Biden Administration Using The Delta Variant To Continue to Engage In Fear-Mongering - Lethality Rate 0.08%

The Delta variant is a lot more contagious but has a mortality rate of 0.08%. That is less than the flu.

Over 50% are asymptanatic, & the vast majority have a lot lighter effect that tge regular virus.

CLOTH Masks STILL do not protect people from getting tge virus.

Vaccines still cause heart inflammation in your kids...and death.

While more contagious the Delta variant is weaker.

Whether to get a vaccine or not is still a personal choice& can not be mandated by the govt unless the person is a federal employee or military member.
- This infuriates Marcist Democrats & snowflakes...
Not the point. The latest variant can mutate into something worse with those who refuse to get vaccinated. And, being asymptomatic means you can be infected and not know it but still be contagious. Cloth masks can help reduce the spread more effectively than not using any prophylactic at all. The latest variant is not "weaker" but more dangerous. And, this is what we are trying to avoid:

From September through November of 1918, the death rate from the Spanish flu skyrocketed. In the United States alone, 195,000 Americans died from the Spanish flu in just the month of October. And unlike a normal seasonal flu, which mostly claims victims among the very young and very old, the second wave of the Spanish flu exhibited what’s called a “W curve”—high numbers of deaths among the young and old, but also a huge spike in the middle composed of otherwise healthy 25- to 35-year-olds in the prime of their life.

“That really freaked out the medical establishment, that there was this atypical spike in the middle of the W,” says Harris.

Right-wingers simply prove they don't care about natural rights or the "sanctity of life" and are just plain hypocrites in other threads where it is more about control.
Why do you think Japan banned crowds for the Olympics and took the huge financial hit for a simple non lethal flu?
Vaccinated people are dying. They are getting covid, they are getting delta, they are DYING.
Link? All the news I have heard says only the unvaccinated are dying or having long term complications.


right-wingers have more of a problem with "illegals" than they do with covid.
In spite of the biggest P.R./propaganda campaign in history, the 50% threshold for the shot has only barely been passed.
Link? All the news I have heard says only the unvaccinated are dying or having long term complications.


right-wingers have more of a problem with "illegals" than they do with covid.

In Israel and the UK, LATEST numbers (not going back months like they try to do here), where Delta is prominent. MORE vaccinated are being hospitalized and dying than unvaxxed.

From Israel:

Fifteen of the 20 people who died this month were fully vaccinated.

From the UK, pg 19:

In Israel and the UK, LATEST numbers (not going back months like they try to do here), where Delta is prominent. MORE vaccinated are being hospitalized and dying than unvaxxed.

From Israel:

Fifteen of the 20 people who died this month were fully vaccinated.

From the UK, pg 19:

143 is more than over half a million? Only in right-wing fantasy. Your Lord Satan must be proud of you.
I thought you were a liberal...
Yes, I am this liberal:

Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.

Thomas Jefferson
Link? All the news I have heard says only the unvaccinated are dying or having long term complications.


right-wingers have more of a problem with "illegals" than they do with covid.
Of the the 4.4 million people vaccinated in New Jersey as of June 28, the Health Department's analysis showed only 3,474 tested positive for COVID.

Of those individuals, 84 required hospitalization and 31 died.

CDC also reports 6,207 deaths after receiving the vaccine.


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