Biden already created the best economy EVER

If by 10 trillion you mean 8 trillion then you wouldn't be the worthless lying scum POS you are, and Tramp ran up just under 8 trillion and counting in less than 4 years, as his last fiscal year doesn't end until Sept 30 of this year.

Obama inherited a BUSH depression and Tramp inherited a roaring recovery.

Method 1: Debt Added Since Obama Took Office

The largest number comes from calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. When Obama was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009, the debt was $10.626 trillion.1 When he left office on Jan. 20, 2017, it was $19.937 trillion. It explains why some would say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt.

A recession doesn't need 10 trillion to get it going again.
Yes, Obama added $9.3 trillion in 8 years. $1.2 trillion on average per year.

Trump added $7.8 trillion in 4. $2 trillion on average per year. 67% higher than Obama.
How much if you take away the COVID stimulus? On average? May still be higher. Just curious.
Life doesn't work that way, ShortBus. We had, and still have, a pandemic. Should we also recalculate the debt under Obama without Bush's Great Recession? Should we recalculate the economy under Hoover and FDR without the Great Depression?

Sorry for you, but the economy of 2020 belongs to Trump. Like it or not.
That is the difference between the two parties.

When a Democrat is accused, Democrats rally to demand he resign

When a Republican is accused, the Republicans just attack the accuser and ignore the charges

Yeah, I remember how that played out with Bill Clinton. :eusa_shhh:
What a load of horse shit. The Dems circle the wagons. They don't demand anyone resign. They are all politicians and they all look out for number one.

You sure are a lefty loon.

Exactly. When the Swalwell situation was learned about by the public, they not only kept him on the House intelligence committee, but he was a participant in the second phony impeachment.
If by 10 trillion you mean 8 trillion then you wouldn't be the worthless lying scum POS you are, and Tramp ran up just under 8 trillion and counting in less than 4 years, as his last fiscal year doesn't end until Sept 30 of this year.

Obama inherited a BUSH depression and Tramp inherited a roaring recovery.

Method 1: Debt Added Since Obama Took Office

The largest number comes from calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. When Obama was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009, the debt was $10.626 trillion.1 When he left office on Jan. 20, 2017, it was $19.937 trillion. It explains why some would say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt.

A recession doesn't need 10 trillion to get it going again.
Yes, Obama added $9.3 trillion in 8 years. $1.2 trillion on average per year.

Trump added $7.8 trillion in 4. $2 trillion on average per year. 67% higher than Obama.
How much if you take away the COVID stimulus? On average? May still be higher. Just curious.
Life doesn't work that way, ShortBus. We had, and still have, a pandemic. Should we also recalculate the debt under Obama without Bush's Great Recession? Should we recalculate the economy under Hoover and FDR without the Great Depression?

Sorry for you, but the economy of 2020 belongs to Trump. Like it or not.
So what is the answer? No need to throw insults? I am genuinely curious. What Obama inherited was a more or less US issue. The Pandemic was global. Not the same. In business / finance you always exclude extraordinary events.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

But unemployment is easing because the red states are hiring more restaurant and entertainment wackos hate that dont you??
Biden's plan was to follow Trump's plan and try and take credit for it. The DemonRats know there are derps out there who will buy into that.

And they are putting us an additional 160 billion in the hole to do it too. When things get better, and they will, they are going to try and shift credit from President Trump to Dementia making claim that the 160 billion was what to credit our success for.
Trump had no plan except to toss the thing at the states and hope for the worst.
President Biden does not need to shift credit from the blob. He is doing just fine on his own.
Let’s face it
Trump punched out on COVID after September

He wanted nothing to do with it and just wanted to declare it OVER

Thankfully, President Biden is taking it seriously and is leading us out of it.
poor old senile Joe...he is hopeless of course but democrats cant accept their epic fail
Best President EVER Baby!
Highest Stock Market in HISTORY

My mistake.

You meant best pedophillic politician ever.
It was Trump accused of raping a 13 year old

But do they have pictures ?

View attachment 467751
And Hunter grew up to be a porn star and shakedown artist, just like his daddy, the sniffer. The look on her face tells you exactly what that poor lady is thinking as Biden takes a big whiff of her hair.
Trump is a grifter and admitted pussy-grabber with 23 women accusing him of sexual malfeasance, and you are ok with that, yes?
Yo, Qdog. Everything comes with a price. Trump's personality is the price you pay for the greatest President since Eisenhower. The price we're paying with Biden is already much higher after only 2 months.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Yea I’m sure Big Pharma and other Chinese prostitute Corporations are going to be loving the Xiden Regime.

Chinese slave labor is cheap and profits are good.

The American folks that need jobs however, not so lucky.
Ok, that was unhelpful.

Yes I know inconvenient truths are unhelpful for your narrative.

Corporations that use Chinese manufacturing, aka slave labor, will continue to maximize their profits, thanks to an Administration that loves the CCP.
Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

What economy? The unemployment rate didn't change from Jan to Feb. We are only half-way through March.

The prices increased dramatically because we have an anti-fossil fuel President with an anti-fossil fuel party in charge of the entire federal government. Yeah, words are words. But when he closed down the Keystone and stopped all new drilling and research on public lands, investors knew he was more than talking the talk. They bought long contracts and will continue to do so. 70 cents in less than two months is just the start. We are heading back to over $4.00 a gallon IF the economy gets rolling again.
Biden's plan was to follow Trump's plan and try and take credit for it. The DemonRats know there are derps out there who will buy into that.

And they are putting us an additional 160 billion in the hole to do it too. When things get better, and they will, they are going to try and shift credit from President Trump to Dementia making claim that the 160 billion was what to credit our success for.
Trump had no plan except to toss the thing at the states and hope for the worst.
President Biden does not need to shift credit from the blob. He is doing just fine on his own.
Let’s face it
Trump punched out on COVID after September

He wanted nothing to do with it and just wanted to declare it OVER

Thankfully, President Biden is taking it seriously and is leading us out of it.
poor old senile Joe...he is hopeless of course but democrats cant accept their epic fail
Best President EVER Baby!
Highest Stock Market in HISTORY

My mistake.

You meant best pedophillic politician ever.
It was Trump accused of raping a 13 year old

But do they have pictures ?

View attachment 467751
And Hunter grew up to be a porn star and shakedown artist, just like his daddy, the sniffer. The look on her face tells you exactly what that poor lady is thinking as Biden takes a big whiff of her hair.
Trump is a grifter and admitted pussy-grabber with 23 women accusing him of sexual malfeasance, and you are ok with that, yes?
Yo, Qdog. Everything comes with a price. Trump's personality is the price you pay for the greatest President since Eisenhower. The price we're paying with Biden is already much higher after only 2 months.
Trump's personality is the price you pay for the greatest grifter, egomaniac, and divisive person ever to hold the presidency. It will take many years for us to recover from the mess he has made with all that he touches.
Trump is a grifter and admitted pussy-grabber with 23 women accusing him of sexual malfeasance, and you are ok with that, yes?

That is the difference between the two parties.

When a Democrat is accused, Democrats rally to demand he resign

When a Republican is accused, the Republicans just attack the accuser and ignore the charges

What a load of horse shit. The Dems circle the wagons. They don't demand anyone resign. They are all politicians and they all look out for number one.

You sure are a lefty loon.
I guess you are ok with Trump's behavior, yes? Dems have indeed demanded that Cuomo resign. What rock are you hiding under? Anybody demand that Trump resign after 23 women accused him of sexual attack? Nah--boys will be boys, yes?
A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths,
You should know better than to lie to me by now, I always have the stats to expose Wing-nut lies.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop


You were right, I was wrong. We slipped into 13th since I last looked.
So you unconsciously let it slip that Snooty Newtie burst the tech bubble with his capital gains cut!
Thank you.

No, because when something is hot, everybody invests in it no matter what. The tech bubble is what gave us a great economy during the Clinton years.
No, the blob took credit for something that didn't happen and was totally disorganized. He was always bragging about his wonderfulness, especially in his photo op rallies.

Everybody else was wrong. Trump was right. He said there will likely be a vaccine by the end of the year and others made fun of his statement. We not only had a vaccine by the end of the year, but two vaccines. According to Mark Levin on his show last night, Trump purchased vaccines from 8 different companies so it didn't matter which one came out with a vaccine first. The deal was they had to share their research on their brand with all the other companies, which has never been done before. It's what contributed to the speed at which the first ones came out.
What the hell are you talking about? Normally, those vaccines would not have been made public because they were not fully vetted. 8 companies---? They did not have to share their brand. Now 2 of them are producing together---NOW.
Trump is a grifter and an egomaniac loser, and many of his nefarious activities are first being investigated by an honorable AJ for a change. We will see if your grifter can slither around any charges filed.
edthecynic: Trump leads the world in total cases and total deaths, so every other leader in the whole world did better than Tramp!!!!!

Indeependent: That is due to the population density of Blue cities

edthecynic: The top cases per capita are nearly ALL Commie Red States!

Indeependent: Cases! I don't give a shit about CPTs and IDC10s. Where did people die?

edthecynic: 21 of the top 27 states with the highest per capita death rates are shithole RED states.

Indeependent: You realize that there is no such thing as a Red or Blue State.

Who SIGNS the budget, NOT the House, Tramp owns every budget he signed.

What choice did he have given the fact when the government shuts down, the blame always goes to the Republicans by the MSM. If it's a Republican Congress that's stopping the spending, they get the blame. If it's a Democrat Congress and a Republican President, he gets the blame.
Aww, poor baby. :itsok:

It's always someone else's fault, huh?
BULLSHIT! And you know it.

The only bullshit is you blaming Trump for a worldwide virus that destroyed economies around the world. What did Trump not do that was within our Constitution and within his limited power as President? He allowed Dr. Fauci and Birx to speak repeatedly at his press conferences. He told people to wear a mask and socially distance if a mask was not available. He secured the vaccines for US citizens so we came first after they were finally developed that we are taking advantage of until this day.

When you look at is actions (not his words) he was a great leader during such a time. It was President Trump that pressured the FDA to fast track approval of these vaccines.
No one is blaming Trump for the virus. It was his miserable handling of it that sucked.

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