Biden Advisor Declares Biden Is Keeping Proven Deep State Criminal FBI Director Wray...Unless President Trump Fires Him 1st


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Why wouldn't Joe Biden keep Wray as his Director of the FBI?

Wray has assisted the Deep State / Democrats attempt to criminally and unethically remove President from office while committing criminal Obstruction to protect the FBI from evidence of crimes committed by the FBI.

Recent documents released proved Wray withheld evidence - documents exposing Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's money laundering and influence peddling - during the Democrats' admitted politically partisan Impeachment scam, evidence that would have proven the resident's innocence and would have stopped the scam cold during the Democrats' House Impeachment hearings.

Existing / released evidence proves Wray knew how Comey and the FBI had committed Illegal FISA Court crimes but HID it. When asked by the FISA Court about the crimes Wray told the Court there was little to the FISA Court 'errors' and that 'minor tweaking' at the FBI would ensure such 'errors' would never happen again. Not long after the FISA Court publicly released the findings of its own internal investigations that revealed the FBI - under both Mueller and Comey - had committed FISA Court crimes and had been committing these crimes for DECADES!

It has been PROVEN that not only should Wray be FIRED immediately but that he should be indicted and prosecuted for crimes he has proven to have committed...crimes committed in favor of the Democrats...which makes him 'a-ok' with Biden.

"The [Biden] official, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said Mr. Biden’s team was “not removing the F.B.I. director unless Trump fired him” — signaling a return to pre-Trump norms of continuity at a core domestic law enforcement agency that is supposed to operate without political meddling…"

'Political meddling'? In other words the FBI is supposed to have independent authority to conduct their business...evidently even if that 'business' includes committing FISA Court crimes, illegally spying on Presidents and Americans citizens, and attempting to hide the evidence of such crimes....

He can just hire him back.

It would look REALLY bad...then again, Democrats could care less about things like that.

Trump could fire Wray and name a 'Trump Loyalist' as the new Director of the FBI. Biden and Democrats aggressively condemned Trump for violating the 'tradition' of giving an FBI Director as many as 2+ decades in the position 'free of political meddling' - If Trump does this it would be DARING Biden to do the same thing.

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