Organized crime ran the city.

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