Biden and the Dems are harming the hard-working middle class

I blame the policies that encourage the poor to stay poor, and the liberals like you who support that. Do you really think poor people are too stupid to take some vocational classes?

Your solution that every worker can be a plumber or an electrician is seriously flawed.
Even if every worker had the skills to be a trades person or Brain Surgeon, the jobs are just not there.

The reality is that our inner cities and rural backwaters have been abandoned. The jobs are just not there.
Your solution that every worker can be a plumber or an electrician is seriously flawed.
Even if every worker had the skills to be a trades person or Brain Surgeon, the jobs are just not there.

The reality is that our inner cities and rural backwaters have been abandoned. The jobs are just not there.
Until Trump, 90% of pubumers and electricians were out of work because they were replaced by trespassers.
Those are the people show voted for Trump.
St Reagans Tax Reform Act of 1986 was the kickoff to the downward slide of the middle class. It put millionaires (now billionaires, thank you Ron) into the same tax bracket as much lower paid workers.
They sold the idea that $400,000 put you in the super wealthy class.
Then, when they tried to raise taxes on the truly Super Wealthy, they complain…….What about the small business who only makes $400,000?
Well into the tens of thousands per year for me.
Thanks to Biden’s inflation, I am down about $40,000 since the start of the year. That represents two years of saving during my working years, and I just pray that Manchin keeps the handouts of the BBB at bay, or it will get even worse for middle class savers.
Until Trump, 90% of pubumers and electricians were out of work because they were replaced by trespassers.
Those are the people show voted for Trump.

Do you know that 82.7% of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot?
You totally ducked my question, Smokin! (No surprise of course!) Let's try again!

In a situation where supply is limited (for whatever reason!) does it make any sense at all to keep pumping Trillions of dollars into the system? You KNOW that more money chasing fewer products is going to cause the cost of those products to go up! Biden's economic policies are making a bad situation far worse than it ever should have been!
The anti-American Marxists in Congress know this, and that’s why they are pushing him to do it. He himself is clueless. My own mother is in mild dementia, and he’s worse than she is.
Some poor wo,an who lives in the homeless shelter near me asked if I could drive her to the Target so she could buy more minutes for her smartphone! She had a more expensive model than I have.

Sorry, but people living in homeless shelters, paid for by other people, where they not only get a roof over their heads but free breakfast and free dinner (they have to leave in mid-day, unless it’s freezing) have no business buying an expensive Smartphone!

There is a reason they are where they are. With the exception of those with serious physical and mental issues(liberalism aside), having a good life in the US has always been predicated by making good choices and being personally responsible. Democrats are on a mission to remove that requirement. I have said this many times and I truly believe it. Most Democrats are physiological adults with adolescent minds.
They sold the idea that $400,000 put you in the super wealthy class.
Then, when they tried to raise taxes on the truly Super Wealthy, they complain…….What about the small business who only makes $400,000?
You have a point but you always take it too far.
I think both parties are worthless but I don't owe my soul to either.
Some poor wo,an who lives in the homeless shelter near me asked if I could drive her to the Target so she could buy more minutes for her smartphone! She had a more expensive model than I have.
Oh yes
When pushed, go with the people on Food Stamps are eating fresh Lobsters and Caviar lie
Do you know that 82.7% of statistics on the internet are made up on the spot?
Like what you just did.
How many trades people do you know?
I have tons in my community and when Trump got into office all the work done by trespassers in NYC finally went to them.
Thanks to Biden’s inflation, I am down about $40,000 since the start of the year. That represents two years of saving during my working years, and I just pray that Manchin keeps the handouts of the BBB at bay, or it will get even worse for middle class savers.

At least you haven’t lost it until you sell it. I gander at the value of my assets daily and since this beginning of the year, I too have “lost” a very sobering amount.
Oh yes
When pushed, go with the people on Food Stamps are eating fresh Lobsters and Caviar lie

They could certainly be eating better than at a soup kitchen without expensive cell phones. Seems as though their priorities are just a bit out of whack.
There is a reason they are where they are. With the exception of those with serious physical and mental issues(liberalism aside), having a good life in the US has always been predicated by making good choices and being personally responsible. Democrats are on a mission to remove that requirement. I have said this many times and I truly believe it. Most Democrats are physiological adults with adolescent minds.
I know. I see it in my own family, which is why I don’t buy the poor, helpless people act the Dems keep pushing. My parents gew up the children of impoverished and uneducated immigrants, and ended up quite affluent.

The key was they knew they had to get themselves out, and by education. They were both smart, disciplined, motivated, and made the right choices.
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Like what you just did.
How many trades people do you know?
I have tons in my community and when Trump got into office all the work done by trespassers in NYC finally went to them.
LOL…can’t get one by you
47.6% of the people I know are in the trades
They could certainly be eating better than at a soup kitchen without expensive cell phones. Seems as though their priorities are just a bit out of whack.

Cell phones?

Why don’t you tell us about the Microwave ovens and Flat Screened TVs

The poor have it so good
At least you haven’t lost it until you sell it. I gander at the value of my assets daily and since this beginning of the year, I too have “lost” a very sobering amount.
Another topic entirely, but what is a responsible, middle class person to do? I am torn between moving more into cash, in cash Biden is able to push through more of his inflation, or stay where I am. I am about a third cash as it is.

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