Biden Bizarrely Claims 9mm Ammo Blows Body Parts Apart

Anyway Biden's stupidity is not in debate, but the 9mm is our caliber of choice for our personal and home defense. Why you ask? it is good enough with the right round and all in my household proficient with their or any 9mm. 12 gauge shotguns with #4 shot on their hips too.
A number of light, compact 9mm pistols perfect for concealed carry are In the market today. The 9mm is a popular firearm

yeah! you can draw a direct parrellel between things that don't work and the Federal Government. They are in love with things that cost a lot and dont work.
Like, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Schiff, Nadler, Booker, Pressley, Tlaib, Omar, Sanders, Newsome, Inslee, Brown, Murray, Cantwell, Feinstein, et al?
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Biden did it again. He said something stupid. :iagree:

What else is new. :dunno:

When I went to hunter's safety classes when I was 15.....they showed us how a 22 could, in some instances, cause more damage than a 30-06. The reason is it's slow moving and it leaves a bigger exit hole. AR-15, which is a high velocity round, but the same width as a 22, will hit a bone and ricochet all over the body. It won't knock you'll just rip up your insides.

It appears that Biden is attempting to expand his gun ban past ARs, into pistols. Funny, Canada's leader is doing the exact same thing....only he has the authority to do it while Biden is just talking about it. Seems that meeting in Davos Switzerland is bearing fruit.

Biden thinks that a 9mm, which I learned is a weak round compared to other rounds, is horrific. Who knew it could literally blow your lungs completely out of your body.

Now I can see why so many in his staff are leaving. They have to spend so much time correcting his screw-ups that I'm sure they're tired of it.

The sonofabitch has to lie about everything.

He has always been that way.

Anybody that voted for him is an idiot.
When I bought the Glock 17, I was shocked at the price. The gun store owner explained; "drop it in water and it'll still fire. Drop it in sand it'll still fire. Below zero or above 100, it'll still fire."

In 15 years, never had a single misfire, never a single jam. The little plastic pistol that always performs.
True, but I hate the feel of the trigger pull on it. If it's gotta be a 9mm luger, give me the Beretta 92 any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
A little honesty on what Biden actually means would go a long way.
At the moment all talk on guns and murder of school children is loaded with emotions and hate on both sides.

Emotion is no excuse to lie, especially from a president. He's supposed to have a staff that aids him to speak accurately on any topic.

Emotion is no excuse to lie, especially from a president. He's supposed to have a staff that aids him to speak accurately on any topic.

It is a waste to try to convince the duck of that. He spends his life defending Turdeau in Canada and the lying democrats in the US. A commie does what a commie has got to do.
D.C. pencilnecks are already proving that they don't know jack-shit about guns.
I now need to reconsider about buying an AR which I didn't before while I can, just to keep it in the closet.

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