Biden Administration Using The Delta Variant To Continue to Engage In Fear-Mongering - Lethality Rate 0.08%

You mean like the repubs did with Ebola?
Do you have ANY idea what you're claiming? Ebola is one of the most deadly viruses on the planet and the only reason it hasn't killed a major portion of the global population is that it's SO DEADLY that the host usually dies before it can be handed off to others. GOD help us, if it ever became airborne or passed through the respiratory systems easily as a coronavirus does.

What I'm saying is with Ebola there is a DAMNED GOOD REASON TO FEAR...
Do you have ANY idea what you're claiming? Ebola is one of the most deadly viruses on the planet and the only reason it hasn't killed a major portion of the global population is that it's SO DEADLY that the host usually dies before it can be handed off to others. GOD help us, if it ever became airborne or passed through the respiratory systems easily as a coronavirus does.

What I'm saying is with Ebola there is a DAMNED GOOD REASON TO FEAR...
Let's just hope Fauci doesn't get his hands on it.
Yes. Thats exactly what I mean. :)
And if the reaction had been to not be as vocal to the public and it HAD spread, what then, Cletus? You people love to play the "heads I win, tails you lose" game. This time you ghouls are playing it with human lives and futures.
The Federal Govt van NOT impose mandates - like mask mandates - on states, governors, or any US citizen NOT a federal employee or military member, which is why the Biden administration is using FEAR to try to scare the hell out of Americans into compliance...just as they did with COVID-19 the 1st time...and you can bet they are going to ramp it up in time fr the Mid-term elections in an attempt to use the pandemic ot their politIcal advantage as they did last election.

Democrats repeated over and over 'Follow The Science', and time and again they proved they refused to do so.

The SCIENCE proves cloth masks do NOT protect / prevent people from getting COVID-19.

The SCIENCE proves prolonged mask-wear is harmful to people / kids.

The SCIENCE proves it is extremely unlikely for kids to get the virus, to carry enough of the virus to pass it on, and if they do get it is very mild. (& teachers are vaccinated.)

The Biden administration is bullying and berating into getting vaccinations, but the SCIENCE in the UK (I believe) recently showed most people infected are vaccinated people.

Another SCIENTIFIC study has proven most fully vaccinated people who get the Delta variant are asymptomatic.

The mortality rate of the Delta variant in only 0.08% - IT IS LESS DEADLY THAN THE SEASONAL FLU!

"the fatality rate of the Delta variant of COVID-19 is lower than the original variant. The latest data from the U.K. shows the case fatality rate for the Delta variant amongst the unvaccinated is 0.08%, which makes it less deadly that the normal flu."



Of course.

The endgame here is to create the appearance of crisis so that the CDC will extend their illegal eviction moratorium indefinitely.

The DemocraTaliban is psychopathic, but not stupid, and they realize their pets are on the verge of mass rioting, arson, looting and murder as a result of Democrat CovidScam Scorched Earth policies, and this will further assure heavy Democrat losses in 2022.

This is all about avoiding mass eviction rioting, and not because the Democrats care if people die, but because 2022.
The Federal Govt van NOT impose mandates - like mask mandates - on states, governors, or any US citizen NOT a federal employee or military member, which is why the Biden administration is using FEAR to try to scare the hell out of Americans into compliance...just as they did with COVID-19 the 1st time...and you can bet they are going to ramp it up in time fr the Mid-term elections in an attempt to use the pandemic ot their politIcal advantage as they did last election.

Democrats repeated over and over 'Follow The Science', and time and again they proved they refused to do so.

The SCIENCE proves cloth masks do NOT protect / prevent people from getting COVID-19.

The SCIENCE proves prolonged mask-wear is harmful to people / kids.

The SCIENCE proves it is extremely unlikely for kids to get the virus, to carry enough of the virus to pass it on, and if they do get it is very mild. (& teachers are vaccinated.)

The Biden administration is bullying and berating into getting vaccinations, but the SCIENCE in the UK (I believe) recently showed most people infected are vaccinated people.

Another SCIENTIFIC study has proven most fully vaccinated people who get the Delta variant are asymptomatic.

The mortality rate of the Delta variant in only 0.08% - IT IS LESS DEADLY THAN THE SEASONAL FLU!

"the fatality rate of the Delta variant of COVID-19 is lower than the original variant. The latest data from the U.K. shows the case fatality rate for the Delta variant amongst the unvaccinated is 0.08%, which makes it less deadly that the normal flu."



Why should anyone take right-wingers seriously?

The global number of new coronavirus cases grew by at least 12 percent over the past week, with almost all regions reporting a rise in infections, according to the World Health Organization.

Nearly half a million new cases were reported each day in the seven days ending July 18, the agency said late Tuesday in a weekly epidemiological update. It warned against a relaxation of public health restrictions while vaccination coverage lags.

The agency blamed the global surge in part on the meteoric rise of the delta variant, which has now spread to 124 countries and is on track to become the dominant coronavirus strain worldwide.

Why should anyone take right-wingers seriously?

The global number of new coronavirus cases grew by at least 12 percent over the past week, with almost all regions reporting a rise in infections, according to the World Health Organization.

Nearly half a million new cases were reported each day in the seven days ending July 18, the agency said late Tuesday in a weekly epidemiological update. It warned against a relaxation of public health restrictions while vaccination coverage lags.

The agency blamed the global surge in part on the meteoric rise of the delta variant, which has now spread to 124 countries and is on track to become the dominant coronavirus strain worldwide.

Delta variant: Basically a mild flu.
^ Democrat CovidPorn.

Delta variant: Basically a mild flu.
Right wingers are just plain false witness bearing practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy. No wonder right-wing attorneys are getting disbarred. It is obvious for Any rational person to see.
"Trump DID stop travel from China and was called a racist for doing so by the Democrat party."

Yeah thats actually not even the complete truth and it was the white europeans he let come into the country that brought it here.

Covid was already here and in every country on the planet when the world finally realized it. The demleftists used a pandemic to smear a political opponent. They are sick fucks and so are their supporters.
Covid was already here and in every country on the planet when the world finally realized it. The demleftists used a pandemic to smear a political opponent. They are sick fucks and so are their supporters.
You retards are sick fucks. You claimed the pandemic was a hoax remember?
Why should anyone take right-wingers seriously?

The global number of new coronavirus cases grew by at least 12 percent over the past week, with almost all regions reporting a rise in infections, according to the World Health Organization.

Nearly half a million new cases were reported each day in the seven days ending July 18, the agency said late Tuesday in a weekly epidemiological update. It warned against a relaxation of public health restrictions while vaccination coverage lags.

The agency blamed the global surge in part on the meteoric rise of the delta variant, which has now spread to 124 countries and is on track to become the dominant coronavirus strain worldwide.

The Delta variant is a lot more contagious but has a mortality rate of 0.08%. That is less than the flu.

Over 50% are asymptanatic, & the vast majority have a lot lighter effect that tge regular virus.

CLOTH Masks STILL do not protect people from getting tge virus.

Vaccines still cause heart inflammation in your kids...and death.

While more contagious the Delta variant is weaker.

Whether to get a vaccine or not is still a personal choice& can not be mandated by the govt unless the person is a federal employee or military member.
- This infuriates Marcist Democrats & snowflakes...

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