Biden already created the best economy EVER

He didn't lose in a landslide.
He LOST in the SAME"landslide" he claimed he won by in 2016!!!

You see Ed.

That is why nobody takes you seriously.

1. I am not a liar.
2. He didn't lose in a landslide.
3. He didn't win in a landslide (given lost the popular know it was hyperbole).

But you want to put yourself on the same level as he is ?

And call me a liar ?
99% of the time, Rs will not spend money,
The BORROW and spend GOPQ, starting with St Ronnie, have run up more debt than the fiscally responsible Dems.

There you go again Ed.

St. Ronnie ran up deficits and debt.. That is true.

Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich pulled them down to near zero.

It was Bush II who really took us over the cliff.

That guy was a total moron and spent money along with the GOP congress like it was going out of style.

Obama didn't seem to mind keeping that trend going.

Trump...the same.

Now Biden just piled on 1.9 Trillion.

It didn't start with Ronnie...that was erased.

It started with Bush.
Why Biden is the best President EVER!

View attachment 467675
Veggie Joe: Highest debt in history.

Name the last president who didn't have record high debt during their presidency....


President Calvin Coolidge
He obviously had record debt when he took office, but substantially reduced the debt while he was in office.

Of course he also reduced taxes.
He was just smart enough to reduce spending as well.

You speak the truth obviously the fact our resident troll child hated your Coolidge was the last good Republican president we had before trump.the greatest Republican president of the 20th century.
Price of gas has gone up exponentially and yes those at the border flocked in as Biden brought back catch and release. Vaccines are distributed by governors. Biden has literally done zero of good since taking office. President Lamp Post.
You are too dumb to know what exponentially means. It hasn’t gone up exponentially. Gas goes up from increased demand. That is a good thing. Historical lows are a reflection of the economy Trump and the right tried to kill with incompetence.
Gas has not gone up seasonally more than it has over the last 16 years

The graph you meant to share to back up your claim somehow wasn't attached.
I have lived it

I saw gas at over $4 under Bush 16 years ago
I am supposed to get upset over $2.75 under Biden ??
It was $3.00 in MA. Bush was an awful president. We all agree. Move on.
Gas fluctuates seasonally

Show me otherwise
It doesn’t generally go up in Feb and March, it does in the summer time. Do keep up.
Wake me up when it gets over $3.50
I don’t get horribly excited over $2.75
There is a pill for that...old man
Oh No!
Gas is $2.75
$3.00 in MA and it’s not summer yet.
What is it in your home country Israel azog?
Your jokes are not funny but you keep trying. Eddie, you won’t be around much longer why waste your few remaining months on this site ?
Gonna be around long enough to piss on Trumps grave maybe yours too
I am 40...youre 81. Lol
No moron I'm 84 Jan 6th and you don't have much time left either Maybe 50
Why Biden is the best President EVER!

View attachment 467675
Veggie Joe: Highest debt in history.

Deficits don’t matter
Dick Cheney
I said debt, not deficit Stupid.
The debt is made up of deficits, STUPID!
Please stop calling people stupid.

You look even worse when you do it.
It is STUPID to think deficits have nothing to do with the GOPQ National Debt.
Price of gas has gone up exponentially and yes those at the border flocked in as Biden brought back catch and release. Vaccines are distributed by governors. Biden has literally done zero of good since taking office. President Lamp Post.
You are too dumb to know what exponentially means. It hasn’t gone up exponentially. Gas goes up from increased demand. That is a good thing. Historical lows are a reflection of the economy Trump and the right tried to kill with incompetence.
Gas has not gone up seasonally more than it has over the last 16 years

The graph you meant to share to back up your claim somehow wasn't attached.
I have lived it

I saw gas at over $4 under Bush 16 years ago
I am supposed to get upset over $2.75 under Biden ??
It was $3.00 in MA. Bush was an awful president. We all agree. Move on.
Gas fluctuates seasonally

Show me otherwise
It doesn’t generally go up in Feb and March, it does in the summer time. Do keep up.
Wake me up when it gets over $3.50
I don’t get horribly excited over $2.75
There is a pill for that...old man
Oh No!
Gas is $2.75
$3.00 in MA and it’s not summer yet.
What is it in your home country Israel azog?
Your jokes are not funny but you keep trying. Eddie, you won’t be around much longer why waste your few remaining months on this site ?
Gonna be around long enough to piss on Trumps grave maybe yours too
I am 40...youre 81. Lol
No moron I'm 84 Jan 6th and you don't have much time left either Maybe 50
OK my apologies not months....weeks. 50 what? Years? LOL
Biden's plan was to follow Trump's plan and try and take credit for it. The DemonRats know there are derps out there who will buy into that.

And they are putting us an additional 160 billion in the hole to do it too. When things get better, and they will, they are going to try and shift credit from President Trump to Dementia making claim that the 160 billion was what to credit our success for.
Trump had no plan except to toss the thing at the states and hope for the worst.
President Biden does not need to shift credit from the blob. He is doing just fine on his own.
Let’s face it
Trump punched out on COVID after September

He wanted nothing to do with it and just wanted to declare it OVER

Thankfully, President Biden is taking it seriously and is leading us out of it.
Veggie Joe didn’t even know there was a vaccine when he took office, despite getting it.:cuckoo:
You mean like the fiscally responsible Hussein who ran it up an additional 10 trillion dollars?
If by 10 trillion you mean 8 trillion then you wouldn't be the worthless lying scum POS you are, and Tramp ran up just under 8 trillion and counting in less than 4 years, as his last fiscal year doesn't end until Sept 30 of this year.

Obama inherited a BUSH depression and Tramp inherited a roaring recovery.
Biden's plan was to follow Trump's plan and try and take credit for it. The DemonRats know there are derps out there who will buy into that.

And they are putting us an additional 160 billion in the hole to do it too. When things get better, and they will, they are going to try and shift credit from President Trump to Dementia making claim that the 160 billion was what to credit our success for.
Trump had no plan except to toss the thing at the states and hope for the worst.
President Biden does not need to shift credit from the blob. He is doing just fine on his own.
Let’s face it
Trump punched out on COVID after September

He wanted nothing to do with it and just wanted to declare it OVER

Thankfully, President Biden is taking it seriously and is leading us out of it.
Veggie Joe didn’t even know there was a vaccine when he took office, despite getting it.:cuckoo:

May not have been a vaccine, But President Biden knew COVID was a dangerous pandemic that needed a serious response.

Something his predecessor never acknowledged
List the pork dumb ass. That’s what I thought. Scurry off to Google and list talking points that are lies or exaggerated. Piss off. Enjoy the Democratic ride to new levels of economic growth and prosperity. You don’t have to say thank you.

Very time consuming since the list is so long. I don't need to Google anything. I saved the links and it's right here in my bookmarks. Off the top of my head though: 160 billion for new vaccines and distribution, which we don't need because we have 3 vaccines already, another one about to enter the market, and are vaccinating over 2 million Americans a day. The current total is 102 million Americans who got at least their first dose. So what's with the 160 billion? So the commies can hitch Biden's wagon to Trump's success.

38 billion to open up schools and colleges. Why would it cost 38 billion dollars for somebody to unlock the school doors and let everybody back in? They do it at no cost every fall! Nothing but a payoff to their teachers unions. 500 million for the arts, humanities, and libraries. Who do they support at election time? 35 billion for Commie Care, which has nothing to do with Covid since Trump set it up that all Covid expenses are already covered by the federal government. 350 billion to bailout failed liberal cities and states, who have been putting themselves in a hole for years before Covid. 600 million alone going to Piglosi's city who has a projected 650 million debt come 2022.

10 million to preserve Native American languages? Why would it take 10 million dollars to do that? Then there is the racist farm bailout. Minority farmers get their debt wiped out, not 100%, but 120%. Nice profit for being in a hole, and Lord knows how many billions that would cost.

Like I said, just off the top of my head. The bottom line is we just wasted nearly 2 trillion dollars in debt for mostly what's on the Democrat wish list.
You mean like the fiscally responsible Hussein who ran it up an additional 10 trillion dollars?
If by 10 trillion you mean 8 trillion then you wouldn't be the worthless lying scum POS you are, and Tramp ran up just under 8 trillion and counting in less than 4 years, as his last fiscal year doesn't end until Sept 30 of this year.

Obama inherited a BUSH depression and Tramp inherited a roaring recovery.
If you consider serving coffee to be a great career.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

There have been about 90 business days since Biden's election and the Dow has broken record highs 47 times.
The debt has broken records all 90 days.
Hey DUMB ASS Tramp's last fiscal year doesn't end till Sept 30 of this year.

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