Biden asking Congress for another $10 Billion for Ukraine

Nope. They want to “weaken Russia” and give billions to the military industrial complex.


It is ridiculous the US opted for WAR when a peace deal was reached in March 2022 in Turkey.

It’s disgusting and evil.

It absolutely is.

But it's also interesting to note this is the same administration that when COVID was going on they also never once said maybe this is a good time to stop smoking, get plenty of sleep, drink more water, wash your hands often, and so on. No it was just nonstop mask, mask mask, mask, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine.

The same way they don't talk about peace talks or anything. It's just money, money, money, weapons, weapons, weapons.
It absolutely is.

But it's also interesting to note this is the same administration that when COVID was going on they also never once said maybe this is a good time to stop smoking, get plenty of sleep, drink more water, wash your hands often, and so on. No it was just nonstop mask, mask mask, mask, vaccine, vaccine, vaccine.

The same way they don't talk about peace talks or anything. It's just money, money, money, weapons, weapons, weapons.

I kept saying that to everyone I knew! How come no PSAs about exercise, quitting smoking, limit drinking, zinc, Vitamin D, eat well…all that shit.

NOPE! Lockdown, mask, vax. That’s all our government and media told us.

Fucking assholes. Slaves to big Pharma.
We’re broke, instead suggest that the EU foot the bill for the meat grinder and see how fast peace talks start.

BTW......That amount is about what it would take to build a wall and secure our Southern border.
BTW......That amount is about what it would take to build a wall and secure our Southern border.
Eh, walls don’t work, doors don’t work, wheels don’t work. They are all outdated. ;)
Then letting Russia occupy and rape Ukraine is still what you want
Who made us the world's saviors? This country was built on the notion of opportunity, not global conquest and interference. We have our own hemisphere to fix, leave Europe to Europeans or let them fail as they will. Not our problem.
Who made us the world's saviors? This country was built on the notion of opportunity, not global conquest and interference. We have our own hemisphere to fix, leave Europe to Europeans or let them fail as they will. Not our problem.
I'm just happy to finally see our military budget being used to protect instead of for evil
This is about liberals and their love of nazis, do try to keep on topic. Red states contribute to your nazi dreams, so you should probably learn a little appreciation or shut up about it.
Broke, trashy red states are the most reliant on federal funding while blue states are the ones who pay the most into federal funds. Education yourself, hillbilly trash.
Broke, trashy red states are the most reliant on federal funding while blue states are the ones who pay the most into federal funds. Education yourself, hillbilly trash.
That's a lie, show us the actual dollar amounts. That's reality. So educate yourself and stop spewing nonsense. Now get back on topic or leave.
Who could have imagined that "give an entire European country to Russia or else" would become a rallying cry for the GOP.
Head on over there and sign up, then!

Long past time to walk away-not our problem. Time to let Europe figure out their own problems.

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