Biden and Harris lie, both Tweet that Trump will enact a FEDERAL abortion ban…Trump put it to the STATES. IT IS NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE.

Papadopolis, Manafort, Gates, and Flynn were jailed for lying to the FBI. There wasn't a single American jailed for "Russian collusion", because there wasn't any.
That’s because there’s no specific crime on the books called “Russia collusion”, its usually called treason, but the conspirators seem to be getting off lightly!

The Dobbs decision is SETTLED LAW. Abortion laws are state matters, not the purview of the federal government.

Are Biden and Harris insurrectionists for trying usurp the Supreme Court who has already ruled?

Yes. Harris and Biden are flat out lying.


Biden and Harris are lying to low information voters.

Trump says abortion is a STATE issue.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are fear mongering and lying.

Ahhhh, the lies of the left. That is all they do.

If the supposedly tweeted Trump would enact a Federal Abortion Ban, and it is the thread topic, couldn't you find the tweets anywhere, to post the tweets here?
If the supposedly tweeted Trump would enact a Federal Abortion Ban, and it is the thread topic, couldn't you find the tweets anywhere, to post the tweets here?

You are contending content creator of the video I posted is lying?
Lets get real here

Trump is saying “Leave it to the states” before the election
If elected and Republicans hold Congress, Trump would sign a national ban on abortion in a second

Do you realize this is total bullshit? It takes 60 votes in the Senate to pass an abortion bill, cuz it ain't a reconciliation bill relative to revenue or spending. And even if the GOP did take the Senate, it ain't going to be even close to a 60-40 margin and I think you know that. I doubt the Repubs could get even 51 votes anyway, there are too many GOP seats up for re-election in 2026. So this notion of a national abortion ban is pure bullshit scare tactics that the democrats are famous for.
Those that see it as purely a state issue are blind to how Washington operates. Throughout the years administrations have threatened to cut off funds intended to go towards states if they didn't march to Washington's tune. This is especially true of Democrats.

The one that affected me not many years after starting to drive was Nixon's double-nickel speed limit. States either complied or would lose federal funding for highway repair.
You are contending content creator of the video I posted is lying?
Unless you can show me the tweet, yes. I don't watch many video passing as some kind of confirmation of fact on here. I have seen many tweets posted. Where are these?
Biden and Harris are both very dumb, they both have terrible judgement, they're both unapologetic liars, they both ignore our constitution and Supreme Court when it doesn't suit them, both are easy marks for international strongmen, neither has anything useful to offer to the American people and they're both in way over their heads. Their desperation is making them do all sorts of stupid shit and make all kinds of unconstitutional promises. I see no reason to listen to anything these two buffoons say. MAGA

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