Biden Admits He Doesn't Have Support Of Police

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
How this clown became the Democrat nominee is beyond everyone's wildest guess.

He claims he grew up in a town where you either became a policeman, fireman, or a priest. Then states he wasn't qualified to do those jobs.

And if that wasn't pathetic enough, he admits that he doesn't have the support of police "this year"

If America elects this brain dead fool and his commie handlers I wouldn't be surprised if every cop in America just flat out quits.

"I grew up in a town where you either became a policeman, fireman, or a priest."

What a positively idiotic and completely untrue throw-away line....I don't give a hoot in hell how small your town is, if you're going to try to say that those are your only viable career options, you're too stupid to be a county commissioner, let alone the president.
How this clown became the Democrat nominee is beyond everyone's wildest guess.

He claims he grew up in a town where you either became a policeman, fireman, or a priest. Then states he wasn't qualified to do those jobs.

And if that wasn't pathetic enough, he admits that he doesn't have the support of police "this year"

If America elects this brain dead fool and his commie handlers I wouldn't be surprised if every cop in America just flat out quits.

He is playing this smart, while Trump overplayed the "tough on crime angle". Really, Trump was fooled into this position, but, he didn't take the bait entirely, by for instance, sending in National Police and getting all the bad video coverage. That was wise. IMO he has to grab the moderates to win.

"Yes, we go after violent looters and rioters, however, unlike SOME, we aren't going to write Bills that thrown people in prison for life for stupid, non-violence decisions years ago. Even the police don't want that."

"Thus, we enacted the First Steps Act, no other government passed this, we also put forward police reform that provides a balance. NO citizen should have their civil liberties harmed no matter the issue, color of their skin. All deserve Due Process be they the accused or the police".

THAT is how Trump wins the Independents and keeps Biden from gaining traction with the progressives, blacks and undecided for instance. Why Trump feels he needs to preach to the choir is beyond me. When you're in a tough battle and have the energy with your base, expand it, don't sit on it safely.

Next debate, Trump has to grab the middle by talking about avoiding wars and his economic positions on China. He has to point his opponents as they extremists and the most intolerant to the opportunities for minorities and Middle America. Trump has four years of successes, tout it all, not just red meat for the converted.
Biden Admits He Doesn't Have Support Of Police

Doesn't look like he needs it

You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.
How this clown became the Democrat nominee is beyond everyone's wildest guess.

He claims he grew up in a town where you either became a policeman, fireman, or a priest. Then states he wasn't qualified to do those jobs.

And if that wasn't pathetic enough, he admits that he doesn't have the support of police "this year"

If America elects this brain dead fool and his commie handlers I wouldn't be surprised if every cop in America just flat out quits.

Let's face it Ricky, Joe isn't qualified to be anything. That's why he became a politician for life.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
Biden Admits He Doesn't Have Support Of Police

Doesn't look like he needs it

View attachment 397827

That's quite the cop out. Of course who would want the support of police?

"Thirty-five percent of poll respondents self-identified as Democrats, while only 27 percent self-identified as Republican, and 32 percent self-identified as Independents, resulting in a survey sample that was Democrat +8, a significantly higher sampling of Democrats than measured in the most recent national Gallup Poll of party affiliation. That poll, (conducted between August 31 and Sept 13), found that 29 percent of Americans self-identified as Republican, 30 percent self-identified as Democrat, and 40 percent self-identified as Independents, resulting in an actual national partisan breakdown of Democrat +1.

In other words, the NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll includes five percent more Democrats and two percent fewer Republicans than the actual national population, for a net oversampling of Democrats of seven percent."

You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
Not having the support of the police is Biden's biggest asset.
The police are WAY out of control, with things like pointing firearms at unarmed suspects, the War on Drugs, asset forfeitures, no-knock warrants, busting down door in the middle of the night, etc.
Constitutionally they are not supposed to even exist, and have no more legal authority than any citizen.
Sure you can hire anyone you want to do anything you could legally do, but you can't then give them any exceptional authority that everyone does not already have.
That is impossible and illegal.
Not having the support of the police is Biden's biggest asset.
The police are WAY out of control, with things like pointing firearms at unarmed suspects, the War on Drugs, asset forfeitures, no-knock warrants, busting down door in the middle of the night, etc.
Constitutionally they are not supposed to even exist, and have no more legal authority than any citizen.
Sure you can hire anyone you want to do anything you could legally do, but you can't then give them any exceptional authority that everyone does not already have.
That is impossible and illegal.

The poor are the people that need the police the most. But you don't understand how they're defenseless against gangs. Just look at Chicago.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
Trump is not that. The Prog media/entertainers/politicians/elites push it.
Not having the support of the police is Biden's biggest asset.
The police are WAY out of control, with things like pointing firearms at unarmed suspects, the War on Drugs, asset forfeitures, no-knock warrants, busting down door in the middle of the night, etc.
Constitutionally they are not supposed to even exist, and have no more legal authority than any citizen.
Sure you can hire anyone you want to do anything you could legally do, but you can't then give them any exceptional authority that everyone does not already have.
That is impossible and illegal.

The poor are the people that need the police the most. But you don't understand how they're defenseless against gangs. Just look at Chicago.

No, gangs are caused by the great wealth that the War on Drugs have enticed people with.
End the War on Drug caused by corrupt police, and the gangs go away.
All those doing drugs end up selling some as well, since it SO profitable, so then they become targets for theft since they have to deal in large amounts of cash they can't put in banks or call police to protect.
Police are the main source of crime, due to things like the War on Drugs.
Police only existed in any number after around 1900, and we did fine before then.
Likely better than we are now.
And if you saw the movie, "Gangs of New York", you have to realize that movie was not real, and the actual riots were over the Civil War draft, and the gangs were the good guys.
You guys fall for any canard that Trump gives you. Democrats are not anti Police, that's a trope of divisive identity politics you've been fed on tWatter.

Well Biden is on tape wanting to defund the police.

At the debate he denied it but there he is right on tape.

At the debate he said he wanted social workers to travel with police on every call. Just shows how bat shit crazy he is.
The defund the Police movement was a mixed message, that's the truth that folks who are having an honest/casual conversation can learn. The origin of the idea was to reallocate resources toward mental health professionals to assist the Police when someone is acting erratic but not yet becoming that the situation can be de-escalated by a professional before a life needs to be lost.

But everyone in partisan political sphere of course advances the most dire, evil take possible so that they can continue to demonize each other as sub human cockroaches and you all fall for it.

Our President is the worst, most divisive President maybe in History, but I've no in depth experience with the super early days.
Trump is not that. The Prog media/entertainers/politicians/elites push it.
No, I ascertained that by reading his tweets, not by listening to MSNBC. He is Super Divisive, like 100x a day. They, Them! They, them! the other side are all monsters!!!!

straight out of his fat fingers...alllllll day, every day. It's beneath the office to be that deeply head fucked on a DAILY basis

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