Biden already created the best economy EVER

What the hell are you talking about? Normally, those vaccines would not have been made public because they were not fully vetted. 8 companies---? They did not have to share their brand. Now 2 of them are producing together---NOW.
Trump is a grifter and an egomaniac loser, and many of his nefarious activities are first being investigated by an honorable AJ for a change. We will see if your grifter can slither around any charges filed.

According to Levin, that was the deal. Trump would purchase 100 million doses from each IF they agreed to work together instead of keeping their research and testing within their company which is normal. I've never known of anybody to question Levin's research on anything.
Trump leads the world in total cases and total deaths, so every other leader in the whole world did better than Tramp!!!!!

A total leftist lie. The US comes in 8th in deaths, and the only reason for that is if you get in a motorcycle accident, die from those injuries but tested positive for Covid, they rule it a Covid death.

And don't say that doesn't happen because you're talking to a person that actually experienced it in his own family. My Uncle died last summer from colon cancer. He was 94 years old. He lived with his son and never went anywhere because he couldn't walk. In his final days, my cousin called immediate family members over to say their last goodbyes, as nobody could visit him in the hospital.

When the ambulance got my Uncle to the hospital, they claim he tested positive for Covid, and all 12 people in the room with him on his last day had to quarantine or be tested. Nobody else had it including my 89 year old father.

My Uncle died in the hospital a few weeks later. So how did he get this highly infectious virus when nobody that came near him had it and he never left the house?

Several weeks later, the VA called his sons to ask how they rated the care their father got. My one cousin told him the care was fine, but..........

The doctor on the phone told my cousin to take a number. They've had numerous complaints from many families stating that their loved one had no ability to catch or die from Covid either.

There was one case of a motorcycle death categorized as a covid death out of some 550 million deaths; and it was corrected. Yet you brain-dead cultists drag that poor guy out as though it's evidence that the numbers aren't as bad as they are when it's expedient for you.

To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Biden’s and the Democrats are barely 60 Days in those are some impressive economic indicators under their short watch. I sincerely congratulate and support them.

This also means that Democrats clearly own the economy. With these strong indicators in place, there is no blaming Trump for any challenges or economic failures they may have. Unlike 2008, there is no hiding behind the predecessor as an excuse for a delayed recovery.

Democrats are accountable for the ‘21 Economy and beyond. No excuses.

Biden has taken steps in the roll out in the Vaccine which has created an optimism for the economy.

He got the his stimulus package so that is definitely a plus for Biden and especially when we consider the folly of the Trump tax cut.

The economy will still fragile after Trump's mistakes... China actually has to be handled properly, that is huge mess at the moment.

Better stance with Yeman this week...

The one thing the rest of the world saw was... LAst year Trump was bumbling over the COVID response and the US had the worst numbers in the 1st world. It looked awful, for the first time in memory, people(outside US) were there to offer sympathy to US. US was way down as a country other countries would aspire to be.

Since this year started the leadership has been impressive. No rants, just getting the job done. Biden comes out the last day and said vaccines for everyone by May the 1st... Suddenly the world's people are turning to their leaders and saying why can't we be more like the US... Welcome back...

When it comes to Making America Great Again, looks like Biden will have to do that too..
edthecynic: Trump leads the world in total cases and total deaths, so every other leader in the whole world did better than Tramp!!!!!

Indeependent: That is due to the population density of Blue cities

edthecynic: The top cases per capita are nearly ALL Commie Red States!

Indeependent: Cases! I don't give a shit about CPTs and IDC10s. Where did people die?

edthecynic: 21 of the top 27 states with the highest per capita death rates are shithole RED states.

Indeependent: You realize that there is no such thing as a Red or Blue State.

So a state of 20 that has 200,000 more Ds than Rs is a Blue State?
Only so the media can manipulate your low IQ.
What the hell are you talking about? Normally, those vaccines would not have been made public because they were not fully vetted. 8 companies---? They did not have to share their brand. Now 2 of them are producing together---NOW.
Trump is a grifter and an egomaniac loser, and many of his nefarious activities are first being investigated by an honorable AJ for a change. We will see if your grifter can slither around any charges filed.

According to Levin, that was the deal. Trump would purchase 100 million doses from each IF they agreed to work together instead of keeping their research and testing within their company which is normal. I've never known of anybody to question Levin's research on anything.

Got a link on that...

Does he have any proof of this happening...
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

So, Trump's economy was actually Obama's for his entire 4 years, while Biden's is Bidens after 3 months?

Got it.
I just am playing by the rules you guys set. Trump claimed the stock market results from his Nov election forward. ;)
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

LOL Just wait till his EO's and his green shit kick in. I doubt you will think its a great economy.

We had a great economy before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. We won't have that again.

Oh and the stock market soared when Trump was POTUS.

Unemployment spiked when the very convenient Chines virus hit. Once it hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. You sure are a moron.

Stuttering fuck a "tactical President?" Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO. Nothing tactical about that jack ass.
I bookmarked your post. You will be pointing to some future event that will never come for the next 8 years while ignoring all the positive results happening now. I’ll remind you every step of the way. ;). I’m helpful like that.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

But unemployment is easing because the red states are hiring more restaurant and entertainment wackos hate that dont you??
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

LOL Just wait till his EO's and his green shit kick in. I doubt you will think its a great economy.

We had a great economy before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. We won't have that again.

Oh and the stock market soared when Trump was POTUS.

Unemployment spiked when the very convenient Chines virus hit. Once it hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. You sure are a moron.

Stuttering fuck a "tactical President?" Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO. Nothing tactical about that jack ass.
I bookmarked your post. You will be pointing to some future event that will never come for the next 8 years while ignoring all the positive results happening now. I’ll remind you every step of the way. ;). I’m helpful like that.

Well you had no problem ignoring every good thing Trump did.

Before that very convenient Chinese Virus this country was in great shape. UE the lowest it had bee in 50 years. Jobs all across this country and a great economy.

Oh and Stuttering fuck will be lucky to finish four years. Once Americans get a load of his OE's and green shit and what he's done on the border I doubt he could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

I'm helpful like that.
Yes I know inconvenient truths are unhelpful for your narrative.

Corporations that use Chinese manufacturing, aka slave labor, will continue to maximize their profits, thanks to an Administration that loves the CCP
You have no point except talking points. Democrats are more than willing to enact protectionism which is actually one of our bad traits. Free trade is beneficial and actually economically optimal. Stealing out intellectual property is the crux of our fight with China. Stay focused on that, not tariffing our own citizens. That’s just dumb.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

Imagine that, for four years you loons kept saying the stock market was not the economy. But now it is...go figure.
Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.

What economy? The unemployment rate didn't change from Jan to Feb. We are only half-way through March.

The prices increased dramatically because we have an anti-fossil fuel President with an anti-fossil fuel party in charge of the entire federal government. Yeah, words are words. But when he closed down the Keystone and stopped all new drilling and research on public lands, investors knew he was more than talking the talk. They bought long contracts and will continue to do so. 70 cents in less than two months is just the start. We are heading back to over $4.00 a gallon IF the economy gets rolling again.
None of what you just typed is true. If so, then why was it higher in price under Trump? And that’s not the only criticism of your fairy tale.
Gas up 25% and rising, which hurts the poor more than anyone. Good job commies.
Gas at all time low adjusted for inflation due to no demand from an economy Trump’s incompetence killed is a BAD thing. Learn economics.

So you want to play word games you stupid lying commie? Gas can't possibly be at an all time low when adjusted for inflation, It might have been when it was 1.86 a few weeks ago, at 2.49, not so fucking much. Now take you commie lies and FOAD.

Don’t be a tard. You are posting insanity. The idiots on here are pointing to the rise of gas up from historical lows as some kind of measure of anything other than the economy sucked, pandemic management was incompetent, and therefore demand was low. Demand is going up. Confidence is going up. And yep, prices have moved off historic lows. I know that was too complicated for a person who chants lock her up and Mexico will pay for the wall.
If you're trying to discuss macroeconomics with Trumpsters, you deserve whatever ignorant silliness you get :laugh:

mans if you agree with the OP nonsense then you are as ignorant as those Trumpsters you bitch and moan about!
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

LOL Just wait till his EO's and his green shit kick in. I doubt you will think its a great economy.

We had a great economy before the very convenient Chinese virus hit. We won't have that again.

Oh and the stock market soared when Trump was POTUS.

Unemployment spiked when the very convenient Chines virus hit. Once it hit our shores nothing was going to stop it. You sure are a moron.

Stuttering fuck a "tactical President?" Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO. Nothing tactical about that jack ass.
I bookmarked your post. You will be pointing to some future event that will never come for the next 8 years while ignoring all the positive results happening now. I’ll remind you every step of the way. ;). I’m helpful like that.

Well you had no problem ignoring every good thing Trump did.

Before that very convenient Chinese Virus this country was in great shape. UE the lowest it had bee in 50 years. Jobs all across this country and a great economy.

Oh and Stuttering fuck will be lucky to finish four years. Once Americans get a load of his OE's and green shit and what he's done on the border I doubt he could get elected to man the back of a garbage truck.

I'm helpful like that.
Let me help you with some facts:
edthecynic: Trump leads the world in total cases and total deaths, so every other leader in the whole world did better than Tramp!!!!!

Indeependent: That is due to the population density of Blue cities

edthecynic: The top cases per capita are nearly ALL Commie Red States!

Indeependent: Cases! I don't give a shit about CPTs and IDC10s. Where did people die?

edthecynic: 21 of the top 27 states with the highest per capita death rates are shithole RED states.

Indeependent: You realize that there is no such thing as a Red or Blue State.

So a state of 20 that has 200,000 more Ds than Rs is a Blue State?
Only so the media can manipulate your low IQ.

FFS, it's an expression you use yourself...

So what happens when everybody in the Red States is taxed to death and moves to the Blue States and we no longer have their food supply?

... except for when it destroys your argument, apparently.
To recap for those at home only watching Dr Seuss news and buying up Mr Potato heads.
  • Stock market is a rocket ship setting new records that Trump couldn’t hit even pre covid.
  • Unemployment that spiked under Republican mishandling of the pandemic is easing.
  • Joe Biden is well on his way to be one of the greatest tactical presidents ever executing strategy.

But unemployment is easing because the red states are hiring more restaurant and entertainment wackos hate that dont you??
It was listed in the latest jobs report that came out, want me to read it to you also??
That is the difference between the two parties.

When a Democrat is accused, Democrats rally to demand he resign

When a Republican is accused, the Republicans just attack the accuser and ignore the charges
What happened with Biden and Tara Reade or the squad of accusers of Slick Willie?
Tara Reades story kind of fell apart

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