Biden Blames Guns

The lie was yours, you claimed they don't happen in other countries, I simply proved that they do.

The worse school massacre in US history wasn't even a shooting, two angry parents blew the school up with natural gas.
Are you trying to comfort yourself? The US far the worst country in mass shooting and the whole world knows this. What are trying to achieve by mentioning Europe that hardly have any? The violent culture in the US can't be compared to anywhere else. I mean you nut cases are suggesting to arm teachers in a school, how worse can it get? Arm babies too? Dumbest group of people that ever existed.
Bullshit. If you go to a nice quiet middle-class white suburb, and make law that every household must have firearm in it, you won't see any change in their crime statistics. Then you go to a minority crime filled city, make law that nobody can have a firearm in their home, and their crime statistics won't change either.

Point is, the gun doesn't make people into criminals. They are already hate filled criminals that use a gun for convenience. But if they want to kill, they are going to kill.
worst mass shootings in the US were commited by white Americans. I don't know what you trying to prove there.
The whole world knows that America is nuts for having so much mass shootings and is doing nothing about it.
That's moronic.

Europeans have been shooting each other for hundreds of years, dummy.

Maybe crack a book sometime?
You took the center stage and you don't even have a war. You get shot going to the market, church, concert and even your little kids get murdered in schools. Don't see that in Europe.
I already told you dumbass,

Why have US-Americasn no manners?

my family has been ejecting tyrants for 900 years.

You are a Swiss?

My grandfather was one of the generals responsible for keeping Hitler out of Switzerland.

You say you are a Swiss. But you don't speak like a Swiss. And Hitler never had any plan to attack Switzerland. Why should he? But US-Americans bombed some Swiss cities because they thought it's Germany and when German fighter aircrafts had helped Switzerland by fighting US-American bombers over Switzerland you shot the fighters down. I guess one of the last thougts of one of this pilots could had been "Sometimes death is a funny thing".

Don't presume to lecture me, on history or anything else.

If you are really a Swiss then you speak out a totally absurde nonsense. The house Habsburg for example came from Switzerland.

We go back to the year 1270.

August 1291. Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden made a Bundesbrief (Union-letter) on reason to restore their old rights after the German king Rudolf 1st from the house Habsburg had died.

You know what happened then,

I don't remember in the moment what had happened directly afterwards. ... Ah yeah got it. "You" voted for the Bavarian house Wittelsbach and not for the house Habsburg in the next election for the king of Germany in 1315. When you additionally had attacked the monastery Einsiedeln the Austrian Leopold 1st (I guess he had been from the house Habsburg) started a war against "you" which he lost in the battle of Morgarten. Afterwards the imperial cities Luzern, Zürich, Glarus, Zug and Bern also liked to be independent from the house Habsburg. Together this Bund (=Union) had been called "The Eight Cities". Vienna, Paris and Milan (=Germany, France and Italy) tolerated this result.

your people were involved. A lot of them ended up dead, because the fascist bastards tried to tell us what to do

Fascists bastards in 1315 AD? Are you mad?

And you dumbass shit for brains Krauts haven't learned your lesson yet, have you?

Sorry to have to say so - but you have absolutelly nothing to do with Switzerland. Every Swiss would sink into the Earth on shame if a Swiss would speak like you with a German like me.

Still trying to tell me what to do

Trying to disguise your fascist moralism with "politeness".

Hey fucktard, it's IMPOLITE to tell me what to do

Now go crawl back under your rock, dumbass leftard. The world needs less of you.

Can it be you are the little brother of Homer Simpson whose brain was burned out when Homer threw him into the nuclear fire where he warmed up his Swiss-Burger?

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Oh by the way, unscrupulous propagandist of hate: Indeed you are one of the very concrete persons of the criminal organisation NRA who is responsible for the mass-murder on US-American citizens and their children. How much money pays the criminal organisaion NRA to the victims of their deadly underground politics? Nothing? How generous!

Aha - you found an empty expression which I am not able to translate. I guess that's enough reason for you to wipe out all life on planet Earth. But not any reason not to waste the money or manpower of your wife or of any other of your slaves in the USA which you let murder whenever you like to let them murder.
worst mass shootings in the US were commited by white Americans. I don't know what you trying to prove there.
The whole world knows that America is nuts for having so much mass shootings and is doing nothing about it.

What do you want us to do about it? Do you think disarming law abiding citizens would stop it?

Are you trying to comfort yourself? The US far the worst country in mass shooting and the whole world knows this. What are trying to achieve by mentioning Europe that hardly have any? The violent culture in the US can't be compared to anywhere else. I mean you nut cases are suggesting to arm teachers in a school, how worse can it get? Arm babies too? Dumbest group of people that ever existed.

So why do you and millions like you leave their country and come here (or try to come here) to live with the dumbest people that ever existed?
How do you get around "shall not be infringed"?
Like limitations on any other right in the bill of rights. They all are not absolute, never were, and will always have circumstance where you are not allowed to exercise them totally to your liking. Does freedom of religion allow you to sacrifice vigins, just because it is an accepted practice of your minority cult religion? The Supreme Court has ruled weapons regulation is legal and constitutional.
You took the center stage and you don't even have a war. You get shot going to the market, church, concert and even your little kids get murdered in schools. Don't see that in Europe.
Most of America's gun crime is among Negroes in the Democrat big cities with druggies, gang bangers and street thugs. If we ship over our Negroes then European crime would shoot up.

By the way, you are confused. There have been mass school shootings in Europe.

No constitutional right is unlimited. It just isn't. You have freedom of speech, but it is against the law for you to use that freedom to shout threats of killing a public official, urging others to do so or entering into a conversation to plan such an event The "right" is limited, depending on how you use it. You will be arrested. You have the freedom of the press, but a newspaper, coming into possession of government classified plans, engineering diagrams or facility security system cannot publish them, just as a freedom of the press issue. The right is limited. You have freedom of religion, but you cannot organize a religion where the principles and sacred rituals involve even willing human sacrifice to your god or gods. The right is limited. You will be arrested.
All rights carry responsibilities and yes, appropriate caveats are made and enforced for the public good.
I have the right to defend myself and my property, but if I shoot an unarmed kid in the back of the head, stealing my kid's bike from the back yard, I will go to prison.
There is nothing communist about. It is just how it is and how it has always been. Your rights stop when the threaten my rights or others rights and yes, the rights of society.

How are your rights being threatened by me not having a gun safe or carrying a firearm on my person or car? Yes rights come with limitations, but what other right has more limitations than firearms? I have no rights when there are so many regulations on them that I have no logical way to exercise those rights. It's like saying all voters must climb a two story ladder to get to their voting place.

What you're talking about is not regulations on rights, it's down right taking them away. The reason I carry a firearm is for personal protection. Take that away and I have no right to protect myself with a firearm on the street or in my car. It kind of defeats the purpose of having gun rights, doesn't it? Same thing in my house. If somebody busts down the door and I have no way to unlock my safe quick enough to retrieve that firarm, what's the point of having a right to bear arms?
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Like limitations on any other right in the bill of rights. They all are not absolute, never were, and will always have circumstance where you are not allowed to exercise them totally to your liking. Does freedom of religion allow you to sacrifice vigins, just because it is an accepted practice of your minority cult religion? The Supreme Court has ruled weapons regulation is legal and constitutional.
Killing human beings is against the law no matter what religion one is so, that argument is DOA. Also, killing a person takes away their right to life. Except, of course, if you're a baby in the womb.
Like limitations on any other right in the bill of rights.
Oh, I see. You do not believe these things are infringements.
Ok then - demonstrate the necessity for and efficacy of those restrictions.
And then - would they be infringements of laid on the right to an abortion?
The Supreme Court has ruled weapons regulation is legal and constitutional.
This is false, as, since Heller, the USSC has struck every firearm regulation placed before it.
Cite the case, and the regulation upheld.
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By transforming your schools into high security tracts where your children learn very first of all to live in fear of school massacres.

You speak with a German. All ~250,000 policemen in Germany together shoot in average less than 100 times a year on other human beings - including warn shots. And in average less than 10 criminals - often much less - die because of this. And nearly never a policeman will be shot to death. This year unfortunatelly an agressive idiot murdered two policemen on not any reason to have to do so. A bad year. A very bad year.

I had been violently attacked here in Germany in my long life one time from a German idiot, one time from some US-American idiots (Blacks in this case) and one time from two Russian idiots - father and son. In all of this cases they had no gun and imagine: I am still alive. And I had also one time a little fight with some German policemen because I refused to be bound with handcuffs. Finally they gave up and so they are also still alive, although they had guns.

So if some people go on the other side of the street they and their relatives have to live in fear of you. You would kill them without scruple. That's your law. Hopefully no one makes an "preemptive strike" who walks on the other side of the street.

Did I say that? In the US you have to prove your case for self-defense. The law reads I have the legal right to use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. If you injure or kill somebody without being able to show you were in that situation, you'll be going to prison for murder.

Just because you are still alive over your multiple attacks doesn't justify disarming an entire society. You were attacked because your attackers knew you were not armed or able to defend yourself. If that were something they had to consider, it's likely they would have just left you alone. There was a similar case here in New York city. Some big black guy attacked a elderly Asian woman. Nobody knows what his reasons were, but he knew in NYC that elderly woman was very likely not armed because NYC is basically a Communist city where just about nobody can get a permit for a gun.

The beauty of our firearm laws is that nobody knows if you have a gun or not. That element of surprise is what helps keep armed people safe as well as unarmed people.

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