Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son

You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Why are YOU attempting to defend a corrupt SOB who admitted on video-tape to blackmailing an allied nation considering what was going on with Crimea and Russia at the time?

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry worked his own UN-Constitutional Treaty with the Mulahs - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal with the Mullahs to pay a ransom for Americans - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal to protect Hezbolla drug ops to make sure Iran didn't walk away from his treaty - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to alter an election - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

HILLARY 1st out-ed Biden in the Ukraine blackmail scandal to make sure he did not enter the race in 2016 - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

...and now Dems / snowflakes are pushing another fake news scandal - that Ukraine's PM has already debunked - and they are still ignoring Biden's blackmail scandal and trying to protect him


Biden is going down - his race is over .... THANKS TO HILLARY!
-- Talk about remaining 'relevant'?! What has she NOT f*ed up for Democrats & the Democratic Party?!


As for you party-1st traitor-lovers, Jonathon Gruber is proud of and loves you all....

And as Putin's goal was to divide this nation, just like in 2016, you snowflakes are STILL organizing and marching for him.


Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

Biden was looking after US interests in the area and he said the guy had to go... He wasn't the only one there was a line of people both inside and outside Ukraine the want the corrupt guy gone... Nice try but no one is trying to say Biden wasn't get the guy fired... He was because that what USA needed at the time...

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.
Please give the details of this deal and some proof it happened.

How about some actual proof for the other allegations.
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Why are YOU attempting to defend a corrupt SOB who admitted on video-tape to blackmailing an allied nation considering what was going on with Crimea and Russia at the time?

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry worked his own UN-Constitutional Treaty with the Mulahs - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal with the Mullahs to pay a ransom for Americans - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal to protect Hezbolla drug ops to make sure Iran didn't walk away from his treaty - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to alter an election - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

HILLARY 1st out-ed Biden in the Ukraine blackmail scandal to make sure he did not enter the race in 2016 - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

...and now Dems / snowflakes are pushing another fake news scandal - that Ukraine's PM has already debunked - and they are still ignoring Biden's blackmail scandal and trying to protect him


Biden is going down - his race is over .... THANKS TO HILLARY!
-- Talk about remaining 'relevant'?! What has she NOT f*ed up for Democrats & the Democratic Party?!


As for you party-1st traitor-lovers, Jonathon Gruber is proud of and loves you all....

And as Putin's goal was to divide this nation, just like in 2016, you snowflakes are STILL organizing and marching for him.


Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

Biden was looking after US interests in the area and he said the guy had to go... He wasn't the only one there was a line of people both inside and outside Ukraine the want the corrupt guy gone... Nice try but no one is trying to say Biden wasn't get the guy fired... He was because that what USA needed at the time...

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.
Please give the details of this deal and some proof it happened.

How about some actual proof for the other allegations.



:21::21::21::21::21: :21::21: :21: :21::21: :21::21::21: :21: :21::21::21:


That was hilarious!
Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
None more so than Biden and his son .... and in his own words he admitted to using the money to force Ukraine to fire him.

No way around Biden's video-taped confession...


You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories. Have you no shame?

A great many if these posters with their continuous drum.beat of conspiracy theories are Russian trolls. Remember....Putin loves trump....the Kremlin celebrated after his election.

Just like 2016...these trolls are back with more pro trump bull shit lies.

trump got away with colluding with the Russians in he is trying other foreign help....the Slug in Chief....
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Why are YOU attempting to defend a corrupt SOB who admitted on video-tape to blackmailing an allied nation considering what was going on with Crimea and Russia at the time?

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry worked his own UN-Constitutional Treaty with the Mulahs - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal with the Mullahs to pay a ransom for Americans - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal to protect Hezbolla drug ops to make sure Iran didn't walk away from his treaty - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to alter an election - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

HILLARY 1st out-ed Biden in the Ukraine blackmail scandal to make sure he did not enter the race in 2016 - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

...and now Dems / snowflakes are pushing another fake news scandal - that Ukraine's PM has already debunked - and they are still ignoring Biden's blackmail scandal and trying to protect him


Biden is going down - his race is over .... THANKS TO HILLARY!
-- Talk about remaining 'relevant'?! What has she NOT f*ed up for Democrats & the Democratic Party?!


As for you party-1st traitor-lovers, Jonathon Gruber is proud of and loves you all....

And as Putin's goal was to divide this nation, just like in 2016, you snowflakes are STILL organizing and marching for him.


Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

Biden was looking after US interests in the area and he said the guy had to go... He wasn't the only one there was a line of people both inside and outside Ukraine the want the corrupt guy gone... Nice try but no one is trying to say Biden wasn't get the guy fired... He was because that what USA needed at the time...

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.
Please give the details of this deal and some proof it happened.

How about some actual proof for the other allegations.

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden
Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
None more so than Biden and his son .... and in his own words he admitted to using the money to force Ukraine to fire him.

No way around Biden's video-taped confession...


You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories. Have you no shame?

A great many if these posters with their continuous drum.beat of conspiracy theories are Russian trolls. Remember....Putin loves trump....the Kremlin celebrated after his election.

Just like 2016...these trolls are back with more pro trump bull shit lies.

trump got away with colluding with the Russians in he is trying other foreign help....the Slug in Chief....

So you love that the Ukrainians have Bidens Botox in the lock box?
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Why are YOU attempting to defend a corrupt SOB who admitted on video-tape to blackmailing an allied nation considering what was going on with Crimea and Russia at the time?

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry worked his own UN-Constitutional Treaty with the Mulahs - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal with the Mullahs to pay a ransom for Americans - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal to protect Hezbolla drug ops to make sure Iran didn't walk away from his treaty - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to alter an election - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

HILLARY 1st out-ed Biden in the Ukraine blackmail scandal to make sure he did not enter the race in 2016 - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

...and now Dems / snowflakes are pushing another fake news scandal - that Ukraine's PM has already debunked - and they are still ignoring Biden's blackmail scandal and trying to protect him


Biden is going down - his race is over .... THANKS TO HILLARY!
-- Talk about remaining 'relevant'?! What has she NOT f*ed up for Democrats & the Democratic Party?!


As for you party-1st traitor-lovers, Jonathon Gruber is proud of and loves you all....

And as Putin's goal was to divide this nation, just like in 2016, you snowflakes are STILL organizing and marching for him.


Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

Biden was looking after US interests in the area and he said the guy had to go... He wasn't the only one there was a line of people both inside and outside Ukraine the want the corrupt guy gone... Nice try but no one is trying to say Biden wasn't get the guy fired... He was because that what USA needed at the time...

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.
Please give the details of this deal and some proof it happened.

How about some actual proof for the other allegations.

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden

Yea... Biden was doing his job...

Viktor Shokin
For starters, he failed to prosecute any prominent members of the Yanukovych regime or anybody in the current government. He constantly blocked reform to Ukraine’s broken legal system. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution which the European Union had asked Ukraine to do for years.

The law aimed to reduce to role of prosecutors who “were absurdly superior to judges in the Soviet legal system that persisted in post-Soviet Ukraine” according to Atlantic Council. It also called for a reevaluation of all prosecutors in order to weed out the more corrupt and incompetent ones. Shokin manipulated the process so that the old system mostly remained the same and minimal, ineffective changes were implemented.

He was the largest obstacle to judicial reform in Ukraine. It wasn’t just Joe Biden calling for his ouster, it was the United States government and the European Union.

Steven Pifer, a career foreign service officer who was ambassador to Ukraine under President Bill Clinton, told Politifact that “”virtually everyone” he knew in the U.S. government and virtually all non-governmental experts on Ukraine “felt that Shokin was not doing his job and should be fired. As far as I can recall, they all concurred with the vice president telling Poroshenko that the U.S. government would not extend the $1 billion loan guarantee to Ukraine until Shokin was removed from office.””

The European Union also called for him to be fired and celebrated his removal. “This decision creates an opportunity to make a fresh start in the prosecutor general’s office. I hope that the new prosecutor general will ensure that [his] office . . . becomes independent from political influence and pressure and enjoys public trust,” said Jan Tombinski, the EU’s envoy to Ukraine, in a statement at the time.
Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

So Biden was doing his job... Now you might no recognise this as you have been promoting Trump for last few years... You see Biden does things in service of his country not in the service of Trump...

By the way you have still to show proof....
Everyone wanted Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin removed.
None more so than Biden and his son .... and in his own words he admitted to using the money to force Ukraine to fire him.

No way around Biden's video-taped confession...


You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories. Have you no shame?

A great many if these posters with their continuous drum.beat of conspiracy theories are Russian trolls. Remember....Putin loves trump....the Kremlin celebrated after his election.

Just like 2016...these trolls are back with more pro trump bull shit lies.

trump got away with colluding with the Russians in he is trying other foreign help....the Slug in Chief....

So you love that the Ukrainians have Bidens Botox in the lock box?

Why do support corruption? Doesn't matter what Biden did , Trump broke the law...
A great many if these posters with their continuous drum.beat of conspiracy theories are Russian trolls. Remember....Putin loves trump....the Kremlin celebrated after his election.
And snowflakes like you continue to repeat the same broken, fake news, debunked Trump-hating mantra to encourage each other to cling to the delusion.

Putin loves Trump? Seriously?

Putin, like Jonathon Gruber and the Socialist Democratic Party, love SNOWFLAKES.

Snowflakes, as you remember, are the very reason Barry and the Dems were able to ram a socialist agenda minority-supported health care bill based on lies (it will not cost a dime, will pay for itself, will lower the cost of health care insurance, if you like your doctor/plan you can keep them....) down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not buy their BS and did not want it.

Snowflakes are the ones who were easily distracted, like Mega ADD-suffering Gold Fish, from the DNC / Donna Brazile admitting the DNC helped Hillary cheat in debates and gave her the nomination - screwing Bernie in the process, to the fake news, false narrative, Obama coup attempt cover-story based on Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda the Russians sold to Hillary through a Trump-hating foreign spy.
-- I am sure Putin got a good laugh out of how quickly the snowflakes were so easily and quickly emotionally manipulated by Obama's criminal administration armed with and pushing the fake news 'Collusion Delusion'.

Putin had to be laughing with his buds in Moscow at how their Russian Counter-Intelligence Operation using social media, that Barry learned about in 2014 yet allowed it to continue for 2 years, was successful in getting emotionally-manipulated snowflakes to organize and even actually march for them.

Putin had to be sitting back with a smirk drinking Vodka as he watched Baltimore burn and violence rocked Charlottesville after BLM and Antifa earned every Ruble they were paid to spread racial hatred and violence in the US.

Bill and Hillary enjoyed Putin's and the KGB Bank's hospitality / generosity, as Hillary accepted millions on behalf of her charity to look the other way while Mueller was hiding Russian crimes of blackmail, intimidation, and bribery of Nuclear Agency leaders and politicians while the sought to purchase US uranium...and Bill was paid extremely handsomely to come to Russia to give a couple of speeches, during which trip he met with Vladimir Putin himself.
- Between funding Antifa and paying Bill and Hillary, that's some of the best money Vlad spent between 2014 - 2016.

His absolute favorite, though, had to be Barry.

In 2012, Medvedev flew back to Moscow and passed on to Putin Barry's message: 'I will be more flexible after my re-election'. 2 years later, Barry gave Putin Uranium, reportedly information off of Hillary's un-secured personal server (he knew Russian was trying to hack prominent politicians' servers and kept the news to himself / refused to tell Hillary to shut her illegal server down), gave Vlad Crimea, and let him continue to run his Counter-Intel Ops and 'interfere' in the US for 2 more years without any challenge. Barry's own administration officials are on record in an interview saying they did not do enough to stop Putin, that they 'choked'.

Barry kept his word. As Putin built his military on Ukraine's border, the President who armed Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Mexican Drug Cartels refused to come to Ukraine's aide and refused to send them any weapons with which to defend themselves, allowing Putin to strut across Ukraine's border and annex Crimea.

In exchange for all of this, Putin gave the Nobel Peace Prize Winner approval to invade Syria, which was in fact an International War Crime as Barry invaded another country without the request or permission by that nation's leader or govt to do so...and without Congressional approval to drag the US into ANOTHER war.

And as all this went on snowflakes' support for the criminals never waivered. It hasn't for 3 years while Obama and the Democrats tried to affect their coup, attempted to undermine the President, tried to 'Un-Do' the 2016 election, and while all evidence of 'collusion' and treason' / crimes have pointed back at the Democrats, their false Trump narrative debunked.

...which leads us back to where we are today - ANOTHER desperate attempt to 'get Trump', one, ironically, begun in 2016 by none other than Hillary Clinton against Joe Biden to make sure he stayed out of the race. HILLARY was the 1st to bring up Biden's Ukraine 'Extortion' / 'Blackmail scandal to protect his son...and desperate Liberals and their surrogate media just screwed Biden by bringing it up again in an attempt to use it against Trump.

Once again the Liberals' attempt has boomeranged, only to hurt THEM.

And all you can do is post the same, tired emotional crap about how Putin 'likes' Trump. Putin has gotten so much out of the Democrats since 2014, as records show, that he is thinking of naming them, starting with Nadler and Schiff, as Honorary KGB.

Hunter Biden had been cleared long before that. You are too dishonest - so I am placing you on permanent ignore. Bye...
So to be placed on your 'permanent ignore' all one has to do is prove you wrong by stating fact?!

Bwuhahahaha.... Poor easily-offended / triggered snowflake...
Lakhota is the personification of 'snowflake'...fragile, sensitive, easily offended, quick to fall back to their 'safe spaces' to avoid hearing the truth / facing harsh facts...


Why do support corruption? Doesn't matter what Biden did , Trump broke the law...
EXACTLY what law did President Trump break, snowflake?

Ukraine's President has come forward to totally debunk the false claim by yet another Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdover who related a RUMOR - something that he did not even witness 1st hand, another 'Collusion Delusion'...

'Doesn't Matter What Biden Did'?! So using money promised to Ukraine to strong-arm / blackmail them into firing the prosecutor that was running a criminal investigation involving Biden's son, an act which Biden was caught giving a video-confession for, and you say that doesn't matter?!

I guess to indoctrinated, party-1st, traitor-supporting, emotionally-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes it doesn't.

The funny thing is HILLARYCLINTON was the one who brought Biden's scandal to the most light in 2016 in an attempt to make sure he did not enter the race and steal her opportunity / turn as Barry had done in 2008. It was HILLARY who may have just killed Biden's 2020 chances, and she did it in 2016. The media just screwed Biden by bringing it BACK up in a desperate attempt to take Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election...because they know they don't have anyone who can beat him.

I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Why are YOU attempting to defend a corrupt SOB who admitted on video-tape to blackmailing an allied nation considering what was going on with Crimea and Russia at the time?

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry worked his own UN-Constitutional Treaty with the Mulahs - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal with the Mullahs to pay a ransom for Americans - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal to protect Hezbolla drug ops to make sure Iran didn't walk away from his treaty - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to alter an election - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

HILLARY 1st out-ed Biden in the Ukraine blackmail scandal to make sure he did not enter the race in 2016 - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

...and now Dems / snowflakes are pushing another fake news scandal - that Ukraine's PM has already debunked - and they are still ignoring Biden's blackmail scandal and trying to protect him


Biden is going down - his race is over .... THANKS TO HILLARY!
-- Talk about remaining 'relevant'?! What has she NOT f*ed up for Democrats & the Democratic Party?!


As for you party-1st traitor-lovers, Jonathon Gruber is proud of and loves you all....

And as Putin's goal was to divide this nation, just like in 2016, you snowflakes are STILL organizing and marching for him.


Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

Biden was looking after US interests in the area and he said the guy had to go... He wasn't the only one there was a line of people both inside and outside Ukraine the want the corrupt guy gone... Nice try but no one is trying to say Biden wasn't get the guy fired... He was because that what USA needed at the time...

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.
Please give the details of this deal and some proof it happened.

How about some actual proof for the other allegations.

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden

Yea... Biden was doing his job...

Viktor Shokin
For starters, he failed to prosecute any prominent members of the Yanukovych regime or anybody in the current government. He constantly blocked reform to Ukraine’s broken legal system. He was in charge of implementing the 2014 law on prosecution which the European Union had asked Ukraine to do for years.

The law aimed to reduce to role of prosecutors who “were absurdly superior to judges in the Soviet legal system that persisted in post-Soviet Ukraine” according to Atlantic Council. It also called for a reevaluation of all prosecutors in order to weed out the more corrupt and incompetent ones. Shokin manipulated the process so that the old system mostly remained the same and minimal, ineffective changes were implemented.

He was the largest obstacle to judicial reform in Ukraine. It wasn’t just Joe Biden calling for his ouster, it was the United States government and the European Union.

Steven Pifer, a career foreign service officer who was ambassador to Ukraine under President Bill Clinton, told Politifact that “”virtually everyone” he knew in the U.S. government and virtually all non-governmental experts on Ukraine “felt that Shokin was not doing his job and should be fired. As far as I can recall, they all concurred with the vice president telling Poroshenko that the U.S. government would not extend the $1 billion loan guarantee to Ukraine until Shokin was removed from office.””

The European Union also called for him to be fired and celebrated his removal. “This decision creates an opportunity to make a fresh start in the prosecutor general’s office. I hope that the new prosecutor general will ensure that [his] office . . . becomes independent from political influence and pressure and enjoys public trust,” said Jan Tombinski, the EU’s envoy to Ukraine, in a statement at the time.
Joe Biden & Ukraine: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

So Biden was doing his job... Now you might no recognise this as you have been promoting Trump for last few years... You see Biden does things in service of his country not in the service of Trump...

By the way you have still to show proof....

But Hunter Biden's name NEVER CAME UP....Biden was doing his job. The prosecutor was corrupt.

In the other hand trump DID bring up Joe Biden's name during his conversation.

Whether he directly asked or not....there was $250,000,000 on the table. trump is exhibiting the traditional Mafia Boss persona..he doesn't directly speak the threat....but the Ukrainian President....a legitimately elected President, knew what trump was implying....
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Why are YOU attempting to defend a corrupt SOB who admitted on video-tape to blackmailing an allied nation considering what was going on with Crimea and Russia at the time?

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry worked his own UN-Constitutional Treaty with the Mulahs - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal with the Mullahs to pay a ransom for Americans - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal to protect Hezbolla drug ops to make sure Iran didn't walk away from his treaty - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to alter an election - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

HILLARY 1st out-ed Biden in the Ukraine blackmail scandal to make sure he did not enter the race in 2016 - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

...and now Dems / snowflakes are pushing another fake news scandal - that Ukraine's PM has already debunked - and they are still ignoring Biden's blackmail scandal and trying to protect him


Biden is going down - his race is over .... THANKS TO HILLARY!
-- Talk about remaining 'relevant'?! What has she NOT f*ed up for Democrats & the Democratic Party?!


As for you party-1st traitor-lovers, Jonathon Gruber is proud of and loves you all....

And as Putin's goal was to divide this nation, just like in 2016, you snowflakes are STILL organizing and marching for him.


Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

Biden was looking after US interests in the area and he said the guy had to go... He wasn't the only one there was a line of people both inside and outside Ukraine the want the corrupt guy gone... Nice try but no one is trying to say Biden wasn't get the guy fired... He was because that what USA needed at the time...

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.
Please give the details of this deal and some proof it happened.

How about some actual proof for the other allegations.

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden
yes. and it sounds bad/stupid. however, the link to his son so far is speculation.
"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden

THAT is called a 'CONFESSION'...and Biden was nice enough to give it on video.

It is UNDENIABLE, though desperate Trump-hating snowflakes continue to try to do so.

It can NOT be gotten around.

Thank you, Hillary, and Thank you, Joe.

'Nuff said.
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Why are YOU attempting to defend a corrupt SOB who admitted on video-tape to blackmailing an allied nation considering what was going on with Crimea and Russia at the time?

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry worked his own UN-Constitutional Treaty with the Mulahs - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal with the Mullahs to pay a ransom for Americans - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal to protect Hezbolla drug ops to make sure Iran didn't walk away from his treaty - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to alter an election - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

HILLARY 1st out-ed Biden in the Ukraine blackmail scandal to make sure he did not enter the race in 2016 - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

...and now Dems / snowflakes are pushing another fake news scandal - that Ukraine's PM has already debunked - and they are still ignoring Biden's blackmail scandal and trying to protect him


Biden is going down - his race is over .... THANKS TO HILLARY!
-- Talk about remaining 'relevant'?! What has she NOT f*ed up for Democrats & the Democratic Party?!


As for you party-1st traitor-lovers, Jonathon Gruber is proud of and loves you all....

And as Putin's goal was to divide this nation, just like in 2016, you snowflakes are STILL organizing and marching for him.


Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

Biden was looking after US interests in the area and he said the guy had to go... He wasn't the only one there was a line of people both inside and outside Ukraine the want the corrupt guy gone... Nice try but no one is trying to say Biden wasn't get the guy fired... He was because that what USA needed at the time...

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.
Please give the details of this deal and some proof it happened.

How about some actual proof for the other allegations.

"If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money" -- Joe "Emoluments Cause" Biden
So what does that have to do with Hunter Biden?
But Hunter Biden's name NEVER CAME UP....Biden was doing gis job. The prosecutor was corrupt.
It is so cute watching snowflakes beg, plead, and attempt to spin excuses, justifications, and defenses of their proven criminal Democrats.


Had Trump done the same thing, the Democrats would have already voted to Impeach Trump the day after the news broke. The implications / weight of that fact does not even compute in your tiny little biased mind...

The fact is the VP admitted on video that he extorted / blackmailed the Ukraine Prime Minister, personally injected himself and his own interest - for whatever reason - into an allied nation's politics / government, strong-arming the UK P.M. into firing their prosecutor....during a time when Putin was preparing to invade that allied country and annex Crimea....

(With 'friends' like Barry - who refused to help Crimea in any way as Putin prepared to take Crimea, not even willing to offer a half-assed meaningless 'Red Line' he would never attempt to enforce - who the hell needs enemies....and how many 'allies' could we expect to keep when Barry is using tax dollars to try to affect our ally Israel's govt to oust their leader and while Joe is extorting Ukraine's PM...?)

...and AMAZINGLY enough you and other butt-hurt, Trump-focused, Trump-consumed, Trump-hating, criminal-defending snowflakes don't see any problem with that...despite the fact that if Trump, not Biden, had done such a thing Trump would have been Impeached 2 days later.



You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


Funny. There was no quid pro quo with Biden.
And Biden did what Obama told him to do, which benefited no one's personal interests. Hunter was investigated later. It's just easy lying as usual. Probably his tenth thread on the issue too.
Look at all the leftwits defending Biden. I remember a time when interfering in another nations internal affairs was a bad thing..... my how time flys when you ride a spinning top!

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