Biden and Harris lie, both Tweet that Trump will enact a FEDERAL abortion ban…Trump put it to the STATES. IT IS NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE.

Xiden and Harris can't actually run on reality and their record, they can only run on lies.

The reality is under Joey Xiden bankrupties are on the rise:

Bankruptcies Rise 16 Percent Over Previous Year​

Half the country is worse off then before Xiden was in office....a record number since the Great Recession.

Half in U.S. Say They Are Worse Off, Highest Since 2009​

These lying lefties say Trump will enact a nationwide abortion ban…but they cannot articulate HOW.


Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of the government understands the Dems are lying.

Dems are hoping to sway morons….its their base.
Close enough...

Bingo. I see your point, but normal people know, that if the Supreme Court says it is in the hands of the state, they would not tolerate a feeble executive order attempt. True, it is a stuffed right wing court, but they would not tolerate that, and would not go against the repeated consistent votes of the people, where states got it on state referendums, while Republican fought to avoid the voters deciding in their states. The key to how this unfolds further will be states voting for or against their representative. The rapid rise in infant mortality and maternal death an injury since some states went hard core on the issue, do not support that happening. The Supremes decided yesterday, states cannot even prevent a woman from being treated to save her life or from serious harm, by a required emergency abortion, even in a state with an almost total ban, and Doctors will be protected, though, anti-abortion forces would rather see the woman dead or doctors in jail. I certainly do not see an abortion ban getting through both houses of congress.
Biden and Harris are both very dumb, they both have terrible judgement, they're both unapologetic liars, they both ignore our constitution and Supreme Court when it doesn't suit them, both are easy marks for international strongmen, neither has anything useful to offer to the American people and they're both in way over their heads. Their desperation is making them do all sorts of stupid shit and make all kinds of unconstitutional promises. I see no reason to listen to anything these two buffoons say. MAGA

Post of perfection.
Republicans said for 50 years that Roe was settled law and would never be overturned. Right wing Justices testified in their confirmation hearing that it was settled law

Republicans attacked it around the edges that whole time and then finally killed it.

They can never be trusted.

They clearly want it gone in any way they can make that happen
Trump said he would back a federal abortion ban.

“My view is now that we have abortion where everyone wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation, or perhaps both. And whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In this case, the law of the state,” Trump said in a video posted to his Truth Social account.

“Many states will be different,” Trump continued. “Many will have a different number of weeks, or some will have more conservative than others, and that’s what they will be. At the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people.”
Republicans said for 50 years that Roe was settled law and would never be overturned. Right wing Justices testified in their confirmation hearing that it was settled law

Republicans attacked it around the edges that whole time and then finally killed it.

They can never be trusted.

They clearly want it gone in any way they can make that happen
really? i was born in 1980, and I seem to recall Republicans always taking issue with Roe and saying it should be a state issue
Bingo. I see your point, but normal people know, that if the Supreme Court says it is in the hands of the state, they would not tolerate a feeble executive order attempt. True, it is a stuffed right wing court, but they would not tolerate that, and would not go against the repeated consistent votes of the people, where states got it on state referendums, while Republican fought to avoid the voters deciding in their states. The key to how this unfolds further will be states voting for or against their representative. The rapid rise in infant mortality and maternal death an injury since some states went hard core on the issue, do not support that happening. The Supremes decided yesterday, states cannot even prevent a woman from being treated to save her life or from serious harm, by a required emergency abortion, even in a state with an almost total ban, and Doctors will be protected, though, anti-abortion forces would rather see the woman dead or doctors in jail. I certainly do not see an abortion ban getting through both houses of congress.

Me either and that's why Biden and Harris are pandering about it
Bingo. I see your point, but normal people know, that if the Supreme Court says it is in the hands of the state, they would not tolerate a feeble executive order attempt. True, it is a stuffed right wing court, but they would not tolerate that, and would not go against the repeated consistent votes of the people, where states got it on state referendums, while Republican fought to avoid the voters deciding in their states. The key to how this unfolds further will be states voting for or against their representative. The rapid rise in infant mortality and maternal death an injury since some states went hard core on the issue, do not support that happening. The Supremes decided yesterday, states cannot even prevent a woman from being treated to save her life or from serious harm, by a required emergency abortion, even in a state with an almost total ban, and Doctors will be protected, though, anti-abortion forces would rather see the woman dead or doctors in jail. I certainly do not see an abortion ban getting through both houses of congress.

Me neither. I see the Biden and Harris tweets as fear-mongering bullshit.
really? i was born in 1980, and I seem to recall Republicans always taking issue with Roe and saying it should be a state issue
They said all sorts of shit over the past 50 years but when cornered always said it was settled law. People remember

They lie

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