Biden and the Dems are harming the hard-working middle class

When you work for any level of government you have to park your brain in your bedroom before you go to work.
They barely put in two days’ worth of work over the course of a week. And their telecommuting policy? It’s outright theft. One agency finally put the brakes on when their employees logged on for the day and then went to the golf course for a round of golf! No joke.

I know someone who works for the government. He takes his laptop to the pool, and is lounging in the sun all day, occasionally checking for emails. And he LAUGHS about it!
They barely put in two days’ worth of work over the course of a week. And their telecommuting policy? It’s outright theft. One agency finally put the brakes on when their employees logged on for the day and then went to the golf course for a round of golf! No joke.

I know someone who works for the government. He takes his laptop to the pool, and is lounging in the sun all day, occasionally checking for emails. And he LAUGHS about it!
It's a cesspool of relatives, Junior High School buddied, bribery for jobs, great benefits, amazing amount of sick and vacation days.
The best part is when they have nothing to do and are told to drive around all day burning tax payer money on gasoline.
In my view it's less about "Marxists" in Congress than it is about Democrats trying to appease their base with freebies! You can see that their policies don't work. You can't tax and spend your way to prosperity...yet they keep trying. Defunding the Police was always stupid. Open borders gets them more potential voters but the country can only absorb so many illegals without creating serious problems taking care of them. The Green New Deal will make us totally uncompetitive with the rest of the world because of increased energy costs. Democrats have all these things that simply aren't going to work and they know they keep promising MORE free things to keep the clueless ones like Winger fixated on shiny objects while all around them things are turning to shit!
All very true! And what makes it all worse is that they peddle it with their false air of moral superiority, and castigate anyone who disagrees as a racist, a heartless bitch, or just a moron.
All very true! And what makes it all worse is that they peddle it with their false air of moral superiority, and castigate anyone who disagrees as a racist, a heartless bitch, or just a moron.
Ideologues are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill....and angry!
It's a cesspool of relatives, Junior High School buddied, bribery for jobs, great benefits, amazing amount of sick and vacation days.
The best part is when they have nothing to do and are told to drive around all day burning tax payer money on gasoline.
Before the pandemic, went to the movies on a Friday afternoon, and the line was humongous for the middle of a workday. I asked the man behind me if it were a holiday, and he said, straight-faced, “no, but a lot of Federal workers have Friday as their work-from-home day, and many of us like to go to the movies.”
Before the pandemic, went to the movies on a Friday afternoon, and the line was humongous for the middle of a workday. I asked the man behind me if it were a holiday, and he said, straight-faced, “no, but a lot of Federal workers have Friday as their work-from-home day, and many of us like to go to the movies.”
Those bastards!
The Middle Class voted for President Trump- Brandon is just seeking revenge the only way he knows how.

Those Middle Class folks who pulled the "D" lever in 2020 are learning what happens when you are a traitor to your class.
My theory seems correct. Magaturds do support a class system.
All 3 are true.
One of the main reasons American minorities are still poor is because you love trespassers and business visas.
You are scum.

Nice pivot from………Blame the Poor
To…..Blame the Mexicans
What? Are you saying he’s a government worker? They have better than average pay and comfortable inflation-protected pensions. That’s why they don’t give a hoot about inflation.
I spent 40 years working for the Federal Government and now have a sizable pension, good health benefits and 401 K

Well earned
Nice pivot from………Blame the Poor
To…..Blame the Mexicans
I blame both...
Reagan worked with Patrick Moynahan to kick NYS minorities out of the workforce.
GW opened the borders to destroy whatever opportunities US minorities had left.
US Blacks never used the media to fight begin replaced by trespassers because they were happy with social assistance.
Why would I blame Mexicans when Ds and Rs are helping them make a living?

Of course you know all of this but you keep sucking D dick.
The Lie being told to middle class Conservatives

You are not struggling because for the last 30 years wages have been stagnant while Corporate profits are through the roof

You are not struggling with massive debt to send your child to college or paying medical bills that used to be affordable

You are struggling because poor people have flat screen TVs and cell phones

Now the lie being told to working class conservatives has expanded to…

Don’t blame your employers for low wages and benefits…..Blame illegal immigrants
Now the lie being told to working class conservatives has expanded to…

Don’t blame your employers for low wages and benefits…..Blame illegal immigrants
Blame both.
But we all know how simple minded you are.
Traditionally, R administrations suck for employees.
Traditionally, both parties want super cheap labor.
All very true! And what makes it all worse is that they peddle it with their false air of moral superiority, and castigate anyone who disagrees as a racist, a heartless bitch, or just a moron.
They have to play the "racist" card, Lisa because if they were forced to actually argue the merits of what they propose it's a house of cards that can't stand up to scrutiny! Democrats haven't made the lives of urban blacks any better with sixty years of liberal policies! They've made those lives far worse but rather than admit that...they call anyone who points it out a "racist"! Donald Trump improved the lot of blacks in America more than any President in recent history...yet he was labeled a "racist" by the left. So who REALLY cares about blacks in this country? Democrats who show up every four years with promises they seldom keep or someone who gave blacks more money in their pockets?
I spent 40 years working for the Federal Government and now have a sizable pension, good health benefits and 401 K

Well earned
ANd that explains why you DGAF as to the hardships Biden’s inflation policies are causing the middle class.
They have to play the "racist" card, Lisa because if they were forced to actually argue the merits of what they propose it's a house of cards that can't stand up to scrutiny! Democrats haven't made the lives of urban blacks any better with sixty years of liberal policies! They've made those lives far worse but rather than admit that...they call anyone who points it out a "racist"! Donald Trump improved the lot of blacks in America more than any President in recent history...yet he was labeled a "racist" by the left. So who REALLY cares about blacks in this country? Democrats who show up every four years with promises they seldom keep or someone who gave blacks more money in their pockets?
Yes, and their false and nasty habit of yelling “racist” has been so overdone that it’s lost all meaning, and they have switched to White Supremacist.

Trump did show that by creating an environment where work is encouraged and rewarded, via his lowering of corporate rates and reduction in regulations, lower-income do better. We had the first real wage growth among the lower-income in decades, and record-low unemployment among blacks.

And libs HATE that. They need low-income on government assistance, so they’ll keep voting for them.
It’s stealing for government workers take taxpayer money pretending to work, and then go to the movies Instead. But we know you liberals are OK with theft.
I believe you were mislead

Many government workers work a flextime schedule where they work 9 hour days and get every other Friday off or 10 hour days where they get every Friday off
They barely put in two days’ worth of work over the course of a week. And their telecommuting policy? It’s outright theft. One agency finally put the brakes on when their employees logged on for the day and then went to the golf course for a round of golf! No joke.

I know someone who works for the government. He takes his laptop to the pool, and is lounging in the sun all day, occasionally checking for emails. And he LAUGHS about it!
What gets me is how it was only small business that was targeted for closure, yet these parasites received "stimulus" payments just like everybody else.

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