Biden Blames Guns

Why have US-Americasn no manners?

You are a Swiss?

You say you are a Swiss. But you don't speak like a Swiss. And Hitler never had any plan to attack Switzerland. Why should he? But US-Americans bombed some Swiss cities because they thought it's Germany and when German fighter aircrafts had helped Switzerland by fighting US-American bombers over Switzerland you shot the fighters down. I guess one of the last thougts of one of this pilots could had been "Sometimes death is a funny thing".

If you are really a Swiss then you speak out a totally absurde nonsense. The house Habsburg for example came from Switzerland.

August 1291. Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden made a Bundesbrief (Union-letter) on reason to restore their old rights after the German king Rudolf 1st from the house Habsburg had died.

I don't remember in the moment what had happened directly afterwards. ... Ah yeah got it. "You" voted for the Bavarian house Wittelsbach and not for the house Habsburg in the next election for the king of Germany in 1315. When you additionally had attacked the monastery Einsiedeln the Austrian Leopold 1st (I guess he had been from the house Habsburg) started a war against "you" which he lost in the battle of Morgarten. Afterwards the imperial cities Luzern, Zürich, Glarus, Zug and Bern also liked to be independent from the house Habsburg. Together this Bund (=Union) had been called "The Eight Cities". Vienna, Paris and Milan (=Germany, France and Italy) tolerated this result.

Fascists bastards in 1315 AD? Are you mad?

Sorry to have to say so - but you have absolutelly nothing to do with Switzerland. Every Swiss would sink into the Earth on shame if a Swiss would speak like you with a German like me.

Can it be you are the little brother of Homer Simpson whose brain was burned out when Homer threw him into the nuclear fire where he warmed up his Swiss-Burger?

What an asshole

You fascist Germans have tried to invade Switzerland FOURTEEN TIMES, and we made you tuck your tail between your legs and run like the lily livered cowards you are, EVERY SINGLE TIME.

You fascist assholes like to look down your nose at others, just like you're looking down your nose at me right now.

You are the ORIGIN of all the wicked ideas about racial and cultural superiority, that all the leftards are complaining about.

And here you are, doing the SAME stupid shit.

For which we eventually had to bomb the hell out of you, because you didn't want to give up your perverse culture.

Well I got news for you pal. => MY <= culture is intact. We never had to be taken apart 'cause we never ALLOWED any of your fucktard ideas to take root in our culture.

I am NOT INTERESTED in your moralism, and I'm not interested in being polite, to assuage your feelings or for any other reason.

YOU are here trying to tell me how to do business, and my only response to that is going to be a big middle finger right in your eye.
Gotcha, so it is ok to use the tragedy of dead kids for political grandstanding as long as you are not the leader of the country!

Thanks for clearing that up.

Who was the last president that actually tried to bring unity among the people? Reagan? Carter?

George Bush did after 911. I say he did a pretty good job, and I'm no Bush fan.

It's not so much that Dementia didn't bring people together, it's that he used the opportunity to split people apart even more. He highlighted one group of Americans nowhere near the shooting site as those responsible for it. When he said "gun lobby" he meant every American who supports the 2nd Amendment. How would you be talking today if Trump was President and made a rant about cross dressers as the problem we need to address because the shooting demonstrates these people are Fd up in the head?
Did I say that? In the US you have to prove your case for self-defense. The law reads I have the legal right to use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. If you injure or kill somebody without being able to show you were in that situation, you'll be going to prison for murder.

Just because you are still alive over your multiple attacks doesn't justify disarming an entire society. You were attacked because your attackers knew you were not armed or able to defend yourself. If that were something they had to consider, it's likely they would have just left you alone. There was a similar case here in New York city. Some big black guy attacked a elderly Asian woman. Nobody knows what his reasons were, but he knew in NYC that elderly woman was very likely not armed because NYC is basically a Communist city where just about nobody can get a permit for a gun.

The beauty of our firearm laws is that nobody knows if you have a gun or not. That element of surprise is what helps keep armed people safe as well as unarmed people.
Very true. The threat of someone being armed is also a deterrent for any perp.
Well, you can't beat, strangle or stab 18 screaming running kids or adults to death in less than a minute. You can do it with an AR15 platform weapon without even reloading or getting within 30 feet.

True but you are missing the point.

Meanwhile FBI Crime stats shows that Knives kills more people than Rifles (AK-47) every year.

CNS News

More People Killed by Knives Than by Rifles, Shotguns, But Handguns Used in Most Murders​

By Kharen Martinez Murcia | October 8, 2019


The 2018 homicide data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows that more people were murdered with knives (1,515) and “blunt objects” such as hammers (443) than with rifles (297). The numbers also show that fewer people were killed with shotguns (235) than with knives or blunt objects.

Well, you can't beat, strangle or stab 18 screaming running kids or adults to death in less than a minute. You can do it with an AR15 platform weapon without even reloading or getting within 30 feet.
You can also do it with a pump-action shotgun.
In fact, every mass shooting in the US, save one, could be equally perpretrated with a pump-action shotgun.
How are your rights being threatened by me not having a gun safe or carrying a firearm on my person or car? Yes rights come with limitations, but what other right has more limitations than firearms? I have no rights when there are so many regulations on them that I have no logical way to exercise those rights. It's like saying all voters must climb a two story ladder to get to their voting place.

What you're talking about is not regulations on rights, it's down right taking them away. The reason I carry a firearm is for personal protection. Take that away and I have no right to protect myself with a firearm on the street or in my car. It kind of defeats the purpose of having gun rights, doesn't it? Same thing in my house. If somebody busts down the door and I have no way to unlock my safe quick enough to retrieve that firarm, what's the point of having a right to bear arms?
You specifically probably not. You don't have an irresponsible or unstable adolescent kid in your house, as I kind of doubt you would not tolerate it, I'm pretty sure. I would hate to see you have an AR stolen and used by nut balls or criminals, though, so a gun safe is a really good idea, even for people, I have a reasonable respect for, due to many conversations.
You and I carry for the same reason(s), to protect ourselves and anybody with us and possibly (but hopefully not) to intercede if absolutely necessary and unavoidable. I don't know about you, but I don't keep a "spare" in the glove compartment, certainly not after having my windows smashed twice and two Garmans stolen at a Lowes parking lot. Funny the reaction from the head of crime stoppers after the second break in, locally the officer was on a radio giving me hell for having them in the locked car twice and attached to the windshield, when usually he makes fun of the low life criminals, but I digress. In actuality, it does not detract from you protecting yourself with a weapon in your vehicle at all. Mine is in my should holster, locked and loaded all the time, just not stashed under a seat or in the console. This thread started out about AR15s, I doubt you are riding around with an AR in the back seat, when you go to Walmart or the mall. As for my house, my 9mm is in the holster, locked and loaded, retaining strap released in the night stand on my side of the bed, and my 90 lb German shepherd moves to sleep in the hall, just outside our bedroom as the light go out. Nobody gets on our porch without her raising hell, day or night. Best alarm system you ever saw and her bite is even worse than her bark. We have to order her to the kitchen (where she continues barks and stomps the floor but at least does not charge the security glass storm door) just to answer the door.
True but you are missing the point.

Meanwhile FBI Crime stats shows that Knives kills more people than Rifles (AK-47) every year.

CNS News

More People Killed by Knives Than by Rifles, Shotguns, But Handguns Used in Most Murders​

By Kharen Martinez Murcia | October 8, 2019


The 2018 homicide data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows that more people were murdered with knives (1,515) and “blunt objects” such as hammers (443) than with rifles (297). The numbers also show that fewer people were killed with shotguns (235) than with knives or blunt objects.

Very few mass murders, though.
Very few mass murders, though.

Already agreed on that.

Guns are not the problem it is the people who have changed over the decades the problem we live in a nation badly divided with a lot of organized gangs and drug culture swiring around in the background and suffer from stupid partisan politics.

Before 1993 there were ZERO school shootings anywhere, yet we have a lot of guns and many states had been allowing Gun Carry for up to 10 years.

More Gun control isn't the answer it is how people live and handle stress that needs to be addressed.
You can also do it with a pump-action shotgun.
In fact, every mass shooting in the US, save one, could be equally perpretrated with a pump-action shotgun.
Yes. Pump action shotgun are very effective, but most only hole 5 shells, even if unplugged. If you start shooting and stop at 5 rounds to reload, somebody will drop you like a bad habit.
Yes. Pump action shotgun are very effective, but most only hole 5 shells, even if unplugged. If you start shooting and stop at 5 rounds to reload, somebody will drop you like a bad habit.
Or not. Look at the Pulse nightclub shooting -- 300 people, one shooter, no one did a thing.
If the shooter is smart, he has 8 rounds and only fires 6 before he reloads.
Already agreed on that.

Guns are not the problem it is the people who have changed over the decades the problem we live in a nation badly divided with a lot of organized gangs and drug culture swiring around in the background and suffer from stupid partisan politics.

Before 1993 there were ZERO school shootings anywhere, yet we have a lot of guns and many states had been allowing Gun Carry for up to 10 years.

More Gun control isn't the answer it is how people live and handle stress that needs to be addressed.
Interesting and sounds right. Most state did not let you open carry ARs. ARs were not nearly as popular. The marketing has been amazingly effect or irresponsibly horrific, depending on your viewpoint.
It does boil down to exactly what you said. "it is the people who have changed over the decades", you correctly stated, but in this society we do poorly at effectively regulating people. Restricting sales by increased regulation is much easier and sooner or later show will definitely show affect.
Interesting and sounds right. Most state did not let you open carry ARs. ARs were not nearly as popular. The marketing has been amazingly effect or irresponsibly horrific, depending on your viewpoint.
It does boil down to exactly what you said. "it is the people who have changed over the decades", you correctly stated, but in this society we do poorly at effectively regulating people. Restricting sales by increased regulation is much easier and sooner or later show will definitely show affect.

But Criminals the main cause of murders don't observe regulations and gun laws, they do what ever they want to get what they want.

Regulating people always have been hard, better I think is to improve their outlook on life and reduce prejudice and bigotry which strongly effects peoples mental well being and stress we live under.

Remember the run on Toilet Paper in the early days of the COVID madness?
Interesting and sounds right. Most state did not let you open carry ARs. ARs were not nearly as popular. The marketing has been amazingly effect or irresponsibly horrific, depending on your viewpoint.
It does boil down to exactly what you said. "it is the people who have changed over the decades", you correctly stated, but in this society we do poorly at effectively regulating people. Restricting sales by increased regulation is much easier and sooner or later show will definitely show affect.

That's what they thought about the so-called assault weapons ban that lasted ten years. When they went to renew it they found it didn't do anything in regards to results so they never did it.
Most of the countries don't have these mass shootings, u know why ? Because they have almost no guns available for everyone to grab.
And never had a Constitutional right to own firearms. Right now I bet the Ukraine and all of those other Eastern European countries wish they had the same rights.

“You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” ― Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Or not. Look at the Pulse nightclub shooting -- 300 people, one shooter, no one did a thing.
If the shooter is smart, he has 8 rounds and only fires 6 before he reloads.
Unlike TN, you can carry your concealed carry firearm into at bar or nightclub in Florida and unless you are beyond .10 blood alcohol content, you are good to go, and even that restriction does not apply to self defense. Could this mean that gay bar patrons are unlikely to have CCW or otherwise carry?
That's what they thought about the so-called assault weapons ban that lasted ten years. When they went to renew it they found it didn't do anything in regards to results so they never did it.
Really? I thought there were just enough 2nd amendment, supporter to defeat it.
Interesting and sounds right. Most state did not let you open carry ARs. ARs were not nearly as popular. The marketing has been amazingly effect or irresponsibly horrific, depending on your viewpoint.
It does boil down to exactly what you said. "it is the people who have changed over the decades", you correctly stated, but in this society we do poorly at effectively regulating people. Restricting sales by increased regulation is much easier and sooner or later show will definitely show affect.
We have tried this before and it didn't work.

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