Biden Blames Guns

Precisely, so rather than allowing everyone just to have Right to bear arms, do you think they need checked out, and their family too.?

Now, with the current mass killing, the 18 year old shot his grandmother first. So what did the grandmother know etc..? So when he reached 18, if he had to apply for a gun licence and him and his family checked, would there have been a possibility his grandmother would have raised some serious points?

At the end of the day, if you have a robust background check that involved family member interviews and doctor's records, anyone who's law abiding and would have no problem achieving a licence, has nothing to fear. Plus, that lad wouldn't have an AR-15 because that type of rifle is not suitable in a civilised society.

Guns are guns. I know you probably don't understand that where you live, but trust me as a person that's handled guns for 40 years, the lack of an AR is not going to stop any killer. He would just use other kinds of weapons.

The point you make is precisely spot on, as an 18 year old, he had no record as an adult in which to stop him from legally buying a firearm. Interview the family? Do you know how many disfunctional families there are? Our Constitution doesn't allow your rights to be taken away over the words of a disgruntled family member. Unless you are actually committed of a crime, all your rights are legally yours to enjoy.
Oh please. If you're going to blame the Russian invasion, it will be the first war in history that caused major problems before it started. Dementia closed down the Keystone while giving Russia his blessing to open up their pipeline. Now they have the oil money to support that war, something that wouldn't have happened under Trump. Dementia is a anti-energy President. He not only ran on that, he won and showed the world he wasn't just talking shit.

Pandemic caused the problems and the war was fuel on the fire. You can’t understand that?!
79,000 alone were from Fentanyl deaths. 79,000 dead Americans vs 19 dead Americans yet Dems are completely silent on taking action to prevent another 79,000.

And how many of those deaths are children as well? What about all the gun violence that it leads to on the street where kids are killed?
You don’t think stop and frisk affected the law abiding citizen?! Are you high??

No I don't. Police didn't stop and search anybody at random, they knew the people that were highly suspect of having an illegal gun. They were either people with multiple arrests, a prison record, somebody that just posted bond for carrying a gun, things like that.

The criminals knew they were targets of that practice, and that's why they stopped carrying guns around as much.
Pandemic caused the problems and the war was fuel on the fire. You can’t understand that?!

Our gasoline was about $2.00 a gallon during this same pandemic under Trump. It wasn't the pandemic, it was who was leading us through it.

What did you think would happen to the price of fuel when we replaced a pro-energy President with an anti-energy President? People in the market that control these prices aren't stupid. When Dementia closed down the Keystone prices increased. When our largest gasoline pipeline was hacked by the Russians, Dementia said it's none of our business; it's a private market problem and the prices went up again. When he created all those anti-energy policies and stopped new exploration and drilling on public land, prices increased again.

Ukraine was just the cherry on top. But the other fact of the matter is Putin would have never dreamed of going into Ukraine with Trump as President. Trump was too unpredictable. When Un told us he had a red button, Trump responded by saying "we have a red button too, and ours is bigger and it actually works!" Think Putin didn't take notice of such a comment? Then when Dementia ran with his tail between is legs in Afghanistan leaving behind 83 billion dollars of US military equipment, Putin knew it was the perfect time to make his move.
Yes they have, but taking away guns from everybody won't change that. The desire to kill doesn't come from a gun, it comes from the mind.
They will not take them away from everyone. Just add some more regulation. Don't go full-blown fascist authoritarian takeover of America scared. It does not work well with logical argument, especially with the not easily panicked type of people.
Guns are guns. I know you probably don't understand that where you live, but trust me as a person that's handled guns for 40 years, the lack of an AR is not going to stop any killer. He would just use other kinds of weapons.

The point you make is precisely spot on, as an 18 year old, he had no record as an adult in which to stop him from legally buying a firearm. Interview the family? Do you know how many disfunctional families there are? Our Constitution doesn't allow your rights to be taken away over the words of a disgruntled family member. Unless you are actually committed of a crime, all your rights are legally yours to enjoy.
You need to make a start, and as the decades progress, the stats will go in the right direction. It doesn't happen over night, it doesn't happen in a few decades, it takes longer for a culture to change, for gun nut generations to die out to leave a better country
You do realize that Democrats are so deathly afraid of guns because 99.99% of the time, it's one of their own in the areas they control that
uses one to kill someone.

It never occurs to them that their immoral, Godless policies, grooming children for gay sex, idolizing fame and fortune, destroying the family to control minorities and softness on violent offenders could possibly be the root issue here.
Our gasoline was about $2.00 a gallon during this same pandemic under Trump. It wasn't the pandemic, it was who was leading us through it.

What did you think would happen to the price of fuel when we replaced a pro-energy President with an anti-energy President? People in the market that control these prices aren't stupid. When Dementia closed down the Keystone prices increased. When our largest gasoline pipeline was hacked by the Russians, Dementia said it's none of our business; it's a private market problem and the prices went up again. When he created all those anti-energy policies and stopped new exploration and drilling on public land, prices increased again.

Ukraine was just the cherry on top. But the other fact of the matter is Putin would have never dreamed of going into Ukraine with Trump as President. Trump was too unpredictable. When Un told us he had a red button, Trump responded by saying "we have a red button too, and ours is bigger and it actually works!" Think Putin didn't take notice of such a comment? Then when Dementia ran with his tail between is legs in Afghanistan leaving behind 83 billion dollars of US military equipment, Putin knew it was the perfect time to make his move.
Wow, you really believe all that don’t you?! Unbelievable
Our gasoline was about $2.00 a gallon during this same pandemic under Trump. It wasn't the pandemic, it was who was leading us through it.

What did you think would happen to the price of fuel when we replaced a pro-energy President with an anti-energy President? People in the market that control these prices aren't stupid. When Dementia closed down the Keystone prices increased. When our largest gasoline pipeline was hacked by the Russians, Dementia said it's none of our business; it's a private market problem and the prices went up again. When he created all those anti-energy policies and stopped new exploration and drilling on public land, prices increased again.

Ukraine was just the cherry on top. But the other fact of the matter is Putin would have never dreamed of going into Ukraine with Trump as President. Trump was too unpredictable. When Un told us he had a red button, Trump responded by saying "we have a red button too, and ours is bigger and it actually works!" Think Putin didn't take notice of such a comment? Then when Dementia ran with his tail between is legs in Afghanistan leaving behind 83 billion dollars of US military equipment, Putin knew it was the perfect time to make his move.
Nucking futs.
You do realize that Democrats are so deathly afraid of guns because 99.99% of the time, it's one of their own in the areas they control that
uses one to kill someone.

It never occurs to them that their immoral, Godless policies, grooming children for gay sex, idolizing fame and fortune, destroying the family to control minorities and softness on violent offenders could possibly be the root issue here.

It's really in all the grand scheme of things:

As I stated earlier, Democrats know quite well what disarming the public would mean. It would mean all the law abiding citizens turning in their guns leaving us with a society where only the criminals and police have guns.

Of course that would lead to a drastic increase of crime as we see in anti-gun cities today. So what could our defense be against big crime? The same as it was against big tobacco, big pharma, big corporations, and that is with a bigger federal government.

Democrats hate self-reliant Americans. That's why they work tirelessly to make us all dependents on them. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats. If we could ever find a way to rid our society of victims and government dependents, the only time you'd hear of the Democrat party would be in history books and they know it.

That's why Dementia's address to the country last night was disgusting, repulsive and down right disrespectful to the families of those children and the teacher who all lost their lives.
You need to make a start, and as the decades progress, the stats will go in the right direction. It doesn't happen over night, it doesn't happen in a few decades, it takes longer for a culture to change, for gun nut generations to die out to leave a better country

US gun nuts you speak of use our firearms to stop a crime or for self-defense between 1 to 4 million times a year depending on who's estimate you use. But let's take the one million figure:

Without our firearms, we would have over a million more violent crimes each year. We have plenty as it is now. We don't need to be inviting more.

In almost all cases of mass shootings, the perpetrator makes sure they use a target where the people are disarmed. They don't want any resistance. They want to kill as many people as possible, and using a target of people where some may be armed is a situation they avoid.

As the NRA has said repeatedly, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, and that's been proven correct repeatedly. Those kids were all sitting ducks until the border patrol special forces arrived to take down the gunman. He made sure to choose a school where defense was as weak as possible, and never considered those special forces being nearby.

Here in my city we hosted the Republican National Convention. Because it was Donald Trump, the leftist terrorists promised us it would be a blood bath; people coming from all over the country to cause trouble; people being pulled out of their car and seriously hurt or killed. The result? Three arrests, and one of them was not even related to the convention.

Why was that? Because these threats came from people in commie states with strict gun controls and little legal protection for a victim that uses a firearm for self-defense. Oh, in their cities they started police cars on fire, pulled people out of their car to beat them, even tried to burn down federal buildings. But in our city and state, you try to break into somebody's car to cause harm, it may be the last thing you did in life, and our laws strictly protect the victims that take down these lowlifes. So we had a pretty peaceful event.
They will not take them away from everyone. Just add some more regulation. Don't go full-blown fascist authoritarian takeover of America scared. It does not work well with logical argument, especially with the not easily panicked type of people.

So what more regulations do you speak of. It seems when I ask this question, I get different answers each time.

You have to be 21 years of age to own a hand held firearm. You cannot own a firearm if you are convicted felon. The FBI reports that most of the guns used in crimes were purchased by a straw buyer. So what regulations would stop something like this school shooting or the Buffalo shooting?

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