Biden announces he is sending $800 million to Ukraine. Is this coming out of his 10%?

You have two choices.

1. Admit your Vegetable Messiah has been holding up aid.


2. Admit he is a lying sack of shit for claiming this is “additional aid”.

Which is it?

So, uhh, I don't have a vegetable messiah. I'm not even sure what that would mean. Like, does she save all the vegetables from being eaten? Is it like the cows in the Chik-fil-A advertisements--is a vegetable messiah someone who preaches the carnivore diet?
Well, you didn't read it. LOL. Congress simply approved up to 3.5bilion in military aid. It was up to the admin to specify what the aid actually was. And Trump's problem was that his admin had already done so, when he tried to withold it. But thanks again for the attempt at deflection when you can't even follow what congress authorized and the admin named as the actual weapons.
um congress passed far more than 3.5

where’s the rest of the money and why is xiden holding it up?

Trump admin had already done what? how did he “hold it up” if his admin already did?

what am i deflecting from? the topic of the thread is xiden’s aid that he withheld
Crazy right, nearly a billion for some corrupt foreign country's border security vs while cutting funding for our own border security. Dems are true assholes.
More like true enemies of the Republic and they should be treated as such.

I say send them all to Cuba. No wet foot/dry foot for them. Toss them the flavor of MRE our GIs hate and send them back.
So, uhh, I don't have a vegetable messiah. I'm not even sure what that would mean. Like, does she save all the vegetables from being eaten? Is it like the cows in the Chik-fil-A advertisements--is a vegetable messiah someone who preaches the carnivore diet?
have you finished paying trumps lawyers for that hoax lawsuit you got conned into filing by the dems with their super lawyer?
Congress actually approved over $13 billion for Ukrainian aid. That's how he's paying for it.
Russians said this about that:

'Kakaia shchedrosti!
What generosity!

Ukrainskii narod zarabotal mnogo deneg, prosto privlekaia bol'she vnimaniia so storony USA.
The Ukrainian people have made a lot of money just by getting more attention from the USA.

Bol'shaia pobeda dlia Ukrainy, mozhno kupit' novogo presidenta.
Big victory for the Ukraine, you can buy a new president.'
Great news for Joe Biden. After months of abysmal public approval numbers, Biden’s favorability among registered voters has soared by 2 points to 45%! And all he had to do was bring us to the brink of World War III.
pretty good. Sadly y’all elected xiden…and undermined a lot of that work…Mexico is not thrilled with Xiden building the cartels back better
HAHAHAHAHA! Actually dipshit, Mexico never paid a dime towards Trump's fantasy.

Not too bright, are ya?
If you take YOUR own advice you may learn some "big words" & be just like your Daddy Trump, mouth breather.
maybe you should start with smaller words…like addition. It’s not that big of a word…

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