Biden ADMITTED To Abusing His Power As VP To Force Ukraine To Fire Prosecutor, Protect His Son

I'm thinking this "whistleblower" crapola isn't the Deep State at all, but just President Trump jerking around the media to get the Biden-Ukraine connection on to the Front Page.

Always remember and never forget, President Trump is a tremendously successful pioneer in the area of Reality TV as well as being enshrined in the WWE Hall of Fame. Using sneaky schemes to get people's attention and interest is how you succeed in these fields.

I think the "whistleblower" will turn out to be a confederate of the President dragging the Media along and tricking them to end up covering something they wouldn't have otherwise- Ukainegate and the Sleepy Joe Connection.

You people and your worship of Trump.

Trump was not a successful pioneer in the area of Reality TV, he was a reluctant participant that had to be talked into it by the truly successful pioneer in the area of Reality TV, Mark Burnett.
Fake news...Biden did not once mention his son
The fact that you are even suggesting Biden would have said 'so my son goes tree's in his video-taped confession makes you an idiot ... Or shows you think everyone else is.

Sorry, GG - you're not Jonathon Gruber, & we're do Democrats.


That is what the title to your OP said he did. That is why it was fake news.
The depth to which snowflakes will go to deny always amazes me. You won't even believe Biden himself when he gives a video-taped confession of strong-arming a foreign leader, using tax dollars as a blackmail tool.

Fake news...Biden did not once mention his son

Maybe that's just because he couldn't remember why that prosecutor needed to be fired...


That is possible, Biden's dementia is even worse than Trump's.

What makes you think that President Trump has dementia at all.

Vice President Biden has problems with his brain, I don't know if it technically qualifies as "dementia" or not. But he is the first Presidential candidate in history to parade his neurosurgeon before the media to vouch for him. If elected, Congress should be looking at the 25th Amendment to remove him.
"IN HIS OWN WORDS, WITH VIDEO CAMERAS ROLLING, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko."

A huge 'THANK YOU' going out to the Deep State anti-Trump Intel Agency holdout for bringing the almost-forgotten / almost-completely-ignored/hidden back up and on to 'Center Stage' in yet another failed 'We've got him this time' Democrat moment...perfect timing...

...and a huge 'THANK You' to Uncle Joe for feeling the need to admit this on camerain an attempt to try to prove to snowflakes he IS a tough guy who can strong-arm foreign governments / leaders when he wants / has to...

This is yet another attempted attack on President Trump that has 'boomeranged'.

In blackmailing Ukraine to protect his son, especially WHEN he did it, Biden basically helped / threatened to help Putin...

"It’s particularly odd that a Vice President would make such a threat to an ally that was under siege from Russia. The loss of $1 billion in loan guarantees would have been a huge blow to Ukraine and a boon to Russia, given the state of relations between the two countries."

Report: Biden forced ouster of prosecutor investigating his son's firm

I'm thinking this "whistleblower" crapola isn't the Deep State at all, but just President Trump jerking around the media to get the Biden-Ukraine connection on to the Front Page.

Always remember and never forget, President Trump is a tremendously successful pioneer in the area of Reality TV as well as being enshrined in the WWE Hall of Fame. Using sneaky schemes to get people's attention and interest is how you succeed in these fields.

I think the "whistleblower" will turn out to be a confederate of the President dragging the Media along and tricking them to end up covering something they wouldn't have otherwise- Ukainegate and the Sleepy Joe Connection.
While that would be funny this has all the tell-tale signs of this being another desperate hollow 'next' 're got him now's moment that just boomeranged back on Biden / the Democrats...

Fake news...Biden did not once mention his son

Maybe that's just because he couldn't remember why that prosecutor needed to be fired...


That is possible, Biden's dementia is even worse than Trump's.

What makes you think that President Trump has dementia at all.

Vice President Biden has problems with his brain, I don't know if it technically qualifies as "dementia" or not. But he is the first Presidential candidate in history to parade his neurosurgeon before the media to vouch for him. If elected, Congress should be looking at the 25th Amendment to remove him.

He is very forgetful of things he said that he later denies saying. Plus he is very confused about the country in which his father was born among other things.
You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours - tis the way the world goes round. And in regards to Hillary, Trump. Biden, etc. to nobody does it make a world of difference unless they can make partisan use of it. I know it, you know it, and Mr. Sandman knew it.

You people and your worship of Trump.
Biden gives a video-taped confession, and Ukraine's P.M. debunks this latest attempt to salvage Obama's failed coup attempt, and your triggered emotional Trump-hating response is the irrational attack against people pointing out the obvious...

You people and your worship of Trump.
Biden gives a video-taped confession, and Ukraine's P.M. debunks this latest attempt to salvage Obama's failed coup attempt, and your triggered emotional Trump-hating response is the irrational attack against people pointing out the obvious...


Nobody is questioning if the US pressured the Ukraine to remove the man. That is a given fact. That is also all the video shows.
Yeap. Exactly. And did you hear one peep out of liberals over any of this? Nope.

No mention of which Son this was? The one boning the others wife (ok with Joe?) or kicked out of the Military for Coke (had to be a really bad user with Biden-Obama covering for it). Did the coke head give up his sources? Just curious.
Trump goes big on the offense in the $Billion Dollar Biden Bounty Ukraine story.

(here and here):

The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, want to stay as far away as possible from the Joe Biden demand that the Ukrainian Government fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son, or they won’t get a very large amount of U.S. money, so they fabricate a story about me and a perfectly fine and routine conversation I had with the new President of the Ukraine. Nothing was said that was in any way wrong, but Biden’s demand, on the other hand, was a complete and total disaster. The Fake News knows this but doesn’t want to report!​

18 minutes ago:

Now that the Democrats and the Fake News Media have gone “bust” on every other of their Witch Hunt schemes, they are trying to start one just as ridiculous as the others, call it the Ukraine Witch Hunt, while at the same time trying to protect Sleepy Joe Biden. Will fail again!​
Yeap. Exactly. And did you hear one peep out of liberals over any of this? Nope.

No mention of which Son this was? The one boning the others wife (ok with Joe?) or kicked out of the Military for Coke (had to be a really bad user with Biden-Obama covering for it). Did the coke head give up his sources? Just curious.
I think it was the Cokehead who was seeing his brothers widow for a time. That may not be that uncommon when two people are deep in grief over the same loss.

Did Trump Place This Rake In The Fake News and the Left's Path and they were dumb and desperate enough to jump on it with both feet?

Is this really an operation meant to drive Biden out of the race because his corruption in Ukraine would torpedo him if he becomes the Democrat nominee. The theory is that only by first seeming to implicate Trump would the media leap onto the subject of Ukraine. Once the story is on the table, it will backfire, as Biden’s corruption becomes undeniable.​

I find it a bit difficult to believe that the entire scenario playing out was a plan from its inception. Regardless, there is no doubt whatsoever that the media can’t help themselves and that Trump is going to use this as an opportunity to bury Bragging Billion Dollar Bounty Biden.

You people and your worship of Trump.
Biden gives a video-taped confession, and Ukraine's P.M. debunks this latest attempt to salvage Obama's failed coup attempt, and your triggered emotional Trump-hating response is the irrational attack against people pointing out the obvious...


Biden didn't confess to anything. If Biden wanted to protect his son then he would have supported Shokin. His son was not under any investigation. Also Obama was President not Biden. Obama made the decision and he is no relative of Hunter Biden. Ukrainian reformers debunk you.

Daria Kaleniuk‏ @dkaleniuk
Replying to @OliverBullough
Thank you @OliverBullough - indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform @kenvogel

12:52 PM - 2 May 2019
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Yeap. Exactly. And did you hear one peep out of liberals over any of this? Nope.

No mention of which Son this was? The one boning the others wife (ok with Joe?) or kicked out of the Military for Coke (had to be a really bad user with Biden-Obama covering for it). Did the coke head give up his sources? Just curious.

So want compare that to the Presidents life... The best thing he has is his wife and she was just gold digging and avoiding deportation...

He had affairs on all his wives.. Lucky tiffany avoided the clothes hanger too, he didn't mind abortions back then either...
You're trying to beat a dead horse with debunked conspiracy theories.
I just used Biden's video-taped confession to prove Joe abused his power as VP by using the money to force Ukraine to fire the prosecutor threatening his son's freedom...


The prosecutor was corrupt... Everyone knew that...

Why are you looking for a corrupt guy to keep his job? Sorry Putin...
Why are YOU attempting to defend a corrupt SOB who admitted on video-tape to blackmailing an allied nation considering what was going on with Crimea and Russia at the time?

Barry made a secret deal with Putin through Medvedev - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry worked his own UN-Constitutional Treaty with the Mulahs - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal with the Mullahs to pay a ransom for Americans - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Barry cut a deal to protect Hezbolla drug ops to make sure Iran didn't walk away from his treaty - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

Hillary paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel propaganda in an attempt to alter an election - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

HILLARY 1st out-ed Biden in the Ukraine blackmail scandal to make sure he did not enter the race in 2016 - Dems / snowflakes were silent.

...and now Dems / snowflakes are pushing another fake news scandal - that Ukraine's PM has already debunked - and they are still ignoring Biden's blackmail scandal and trying to protect him


Biden is going down - his race is over .... THANKS TO HILLARY!
-- Talk about remaining 'relevant'?! What has she NOT f*ed up for Democrats & the Democratic Party?!


As for you party-1st traitor-lovers, Jonathon Gruber is proud of and loves you all....

And as Putin's goal was to divide this nation, just like in 2016, you snowflakes are STILL organizing and marching for him.


Biden's campaign likely coming to an end -- thanks to Clinton-linked Ukraine bombshell, Nunes says

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