Biden Blames Guns

Why would I care about who agrees with you or not?!

You don't. That's the problem.

You make a claim to a leftist and they say you're FOS.
You provide evidence of your claim and you say the source is biased.
You use one or more of their own sources and they still cry foul.

At that point I have no idea WTF you're looking for.
So what more regulations do you speak of. It seems when I ask this question, I get different answers each time.

You have to be 21 years of age to own a hand held firearm. You cannot own a firearm if you are convicted felon. The FBI reports that most of the guns used in crimes were purchased by a straw buyer. So what regulations would stop something like this school shooting or the Buffalo shooting?
For weapons such as these, I would:
1. Raise minimum age to buy, own or possess (unless renting on a controlled, supervised, regulated range) to 25.
2. Thorough background checks, similar to NSA level background checks.
3. Nobody, ever gets to have one on the street.
4. No magazines over 10 rounds except as rented on a controlled supervised regulated range.
5. No purchases greater than one at a time, only permitted in a 30 day period, with separate fees for another. NSA level background check.
6. Mandatory training and licensing and photo ID permit, before transfer of weapon from seller to buyer.
7. Conviction on public drunk, DUI, or drug offenses, would mean automatic, loss of all weapons permits. If charged, all weapons confiscate until charges adjudicated.
8. No carry on city streets, EVER. If in a vehicle, must be unloaded with ammo secured seperately.
9. Proof of ownership of a gun safe for storage of weapon and ammunition required.
10. Uniformity of long gun weapons laws enforce by Federal, state and city from state to state, across the board.
11. Ban on import of semi-automatic rifles.
12. No US sales withing CONUS or possession allowed to Non-United States Citizens.
13. Highly regulate sales of replacement parts on all Semi-automatic rifles.
14. Strengthen ghost buyer laws, and increase sentences, automatic if guilty.
That ought to help.
... No one buys war weapons. ...

You are totally mad !!! It makes unfortunatelly not any sense to try to speak with US-American weapon fetishists who grew high since the 1970ies of the last century. You are aliens from an unknown part of the universe where no logos exists and lies are the daily bread.

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You are totally mad !!!
I'd say the same of you. Automatic machine guns in America cannot be purchased without a permit. No one can afford a tank or a bomber. Jet fighters? No way. Sting missiles are all sold to the Ukraine but not sold to American citizens. Submarines cost too much to run and maintain for the ordinary American citizen. All we have are single-shot semi automatics like they had in Old West. Carbines were popular. We can buy shotguns to shoot birds and other animals for food. Hand guns are all semi-automatic (one shot per trigger pull) and are used for law abiding citizens for personal protection. An AR-15 is a glorified .22 caliber semi automatic (one shot at a time) long rifle. So, you are full of shit. You are ignorant and stupid to boot.
I'd say the same of you. ...

Then let it be to try to speak furthermore with me. I am absolutelly not interested in all forms of guns and who owns guns for fun and private use is a criminal in my eyes. End of discussion.
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I can tell you this:

Huge black market in guns in Europe. I got that from the police themselves. If I wanted a gun today, I could get one, from certain areas in the city.

Mass shootings in Europe tend to be terrorist motivated. Remember the Paris Bataclan massacre?

And the reason there aren’t more of them is: the police, in particular the Germans, are very good at foiling these plots. There is constant secret surveillance.

I think there were already warnings concerning the latest Texas perpetrator.
Bottom line Americans shoot each other by the thousands and Europeans don't.
Then let it be to try to speak furthermore with me. I am absolutelly not interested in all forms of guns and who owns guns for fun and private use is a criminal in my eyes. End of discussion.
So you’re a Marxist zfigured..
So you’re a Marxist zfigured..

Oh by the way, unscrupulous propagandist of hate: Indeed you are one of the very concrete persons of the criminal organisation NRA who is responsible for the mass-murder on US-American citizens and their children. How much money pays the criminal organisaion NRA to the victims of their deadly underground politics? Nothing? How generous!
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Oh by the way, unscrupulous propagandist of hate: Indeed you are one of the very concrete persons of the criminal organisation NRA who is responsible for the mass-murder on US-American citizens and their children. How much money pays the criminal organisaion NRA to the victims of their deadly underground politics? Nothing? How generous!

So tell us sheep, WTF does the NRA have anything to do with the shooting, because Dementia said so? Let's see some evidence here.
For weapons such as these, I would:
1. Raise minimum age to buy, own or possess (unless renting on a controlled, supervised, regulated range) to 25.
2. Thorough background checks, similar to NSA level background checks.
3. Nobody, ever gets to have one on the street.
4. No magazines over 10 rounds except as rented on a controlled supervised regulated range.
5. No purchases greater than one at a time, only permitted in a 30 day period, with separate fees for another. NSA level background check.
6. Mandatory training and licensing and photo ID permit, before transfer of weapon from seller to buyer.
7. Conviction on public drunk, DUI, or drug offenses, would mean automatic, loss of all weapons permits. If charged, all weapons confiscate until charges adjudicated.
8. No carry on city streets, EVER. If in a vehicle, must be unloaded with ammo secured seperately.
9. Proof of ownership of a gun safe for storage of weapon and ammunition required.
10. Uniformity of long gun weapons laws enforce by Federal, state and city from state to state, across the board.
11. Ban on import of semi-automatic rifles.
12. No US sales withing CONUS or possession allowed to Non-United States Citizens.
13. Highly regulate sales of replacement parts on all Semi-automatic rifles.
14. Strengthen ghost buyer laws, and increase sentences, automatic if guilty.
That ought to help.

Yes, infringing on constitutional rights is always a great Cuba.

So, as we both know, most guns used in crimes are not regulated because they are illegally purchased. So how would anything you listed stop a bad guy from carrying out a crime with a gun? After all, your list would only affect good people wanting to own a gun. Criminals across the country would celebrate because it would be too difficult to actually buy and keep one.

I'm a criminal and it's illegal to carry a gun on the street, do you think I would obey such a law? How many laws did the Texas shooter obey?

What you are suggesting here is that nobody ever be allowed to protect themselves with a firearm either walking, driving, or any way other than inside your own house, and if you had to spend five minutes opening up your gun safe if somebody breaks in, you might as well not have any firearms at all for protection.

Basically what you are promoting is the Communist agenda to disarm good people. Could we do the same for people who vote too? Get a DUI and that's it, no voting for you.
There he goes again. Using the tragedy of dead kids for political grandstanding. What an asshole!!
Nowhere near as much of an arsehole as the Texas governor, Cruz and the nimrods who run the NRA..
So tell us sheep, WTF does the NRA have anything to do with the shooting, because Dementia said so? Let's see some evidence here.
Because they support the wholesale arming of America. Why? To protect people? Nope. Because of the second amendment? Well, that's what they'll tell you but that's not the answer either. Because it'll stop criminal acts and mass shootings? Obviously not because they are now at epidemic proportions in the US. Money. That's why. These fuckwits get paid a tonne of moolah by the gun manufacturers via lobby dollars. Don't you just love America where there is no moral high ground, just who's paying me the most.

What a shithole that country has become over the past 30 years. And Texas? Fuck, what a basket case, pathetic state.
Because they support the wholesale arming of America. Why? To protect people? Nope. Because of the second amendment? Well, that's what they'll tell you but that's not the answer either. Because it'll stop criminal acts and mass shootings? Obviously not because they are now at epidemic proportions in the US. Money. That's why. These fuckwits get paid a tonne of moolah by the gun manufacturers via lobby dollars. Don't you just love America where there is no moral high ground, just who's paying me the most.

What a shithole that country has become over the past 30 years. And Texas? Fuck, what a basket case, pathetic state.

In our country guns sell themselves. There is no need for the NRA to be involved. Show me one television or radio commercial by the NRA or manufacturers of guns. You can't do it outside of hunting and gun magazines. The largest sales people of guns is the Communist party. Every time they start their anti-gun rant, guns and ammo fly off the shelves.

But oh, look at all the big money spent by the NRA for so called lobbying.


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