Biden Blames Guns

Already agreed on that.

Guns are not the problem it is the people who have changed over the decades the problem we live in a nation badly divided with a lot of organized gangs and drug culture swiring around in the background and suffer from stupid partisan politics.

Before 1993 there were ZERO school shootings anywhere, yet we have a lot of guns and many states had been allowing Gun Carry for up to 10 years.

More Gun control isn't the answer it is how people live and handle stress that needs to be addressed.

Kind of hard to do at this point. When I was a kid acting up in the store your parent(s) swatted you in the ass in front of other people. Teachers used to take a board and beat your ass with it in front of class. If you cried from the pain, the other kids would make fun of you for the rest of the school year or longer, When you did something wrong at home, you were grounded.

We don't do these kinds of things anymore. We are raising eggshells instead of human beings. They are shielded from normal emotions like shame and disgrace. We don't hit children any longer, we tell them they are wrong. We don't ground kids anymore, we put them in time out. Teachers are not allowed to lay a hand on any child today regardless what they did wrong. What teachers did to us as kids in our local school would be nationwide news today, and probably resulting in a multi-thousand dollar lawsuit. Bullying (which as been going on in every generation of children) is now a national discussion as if it was something new.

So we shield our children from emotions like embarrassment, humiliation and defeat, then take God out of society at the same time, and we can't figure out why people flip out over the stupidest things enough to kill other human beings?
Unlike TN, you can carry your concealed carry firearm into at bar or nightclub in Florida and unless you are beyond .10 blood alcohol content, you are good to go, and even that restriction does not apply to self defense. Could this mean that gay bar patrons are unlikely to have CCW or otherwise carry?
Fact remains: 300 people did nothing.
Thus your "If you start shooting and stop at 5 rounds to reload, somebody will drop you like a bad habit" quip is nowhere near the certainty you suggest.
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Defeat what?
Extending the 1994 AWB never came up for a vote.
wonder why? LOL

But really, magazine capacity or people buying "over 100 rounds" are all pretty useless. And I know people who will go through a 100 rounds on a weekend. Not me, but I don't see enjoyment in shooting.

But for the gop and NRA, NOTHING is possible. NOTHING. And that's as much a bs position as Biden and guns
You specifically probably not. You don't have an irresponsible or unstable adolescent kid in your house, as I kind of doubt you would not tolerate it, I'm pretty sure. I would hate to see you have an AR stolen and used by nut balls or criminals, though, so a gun safe is a really good idea, even for people, I have a reasonable respect for, due to many conversations.
You and I carry for the same reason(s), to protect ourselves and anybody with us and possibly (but hopefully not) to intercede if absolutely necessary and unavoidable. I don't know about you, but I don't keep a "spare" in the glove compartment, certainly not after having my windows smashed twice and two Garmans stolen at a Lowes parking lot. Funny the reaction from the head of crime stoppers after the second break in, locally the officer was on a radio giving me hell for having them in the locked car twice and attached to the windshield, when usually he makes fun of the low life criminals, but I digress. In actuality, it does not detract from you protecting yourself with a weapon in your vehicle at all. Mine is in my should holster, locked and loaded all the time, just not stashed under a seat or in the console. This thread started out about AR15s, I doubt you are riding around with an AR in the back seat, when you go to Walmart or the mall. As for my house, my 9mm is in the holster, locked and loaded, retaining strap released in the night stand on my side of the bed, and my 90 lb German shepherd moves to sleep in the hall, just outside our bedroom as the light go out. Nobody gets on our porch without her raising hell, day or night. Best alarm system you ever saw and her bite is even worse than her bark. We have to order her to the kitchen (where she continues barks and stomps the floor but at least does not charge the security glass storm door) just to answer the door.

Well I'm not about to become a pet owner because of the restrictions you would like to have against me. My .357 revolver is in the headboard of my bed and my 9mm on the dresser less than 5 feet away. Both are easily accessible in the event somebody does break down my door

What you listed were regulations that would virtually disable a gun owner from reasonably using their firearm. Not only would that not be productive, but give the criminals a better chance. I keep my gun on my passenger seat when driving. If I need it it's only a matter of one second for me to aim and fire such as a possible car jacking.

All the gun regulations in the world would not have prevented this nut case from doing what he did, and that's what's at discussion here. As one expert pointed out on the radio yesterday, we have around 200,000 schools in the United States, and most don't take proactive measures against an attack like this; it will never happen in my school. That's the attitude that needs to be changed.
But really, magazine capacity or people buying "over 100 rounds" are all pretty useless. And I know people who will go through a 100 rounds on a weekend.

Are they drinking or something? I can go through 100 rounds in a half-hour without trying.
Very true. The threat of someone being armed is also a deterrent for any perp.

Exactly. Years ago when the CCW bill was up for debate in our state, I was in a local blog and the discussion came up. Another blogger asked me why I would like to see our state adopt CCW laws. I told him I was concerned about my elderly mother. She lives alone, never had a drivers license in her life, and walks everywhere when it's close enough.

He wrote back and asked if the CCW bill passed and became law, would my elderly mother carry a firearm? To that I responded "no she wouldn't, but the criminal won't know that."
Yes. Pump action shotgun are very effective, but most only hole 5 shells, even if unplugged. If you start shooting and stop at 5 rounds to reload, somebody will drop you like a bad habit.

You mean by a responsible carrier of a concealed gun, which leftists are commonly against?
That's what they thought about the so-called assault weapons ban that lasted ten years. When they went to renew it they found it didn't do anything in regards to results so they never did it.
So, you think Republicans being in charge of congress in 2004, the planned sunshine date, had nothing to do with it not being renewed and everyone was in agreement it did nothing. I doubt that.
You mean by a responsible carrier of a concealed gun, which leftists are commonly against?
No matter who is for or against, many, I would say a vast majority of responsible permit holders do exist and carry. Many constitutional carry people act responsibly. Some don't. It is never the responsibly acting people that cause there to be a demand for tighter laws on anything, including weapons. It is the irresponsible ones, always.
The stuttering fuck had to read something a 22-year old intern cobbled together in 5 minutes and then ran it thru a "dumb it down to a 4th grade level" app. The stammering shit clown had NOTHING from the heart. Only mumbling marxist talking points and shitting on the memories of murdered children.

Let's not forget this fucking spectacle.
veggie joe says guns are the problem. veggie joe is the village simpleton. he only sees the guns.
No matter who is for or against, many, I would say a vast majority of responsible permit holders do exist and carry. Many constitutional carry people act responsibly. Some don't. It is never the responsibly acting people that cause there to be a demand for tighter laws on anything, including weapons. It is the irresponsible ones, always.
I haven't seen any mass shooting incidents being done by permit holders. Got a link?
I haven't seen any mass shooting incidents being done by permit holders. Got a link?
Never heard of one. They are high on the responsible carrying people list, not the irresponsible list.

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