Biden Bizarrely Claims 9mm Ammo Blows Body Parts Apart


The number of retarded points brought up by bidumbs statement is amazing to see. It’s like watching a retard go wild in a candy store.

Yes, a .22 may not kill your attacker. That’s why you don’t fucking carry a .22. It’s also why a 9mm is preferable. If I need to shoot you I don’t really want you to live. That’s the entire fucking point of me shooting you.

The 9mm has stopping power without going through and hitting what’s behind the target. That’s the point of having one. It doesn’t punch through but hits so hard… well, problem solved.

And his stupid ass hunting shit thrown in there again. We aren’t talking about hunting dickhead! We’re talking about putting some asshole that needs it to be put in the ground in the most efficient manner possible.

For that you need AR-15’s and 9mm’s.
This waste of space in the White House has got to be THE dumbest Sumbitch that ever finagled his way in the door. stupid bastard.
Can anyone pack more stupid into fewer sentences?

The ridiculous statement that 9mm bullets blow lungs out of the body

He thinks 9mm are high caliber ammo

And he wraps up with a insightful comment on what makes sense for a self defense weapon - “So the idea of these high-caliber weapons is, uh, there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of thinking about self-protection, hunting,” the president went on.

Of course, for self defense we should only have access to the most non-lethal ammo. And we should only be hunting squirrels.
The man says that from the point of view of all he knows about gun is from Hong Kong action movies.

Unless you have been in the military and seen what happens or you have worked in a emergency room (both of which I have done. Although granted I was only an nurse aide in the ER while in was in nursing school) then you don't really know what bullets do to a body.

I've seen 9mm wounds, it's just a hole without much blood flow really. It's nothing like what happens in the movies. Only larger mass bullets can blow off a body part.

But in his defense sure a 9mm could blow a body part apart if you stood there and fired 50 or 60 rounds in the same spot. But by that reasoning a bb gun could blow off an arm if you have 3000 bbs and 8 hours of time.

Biden did it again. He said something stupid. :iagree:

What else is new. :dunno:

When I went to hunter's safety classes when I was 15.....they showed us how a 22 could, in some instances, cause more damage than a 30-06. The reason is it's slow moving and it leaves a bigger exit hole. AR-15, which is a high velocity round, but the same width as a 22, will hit a bone and ricochet all over the body. It won't knock you'll just rip up your insides.

It appears that Biden is attempting to expand his gun ban past ARs, into pistols. Funny, Canada's leader is doing the exact same thing....only he has the authority to do it while Biden is just talking about it. Seems that meeting in Davos Switzerland is bearing fruit.

Biden thinks that a 9mm, which I learned is a weak round compared to other rounds, is horrific. Who knew it could literally blow your lungs completely out of your body.

Now I can see why so many in his staff are leaving. They have to spend so much time correcting his screw-ups that I'm sure they're tired of it.

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A little honesty on what Biden actually means would go a long way.
At the moment all talk on guns and murder of school children is loaded with emotions and hate on both sides.
Anyway Biden's stupidity is not in debate, but the 9mm is our caliber of choice for our personal and home defense. Why you ask? it is good enough with the right round and all in my household proficient with their or any 9mm. 12 gauge shotguns with #4 shot on their hips too.

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