Biden Bizarrely Claims 9mm Ammo Blows Body Parts Apart

I have a .25 handgun that my father purchased for my mother back in the early 80s. I would have more luck with a pellet gun than that POS.

I have a Feinwerkbau pellet pistol that is insanely accurate.

Plugs is talking to his base - unemployable burger flippers and baristas.... accuracy is not even a factor. He could tell them to guzzle LiquidPlumr with a garden tool shoved up their ass and they're down with it.
38 special is weak compared to a 357.
Biden called a 9mm "High-Velocity"

While Biden is surely an idiot's idiot, downplaying the effectiveness of any handgun or rifle caliber is equally disingenuous. The 9mm cartridge, when paired with certain copper based, monolithic hollow point ammunition moving at extreme high velocity (for a 9mm parabellum), can indeed cause extensive, graphic tissue destruction. When combined with the three-round burst function of certain 9mm handguns and submachine guns, such ammunition could vaporize most of an adult human's chest. Even standard FMJ military issue 9mm can blow chunks out of limbs and torsos. However, allow me to digress; the bone, muscle and tissue damage potential of any bullet fired from any gun can be fatal or cause graphic damage to the human body. I don't see what this reality has to do with the gun control debate; guns fire bullets that damage flesh and water is wet. Gun safety is fundamental. Most of us have know this since we were children and hunted our first whitetail.
Everything the cult does with regards to gun control is an attempt to keep moving the bar all the way to confiscation.

We all know I advocate for not giving ONE INCH with regards to gun control.

Fuck the fascist left.
I advocate for Machine Guns!!!!

It doesn't do much good to simply hold the line and play defense. You MUST push back the other way.

Machine Guns or Valhalla!!!
Classic cult moving of the goalposts.

Now 9mm is a “HIGH CALIBER”.

Can one of you faggot ”fact checkers” verify Biden’s claim?

This is the first time I've heard this from liberals.
It's always been take away the AR's now they want to take away the 9mm?
We've told leftist that this was the end game and they've denied it.
So now what liberals?
I have a few $250 Taurus 9mms, only one of which has only stove piped 2 times, because the wife was not holding it tight enough and the "give" in her grip dampened the slide action. So, they are very reliable, but I have had a 1 inch grouping at 25 yards with a Glock (I believe it was a 43) so you're paying for accuracy more than anything else.

I'm not that accurate with the Glock. I do much better with my Colt Government .45 - way better. It's the trigger pull.
A little honesty on what Biden actually means would go a long way.
At the moment all talk on guns and murder of school children is loaded with emotions and hate on both sides.

hes an idiot. He thinks a 9mm can blow your lungs out of your body, insinuates people should use 22 cal for self defense and hunting
There's a reason the 9mm luger is the most popular pistol chambering in the world.

It works.

Is Biden suggesting that we get weapons that don't work?

yeah! you can draw a direct parrellel between things that don't work and the Federal Government. They are in love with things that cost a lot and dont work.
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Biden did it again. He said something stupid. :iagree:

What else is new. :dunno:

When I went to hunter's safety classes when I was 15.....they showed us how a 22 could, in some instances, cause more damage than a 30-06. The reason is it's slow moving and it leaves a bigger exit hole. AR-15, which is a high velocity round, but the same width as a 22, will hit a bone and ricochet all over the body. It won't knock you'll just rip up your insides.

It appears that Biden is attempting to expand his gun ban past ARs, into pistols. Funny, Canada's leader is doing the exact same thing....only he has the authority to do it while Biden is just talking about it. Seems that meeting in Davos Switzerland is bearing fruit.

Biden thinks that a 9mm, which I learned is a weak round compared to other rounds, is horrific. Who knew it could literally blow your lungs completely out of your body.

Now I can see why so many in his staff are leaving. They have to spend so much time correcting his screw-ups that I'm sure they're tired of it.

Ya just shoot 'em in the leg, it will blow their lung out!
yeah! you can draw a direct parrellel between things that don't work and the Federal Government. They are in love with things that cost a lot and dont work.

Next up they'll limit us to guns that fire cans of snakes or a neon flag that pops out and reads "Boom! Got ya!"
This is the first time I've heard this from liberals.
It's always been take away the AR's now they want to take away the 9mm?
We've told leftist that this was the end game and they've denied it.
So now what liberals?


Trudeau and the handgun ban in Canada is proof.

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