Biden and the Dems are harming the hard-working middle class

Another topic entirely, but what is a responsible, middle class person to do? I am torn between moving more into cash, in cash Biden is able to push through more of his inflation, or stay where I am. I am about a third cash as it is.

I am really far too heavy in equities so I really see the valleys and the peaks. So far this year, I wish I was 30% in cash.

When the feds start raising rates, CD’s will start paying better. They won’t outpace inflation, but it is better than straight cash. Another option is to buy into some high yield dividend stocks. If your money is in a 401k you have limited options but if in an IRA there are plenty of them. Frankly, I am a little paralyzed by this market and not certain what to do myself.
Only in Liberalville is the very reasonable comment that poor people don’t need the latest Smartphones equivalent to telling them to eat out of a dumpster.

What that means is you have no way to debate the issue, so you go to false extremes. I did not say we shouldn’t have the homeless shelter. (In fact, I donate some of my stuff there.) I did not say they shouldn’t get breakfast or dinner.

All I said was that they shouldn’t have expensive Smartphones, and you jump to them earring roadkill and living in abandoned warehouses. You lose all credibility when you jump to false extremes and claim people are suggesting things they never had.
Wow! You're starting tom figure out RWer already!
Yes, they had a choice.
There are plenty of very intelligent people living in slums and plenty of very wealthy minority business owners who won't hire someone if they think they will have an attitude.
Why don't you harass the wealth minority crowd who won't hire their own people?
Because he’s a libster, and they don’t criticize blacks. Only whites and Jews.
Wow! You're starting tom figure out RWer already!
It’s actually a liberal tactic. When they can’t defend the indefensible, they start launching false attacks to put you in the defensive, and deflect from the original point. It might be something out of Alinsky.
Because he’s a libster, and they don’t criticize blacks. Only whites and Jews.
He sucked up to Democrats in order to have a "career".
I don't blame him as I know lots of people who have done the same for both parties.
I am really far too heavy in equities so I really see the valleys and the peaks. So far this year, I wish I was 30% in cash.

When the feds start raising rates, CD’s will start paying better. They won’t outpace inflation, but it is better than straight cash. Another option is to buy into some high yield dividend stocks. If your money is in a 401k you have limited options but if in an IRA there are plenty of them. Frankly, I am a little paralyzed by this market and not certain what to do myself.
I’m thinking maybe SOME money into an immediate fixed-rate annuity, but I’m holding off. They are predicting that the worst of Biden’s inflation is yet to be felt, and the annuities are currently paying around 6%. I’m thinking if they jump to 7%, I should buy.

Very few of us have had to navigate a high inflation period, since the last one was under another Democrat - Carter - and that was more than 40 years ago. This is all new territory. Thanks Biden, and his brainwashed supporters!
He sucked up to Democrats in order to have a "career".
I don't blame him as I know lots of people who have done the same for both parties.
What? Are you saying he’s a government worker? They have better than average pay and comfortable inflation-protected pensions. That’s why they don’t give a hoot about inflation.
What? Are you saying he’s a government worker? They have better than average pay and comfortable inflation-protected pensions. That’s why they don’t give a hoot about inflation.
That being the case, why not get one of those high paying government jobs yourself so you can quit your whining?
The Torah commands us to be educated.
So it’s more than a mitzvah, but a command? That’s interesting.

I would extend that to “learning” in general. I’m past the days of university-based classes, but I take all sorts of courses - music, literature, etc., etc. My favorite right now is my Torah class.

And just think. I do this not only willingly - but with enjoyment. Compare that to the pushback one gets if we suggest a poor person living off OPM take some classes to acquire a skill.
The Lie being told to middle class Conservatives

You are not struggling because for the last 30 years wages have been stagnant while Corporate profits are through the roof

You are not struggling with massive debt to send your child to college or paying medical bills that used to be affordable

You are struggling because poor people have flat screen TVs and cell phones
What? Are you saying he’s a government worker? They have better than average pay and comfortable inflation-protected pensions. That’s why they don’t give a hoot about inflation.
He's retired now but when he was working he was still posting all day long.
That being the case, why not get one of those high paying government jobs yourself so you can quit your whining?
I worked for them one year. I couldn’t stand the waste and red tape. I like to CONTRIBUTE.

But your answer is ridiculous. if I were to say that it is wrong for robbers to hold up a jewelry store, would you say I should do it and stop whining? There is nothing wrong with pointing out the wrong in our society, or, in the case of government workers, why their comfortable arrangement has protected them from damaging leftist policies, and thus why they are able to support them.
The Lie being told to middle class Conservatives

You are not struggling because for the last 30 years wages have been stagnant while Corporate profits are through the roof

You are not struggling with massive debt to send your child to college or paying medical bills that used to be affordable

You are struggling because poor people have flat screen TVs and cell phones
All 3 are true.
One of the main reasons American minorities are still poor is because you love trespassers and business visas.
You are scum.
He's retired now but when he was working he was still posting all day long.
Oh yikes. So typical. I actually had a government worker ask me to call her only during the work day, on personal calls, rather than in the evenings, because her evenings were her “free time” and she didn’t want the interruption.
That being the case, why not get one of those high paying government jobs yourself so you can quit your whining?
When you work for any level of government you have to park your brain in your bedroom before you go to work.
The anti-American Marxists in Congress know this, and that’s why they are pushing him to do it. He himself is clueless. My own mother is in mild dementia, and he’s worse than she is.
In my view it's less about "Marxists" in Congress than it is about Democrats trying to appease their base with freebies! You can see that their policies don't work. You can't tax and spend your way to prosperity...yet they keep trying. Defunding the Police was always stupid. Open borders gets them more potential voters but the country can only absorb so many illegals without creating serious problems taking care of them. The Green New Deal will make us totally uncompetitive with the rest of the world because of increased energy costs. Democrats have all these things that simply aren't going to work and they know they keep promising MORE free things to keep the clueless ones like Winger fixated on shiny objects while all around them things are turning to shit!

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