Biden announces he is sending $800 million to Ukraine. Is this coming out of his 10%?

i provided a link where he has in the past

also the bill signed yesterday was for more then what he said he was sending in addition…so where’s the money?

Erm, do you think this happens by magic wand?

Of the $13.6 billion approved by Congress, I think it was $3 billion specifically approved for military aid. Maybe it was $4 billion, but I'm 80% sure it was only $3 billion. Anyway, this doesn't happen by simply writing a check so the Ukrainians can order crap off Amazon. Actual military equipment is being sent.

Identifying appropriate and available equipment takes a little bit of time. Furthermore, as commander-in-chief, the President has the responsibility to ensure that whatever equipment is chosen is appropriate, and eventually to give the actual order to commence the transfer. In a matter of a few days the President has identified $800 million worth of military aid to sent to the Ukrainians, and has not ordered that the transfer commence. This includes anti-tank weapons, millions of rounds of small arms ammunition, hand grenades, and other weaponry.

Biden is not withholding the aid that Congress authorized. He is doing his due diligence to execute the law he himself signed.
Erm, do you think this happens by magic wand?

Of the $13.6 billion approved by Congress, I think it was $3 billion specifically approved for military aid. Maybe it was $4 billion, but I'm 80% sure it was only $3 billion. Anyway, this doesn't happen by simply writing a check so the Ukrainians can order crap off Amazon. Actual military equipment is being sent.

Identifying appropriate and available equipment takes a little bit of time. Furthermore, as commander-in-chief, the President has the responsibility to ensure that whatever equipment is chosen is appropriate, and eventually to give the actual order to commence the transfer. In a matter of a few days the President has identified $800 million worth of military aid to sent to the Ukrainians, and has not ordered that the transfer commence. This includes anti-tank weapons, millions of rounds of small arms ammunition, hand grenades, and other weaponry.

Biden is not withholding the aid that Congress authorized. He is doing his due diligence to execute the law he himself signed.
Wow, somebody doesn't like it when her daddy Poopeypants is criticized.
Erm, do you think this happens by magic wand?

Of the $13.6 billion approved by Congress, I think it was $3 billion specifically approved for military aid. Maybe it was $4 billion, but I'm 80% sure it was only $3 billion. Anyway, this doesn't happen by simply writing a check so the Ukrainians can order crap off Amazon. Actual military equipment is being sent.

Identifying appropriate and available equipment takes a little bit of time. Furthermore, as commander-in-chief, the President has the responsibility to ensure that whatever equipment is chosen is appropriate, and eventually to give the actual order to commence the transfer. In a matter of a few days the President has identified $800 million worth of military aid to sent to the Ukrainians, and has not ordered that the transfer commence. This includes anti-tank weapons, millions of rounds of small arms ammunition, hand grenades, and other weaponry.

Biden is not withholding the aid that Congress authorized. He is doing his due diligence to execute the law he himself signed.
Due dilligence? Hahahahahahahahaha
Your stupidity is now off the charts since CNN also agrees with me:

Biden announces hundreds of millions in new security aid for Ukraine following Zelensky's speech​

By Kaitlan Collins, Kevin Liptak, Phil Mattingly, Paul LeBlanc and Maegan Vazquez, CNN

Wed March 16, 2022


Washington (CNN)President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced an additional $800 million in security assistance to Ukraine as he sought to answer his Ukrainian counterpart's impassioned call for help and leadership delivered to Congress earlier in the day.


red bolding mine

Today he is asking Congress for additional $800 Million more for Ukraine AFTER he heard the Premier asked for more $$$ help in his virtual address to Congress last evening.

$13.6 Billion is a completely separate Bill he signed 5 days ago after he got the bill from Congress.

unnnnn, no.

Congress authorized Biden to take up to 3.5 billion in defense materials from US stockpiles and transfer them to Ukraine
Department of Defense - $6.528 billion, including: • $3.028 billion for European Command operations mission support, the deployment of personnel to the region, and intelligence support. • $3.5 billion to replenish US stocks of equipment sent to Ukraine through drawdown

Biden sent around a billion before today's speech.

At the White Hose, Biden described new help he was already prepared to announce before Zelenskyy's speech. He said the U.S. will be sending an additional $800 million in military assistance, making a total of $2 billion in such aid ince he took office more than a year ago. About $1 billion in aid has been sent in the past week. Biden said the new assistance includes 800 Stinger anti-aircraft systems, 100 grenade launchers, 20 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenade launchers and mortar rounds and an unspecified number of drones.

Today Biden announced another 800million in drawdown aid

I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State the authority under section 506(a)(1) of the FAA to direct the drawdown of up to an aggregate value of $800 million in defense articles and services of the Department of Defense, and military education and training, to provide assistance to Ukraine and to make the determinations required under such section to direct such a drawdown.
Erm, do you think this happens by magic wand?

Of the $13.6 billion approved by Congress, I think it was $3 billion specifically approved for military aid. Maybe it was $4 billion, but I'm 80% sure it was only $3 billion. Anyway, this doesn't happen by simply writing a check so the Ukrainians can order crap off Amazon. Actual military equipment is being sent.

Identifying appropriate and available equipment takes a little bit of time. Furthermore, as commander-in-chief, the President has the responsibility to ensure that whatever equipment is chosen is appropriate, and eventually to give the actual order to commence the transfer. In a matter of a few days the President has identified $800 million worth of military aid to sent to the Ukrainians, and has not ordered that the transfer commence. This includes anti-tank weapons, millions of rounds of small arms ammunition, hand grenades, and other weaponry.

Biden is not withholding the aid that Congress authorized. He is doing his due diligence to execute the law he himself signed.
so he’s holding up some…that was impeachable at one point according to the dem
rolfmao, you can't even read.
ANd then you "aim" at deflection.
no, i read he’s held up aid. I provided the link for you. Now the poster i responded to showed where he did it a second time.
no, i read he’s held up aid. I provided the link for you. Now the poster i responded to showed where he did it a second time.
Well, you didn't read it. LOL. Congress simply approved up to 3.5bilion in military aid. It was up to the admin to specify what the aid actually was. And Trump's problem was that his admin had already done so, when he tried to withold it. But thanks again for the attempt at deflection when you can't even follow what congress authorized and the admin named as the actual weapons.
Due dilligence? Hahahahahahahahaha
Yea, something lardass Trump was to lazy to do unless it was his own money.

One can only imagine the money that Trump has made doing business with Putin & his Oligarchs who are a nothing but a band of thieves.
Look, you should really accept that your premise is wrong, and move on, instead of trying to fabricate bullshit out of flower bed mulch.

Some aid has already been provided. Congress has approved spending for more aid. And Biden, as commander-in-chief, has now approved $800 million worth of new military aid. Ergo, the word "additional" would appear to be a reasonable verbiage choice.

The problem with playing stupid is that you just look...stupid. Congress has approved the spending, Biden is now using that approval.
You have two choices.

1. Admit your Vegetable Messiah has been holding up aid.


2. Admit he is a lying sack of shit for claiming this is “additional aid”.

Which is it?

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