Biden Blames Guns

So tell us sheep, WTF does the NRA have anything to do with the shooting, because Dementia said so? Let's see some evidence here.

The NRA is anything else than a representative of the interests of rod and gun clubs. It's a political propaganda machine fighting against the will of 80% of all US-Americans who know that the USA needs much stricter weapon laws. Since decades and year by year leads the NRA the whole USA into a growing political chaos. Also by eliminating young talented politicians.
Bottom line Americans shoot each other by the thousands and Europeans don't.
That's moronic.

Europeans have been shooting each other for hundreds of years, dummy.

Maybe crack a book sometime?
In our country guns sell themselves. ...

What means my good old friend Kal El would need about 50 years to eliminate all this totally superflous machines in the USA. By the way: What is fascinating in machines which spit out with high speed little pieces of metal? This are machines for superidiots!

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The Japanese emoji you used is the very most used emoji on planet Earth. One reason for: Most of the US-Americans who use this emoji don't know what means "funny". They use it instead of "I laugh disrespectfully about you". No wonder that you have the feeling you need guns because of your own poor behavior.
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The Japanese emoji you used is very most used emoji on planet Earth. One reason for: Most of the US-Americans who use this emoji don't know what means "funny". They use it instead of "I laugh disrespectfully about you". No wonder that you have the feeling you need guns because of your own poor behavior.
You're complaining about emojis?

Snowflake much?

You're complaining about emojis?

Snowflake much?


I ask myselve how an agressive idiot like you dominates with clever made instruments like a PC or Smart phone the US-American society by producing mass-idiots. What kind of deadly, speechless infection of the minds is this what you are doing?
I ask myselve how an agressive idiot like you dominates with clever made instruments like a PC or Smart phone the US-American society by producing mass-idiots.
Meanwhile WE had to put down you sorry German fascists TWICE in the last century.

And you're complaining to us about weapons?

FUCK you, ungrateful dumbass leftard.

Maybe next time we'll just drop a nuke on your fascist asses, fucktard
'Biden Blames.....'

White Extremists
Oil Companies
Price Gougers

Joe 'The Buck Stops Here' Biden blames everyone and everything ... except himself.
Meanwhile WE had to put down you sorry German fascists TWICE in the last century.

The USA did do this not twice and you did do nothing at all in this context except not to listen to people who warn you not to be a Nazi who calls everyone else a Nazi.

And you're complaining to us about weapons?

FUCK you, ungrateful dumbass leftard.

Maybe next time we'll just drop a nuke on your fascist asses, fucktard

Not any manners - not even in the eyes of so many murdered children. It's really unbelievable how uneducated and stupid you are, satanic friend of mass-murder in all forms of mass-murder. Poor USA. ... You sound by the way as if Putin had motivated you to fight against the Ukraine. ...
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What means my good old friend Kal El would need about 50 years to eliminate all this totally superflous machines in the USA. By the way: What is fascinating in machines which spit out with high speed little pieces of metal? This are machines for superidiots!

These are machines that keep us safe from criminals like that nut at the school. In fact in the United States, we use our firearms for self-defense, to stop a crime, or defend others between 1 to 4 million times a year, depending on who's estimate you adhere to. Where you live if three guys are walking down the sidewalk the other way, decide to beat the living hell out of you, there is little you could do about it. If the same thing happens to me here, they have to consider I may be the last person they ever assault before their family gets the body, and it's perfectly legal for me to do so.
The NRA is anything else than a representative of the interests of rod and gun clubs. It's a political propaganda machine fighting against the will of 80% of all US-Americans who know that the USA needs much stricter weapon laws. Since decades and year by year leads the NRA the whole USA into a growing political chaos. Also by eliminating young talented politicians.

Bullshit. We have more guns than Americans. Most are quite happy with our gun restrictions. Those who are not have no idea what additional restrictions we could have that would stop bad things from happening, because a criminal will always find a way to get a gun.

The NRA is nothing more than a club that brings us gun rights people together. It's no different than any other group of people that believe in something. The Communists want to destroy that unity by getting rid of the NRA because they are the heart of our beliefs.

The only thing that stops us from getting talented young politicians is the corrupt media. Very few want to go through their lies and insults about them or their family, so the good people just stay the hell out of politics.
He's not the leader of our country which is a job to bring unity among the people.

Gotcha, so it is ok to use the tragedy of dead kids for political grandstanding as long as you are not the leader of the country!

Thanks for clearing that up.

Who was the last president that actually tried to bring unity among the people? Reagan? Carter?
These are machines that keep us safe from criminals like that nut at the school.

By transforming your schools into high security tracts where your children learn very first of all to live in fear of school massacres.

In fact in the United States, we use our firearms for self-defense, to stop a crime, or defend others between 1 to 4 million times a year, depending on who's estimate you adhere to.

You speak with a German. All ~250,000 policemen in Germany together shoot in average less than 100 times a year on other human beings - including warn shots. And in average less than 10 criminals - often much less - die because of this. And nearly never a policeman will be shot to death. This year unfortunatelly an agressive idiot murdered two policemen on not any reason to have to do so. A bad year. A very bad year.

Where you live if three guys are walking down the sidewalk the other way, decide to beat the living hell out of you, there is little you could do about it.

I had been violently attacked here in Germany in my long life one time from a German idiot, one time from some US-American idiots (Blacks in this case) and one time from two Russian idiots - father and son. In all of this cases they had no gun and imagine: I am still alive. And I had also one time a little fight with some German policemen because I refused to be bound with handcuffs. Finally they gave up and so they are also still alive, although they had guns.

If the same thing happens to me here, they have to consider I may be the last person they ever assault before their family gets the body, and it's perfectly legal for me to do so.

So if some people go on the other side of the street they and their relatives have to live in fear of you. You would kill them without scruple. That's your law. Hopefully no one makes an "preemptive strike" who walks on the other side of the street.
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US gun nuts you speak of use our firearms to stop a crime or for self-defense between 1 to 4 million times a year depending on who's estimate you use. But let's take the one million figure:

Without our firearms, we would have over a million more violent crimes each year. We have plenty as it is now. We don't need to be inviting more.

In almost all cases of mass shootings, the perpetrator makes sure they use a target where the people are disarmed. They don't want any resistance. They want to kill as many people as possible, and using a target of people where some may be armed is a situation they avoid.

As the NRA has said repeatedly, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, and that's been proven correct repeatedly. Those kids were all sitting ducks until the border patrol special forces arrived to take down the gunman. He made sure to choose a school where defense was as weak as possible, and never considered those special forces being nearby.

Here in my city we hosted the Republican National Convention. Because it was Donald Trump, the leftist terrorists promised us it would be a blood bath; people coming from all over the country to cause trouble; people being pulled out of their car and seriously hurt or killed. The result? Three arrests, and one of them was not even related to the convention.

Why was that? Because these threats came from people in commie states with strict gun controls and little legal protection for a victim that uses a firearm for self-defense. Oh, in their cities they started police cars on fire, pulled people out of their car to beat them, even tried to burn down federal buildings. But in our city and state, you try to break into somebody's car to cause harm, it may be the last thing you did in life, and our laws strictly protect the victims that take down these lowlifes. So we had a pretty peaceful event.
It's obvious you've not looked at any threads on here.
Yes, infringing on constitutional rights is always a great Cuba.

So, as we both know, most guns used in crimes are not regulated because they are illegally purchased. So how would anything you listed stop a bad guy from carrying out a crime with a gun? After all, your list would only affect good people wanting to own a gun. Criminals across the country would celebrate because it would be too difficult to actually buy and keep one.

I'm a criminal and it's illegal to carry a gun on the street, do you think I would obey such a law? How many laws did the Texas shooter obey?

What you are suggesting here is that nobody ever be allowed to protect themselves with a firearm either walking, driving, or any way other than inside your own house, and if you had to spend five minutes opening up your gun safe if somebody breaks in, you might as well not have any firearms at all for protection.

Basically what you are promoting is the Communist agenda to disarm good people. Could we do the same for people who vote too? Get a DUI and that's it, no voting for you.
No constitutional right is unlimited. It just isn't. You have freedom of speech, but it is against the law for you to use that freedom to shout threats of killing a public official, urging others to do so or entering into a conversation to plan such an event The "right" is limited, depending on how you use it. You will be arrested. You have the freedom of the press, but a newspaper, coming into possession of government classified plans, engineering diagrams or facility security system cannot publish them, just as a freedom of the press issue. The right is limited. You have freedom of religion, but you cannot organize a religion where the principles and sacred rituals involve even willing human sacrifice to your god or gods. The right is limited. You will be arrested.
All rights carry responsibilities and yes, appropriate caveats are made and enforced for the public good.
I have the right to defend myself and my property, but if I shoot an unarmed kid in the back of the head, stealing my kid's bike from the back yard, I will go to prison.
There is nothing communist about. It is just how it is and how it has always been. Your rights stop when the threaten my rights or others rights and yes, the rights of society.
The USA did do this not twice and you did do nothing at all in this context except not to listen to people who warn you not to be a Nazi who calls everyone else a Nazi.

I already told you dumbass, my family has been ejecting tyrants for 900 years.

My grandfather was one of the generals responsible for keeping Hitler out of Switzerland.

Don't presume to lecture me, on history or anything else.

We go back to the year 1270. You know what happened then, your people were involved. A lot of them ended up dead, because the fascist bastards tried to tell us what to do

Not any manners - not even in the eyes of so many murdered children. It's really unbelievable how uneducated and stupid you are, satanic friend of mass-murder in all forms of mass-murder. Poor USA. ... You sound by the way as if Putin had motivated you to fight against the Ukraine. ...
And you dumbass shit for brains Krauts haven't learned your lesson yet, have you?

Still trying to tell me what to do

Trying to disguise your fascist moralism with "politeness".

Hey fucktard, it's IMPOLITE to tell me what to do

Now go crawl back under your rock, dumbass leftard. The world needs less of you.

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