Biden Blames Guns

Did you know that 80% of gun deaths in America are suicides by handguns ?

I heard it on the radio this morning
Do you know that most of the gun crime in this country takes place in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes with stringent gun control laws by Black and Brown druggies, gang bangers and street thugs?

The racist are the goddamn Negroes that are committing so many gun crimes in this country. They are killing each other. Sometimes as many as 60 a wekend being shot in Democrat controlled shitholes like Chicago.
LOL.. Dude you Can't SAY That!
it's the TRUTH!
Pohahhaha sad excuse. Armed Ukrainians cant do jackshit against an army. Iraqis, Serbian, chechens, Afghanis they were all armed and thry got stomped on.
It's called asymmetric warfare and both the US and Soviet Union didn't fare so well against the Afghani's
Same-o same-o...We need a LAW! And yet, none of these Lefties ever outlines a [Constitutional] LAW what would have made a fucking bit of difference.

They must think "we" are immeasurably stupid.
Here is a law...

Mandatory public liability insureance on Guns to the scale of actual damage...

The Texas shooting killed 21 people... let's say 3 million in damages per death and a million per injury... there was 51 injuries...

So lets make it about $100m in damages...

So if you want to have an AR-15 you need to have insurance to cover at least half that.. $50m, no caps...

when you buy a gun you need to show insurance to cover the firearm you are buying... police can ask you to show your insurance.

You could have a lower insurance limit (about $5m) on a handgun...

Simple... This is about cost of ownership...

NRA is one of the largest sellers of public liability insurance on firearms in the country so they will do well.

No violation of 2nd Amendment, it is not like the Government pays for people's guns today... This is a simple cost of ownership...

The insurance companies then would offer large discounts for people who get
  • Background checked
  • Training
  • Proper Gun Safe
  • Home use only (Not Conceal and Carry)
Small problem with the video games theory...

These games are worldwide... Japan and Europe is especially into them and they have really low gun homicide rates...
I think it's politics rather than video games. Especially when democrats try to say guns are the problem.
Here is a law...

Mandatory public liability insureance on Guns to the scale of actual damage...

The Texas shooting killed 21 people... let's say 3 million in damages per death and a million per injury... there was 51 injuries...

So lets make it about $100m in damages...

So if you want to have an AR-15 you need to have insurance to cover at least half that.. $50m, no caps...

when you buy a gun you need to show insurance to cover the firearm you are buying... police can ask you to show your insurance.

You could have a lower insurance limit (about $5m) on a handgun...

Simple... This is about cost of ownership...

NRA is one of the largest sellers of public liability insurance on firearms in the country so they will do well.

No violation of 2nd Amendment, it is not like the Government pays for people's guns today... This is a simple cost of ownership...

The insurance companies then would offer large discounts for people who get
  • Background checked
  • Training
  • Proper Gun Safe
  • Home use only (Not Conceal and Carry)

And while we're at it, let's bring back poll taxes since it's okay to be forced to spend money to exercise a constitutional right. I'm all for it.
That's correct, we don't, and do you know why? Because there is only one United States of America. Once we allow you to make us into one of those other wonderful places you tell us about, there will be no other place to go when it ends up being a shithole (as Trump supposedly said) like where you came from.

Yes, it's the best place to make money, created by this society you call dumb people. So tell us, how does it feel to rely on those dumb people in order for you to make money?
Never said all Americans are dumb. But half are beyond help and much more.

Think of the US as NYC everyone wants to go there to make money but everyone hates it (traffic, crime, pollution....) the world is full of amazing places and for you to think that life is only possible within the US is dumb.

I have lived in a third world country and you would never experience the warmth of a community liked I've experienced.

When some passed away no one went to work or school, everyone helped prep for the funeral. You need a ride at 2 am just knock on your neighbours door. You are a single parent who needs someone to watch your kid, neighbours will fight over thr kid to watch him till you come back. Someone tried to harass a girl he gets a besting. Oh and kids played dafely outside without supervision.
Did I say that? In the US you have to prove your case for self-defense. ...

I have nothing to prove. I will never visit the USA except I will have to be a blues brother in a mission from god.

The law reads I have the legal right to use deadly force if I believe that I (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death.
If you injure or kill somebody without being able to show you were in that situation, you'll be going to prison for murder.

Just because you are still alive over your multiple attacks doesn't justify disarming an entire society. You were attacked because your attackers knew you were not armed or able to defend yourself. If that were something they had to consider, it's likely they would have just left you alone. There was a similar case here in New York city. Some big black guy attacked a elderly Asian woman. Nobody knows what his reasons were, but he knew in NYC that elderly woman was very likely not armed because NYC is basically a Communist city where just about nobody can get a permit for a gun.

The beauty of our firearm laws is that nobody knows if you have a gun or not. That element of surprise is what helps keep armed people safe as well as unarmed people.

I don't take serios abstrahotism and professional lies. God gives no one any right to be a deadly force for anyone else and what you say fits also not with real experiences. You don't like to see that the USA is in a very disastrous situation because of the curse of masses of self fulfilling war weapons which poison your brains and kill your children.

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Our school already has very secured entryways. Because of that in almost all cases you would be paying people to carry a gun around school to do....really nothing. In every school. Year after year after year after year.

In no way am I minimizing the tragedy in Texas. It makes me sick. But this is shooting a cannon at a mosquito (in size, not in lethality). What we need rather than armed security is people in every building who are less likely to cater everything to DANGEROUS EVIL PEOPLE and more likely to report them as threats to society.

Bring back mental institutions
The stipend afforded to armed staff under our two programs barely covers the cost of lessons and training, less than 1,000.00 per year in most schools per staff member.

We need a change in law at the constitutional level to make it easier to lockup people with dangerous psychological/emotional conditions or having a nut house in every town wouldn't help because we would still be unable to get them off of the streets.

Even with the laws as they are now police and courts refuse to take the most basic steps necessary to render these people ineligible to legally purchase or possess firearms in the fist place.

Until we fully enforce existing laws already on the books no new legislation should even be considered and the first new legislation should be legislation to get these people off of the streets at least into some sort of supervised living arrangement if not full time lock down facilities.

Virtually none of the school shootings or mass shootings was the result of an otherwise sane person suddenly snapping, in every case when we look deep enough we find that there were at least months or years of glaring warning signs that were utterly ignored or even when police got involved nothing was done.

The Parkland shooter had 39 occasions in which he was investigated for acts or threats of violence at school, at home, and at friends homes prior to the day he shot the place to hell but in all of those interactions with police he was never locked up and never adjudicated as mentally unfit by a judge which would have rendered him ineligible much less would have locked him up for treatment.
If someone comes up with the argument that criminals will always find guns, I will argue that this person first legally bought the guns and only then used it to commit a crime. Thereby demonstrating the argument invalid in this case. And further referring to the fact that other countries clearly have crime and criminals but very few of these kinds of shootings. That's what I meant.
Access to firearms is not a determining factor in whether or not you commit an act of mass slaughter, your mental state is.

There are no other countries with our unique demography, geography or social issues to compare us with so such comparisons are worthless.

The shooter in this case could have easily killed as many or more people by waiting until the playground was full and thence running them down with his truck.

Guns are not the problem, the problem is the pervasive sickness infecting our society that leads young people down the path of committing such crimes.
Because they would prefer to see less guns on the streets and they’d like to make it harder for criminals and future criminals to gain access to guns
How about just fully enforcing existing laws including locking these nuts up before they commit such acts?
Just saying if he didn't buy the weapon(s) until he was 18, to be legal, this shooting might not have happened for 3 more years if at all, as there is some more maturity at 21 than 18, anyway.

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