Biden At Press Conference: "I'll tell you what, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go to bed", Southern Hemisphere is "Third World"

You'll say just about anything to defend him, huh?
He got over a terrible stutter by himself as a youngster, he admits he is a gaffe machine and is pretty funny, and he is honest as the days long, everything you know is garbage hateful anti American BS Super Duper. I liked Rhode Island better when they didn't have car insurance LOL. I used that plate for 4 years, only stopped twice and when they saw the Rhode Island plate they just waved me off l O L.....
This shit is surreal.

It's like one of those Epcot animatronic Presidents breaking down in real time.

Straight up elder abuse to allow this man to run for another term.

This is not normal.

Dems, time to pull the plug.

The Vietnam Press conference has enough material for Trump to make at least twenty commercials. Hilarious stuff.
Democrats can't pull the plug because Biden is the strongest candidate they have. Now THAT is scary
One hell of a lot better than a orange clown mobbed up Manhattan real estate con man who wants to be Mussolini or at least a Russian oligarch.... Myself, I just love a JFK admirer who is old enough to remember and we can take it up again at that point instead of a bunch of GOP Malarkey... Everything you know against him is pure crap based on nothing....
That's mind blowing scary.

It is incredible. Democrats hate America. Marxists are all about government taking our children. That's the one line that most Democrats still won't cross. When Democrats do decide government is more important than their children, then we really will be lost. Sadly that day will come. I used to hope freedom would last my kids lives. Then I just hoped it would last mine. Now I just hope it lasts another day
the GOP stole that election and Bush was the worst president ever with allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence and giving us the worst stupidest wars ever and a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust world depression. Wake up dupes!
Murdoch, come on, you keep forgetting Murdoch. You're going to get another visit if you keep this up.
Look at the bright side. At least Tater didn’t announce on the world stage “I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna go poop my pants”, cuz that day is just around the corner.
the GOP stole that election and Bush was the worst president ever with allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence and giving us the worst stupidest wars ever and a corrupt deregulation bubble and bust world depression. Wake up dupes!

How many recounts did Algore win?

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