Biden Bombshell! Creepy Joe praised Communist Leader Tito of Yugoslavia & his country & citizens

I think both of y'all have it right. I like the France/NATO analogy of a country doggedly going their own way.

yeah no doubt, big fan of brexit here

None of this however has anything to do with a simple thank-you letter for being invited to a funeral, which is a normal thing people do everywhere as a simple gesture of diplomacy. The fact that the OP thinks it's a "bombshell" leads me to believe there should be slides perused under a microscope of whatever lives in his head in lieu of a brain.
yeah, it was nothing even noteworthy, I think gop is just going to give every democrat the "trump treatment" where everything is a world shattering mistake...on a more serious note, what happened to your baseball avatar bro? I'm a big baseball fan and loved that avatar, bring it back.
Biden: “I choose hope over fear!” Then he launches right into his cliche fear playbook about Nazis and racists and white supremacists
President Bush once told Biden to "brief me on Europe", he was so enamored with Biden's knowledge of foreign policy
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

I can't stand Biden but here's a question - what happened to Yugoslovia when Tito died?

What has happened to many countries recently when dictators were replaced by "democracy?"
I don't like Joe Biden, he is a corporate establishment hack -- however, I don't like this idiotic OP even more.
President Bush once told Biden to "brief me on Europe", he was so enamored with Biden's knowledge of foreign policy

In a corresponding move, everybody on this board briefed you on starting head-up-the-ass threads for attention-whoring.
You were oblivious.
"Looks to me like it’s going to be SleepyCreepy Joe over Crazy Bernie. Everyone else is fading fast!" - Trump

he went there!
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

You are talking about something from over 40 years ago? What's next - you have evidence Biden once cheated on a math quiz in Grade 1?

And your example is nonsense to boot. Tito kept communism out of Yugoslavia. And look what happened when he died? The country COMPLETELY fell apart.

And Trump today supports the Saudi Regime that denies it's women many basic rights and hangs people for the tinniest of crimes.
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"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

You are talking about something from over 40 years ago?

Sheesh...desperate much?
have you been alive the last 2 years and watching how the media treats Trump. "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!"
you cant imagine how much Biden regrets not running in 2016, and regrets plagiarizing Neil Kinnock in 1987, his time has passed!
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

You are talking about something from over 40 years ago?

Sheesh...desperate much?
have you been alive the last 2 years and watching how the media treats Trump. "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!"

The media treats Trump EXACTLY like he deserves to be treated if not better.
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"

Uh, sorry, Tito was the pinup boy of both parties for decades because he quit the Stalin fan club...

I know you guys are scared shitless of Biden, but you got to do better than this.
we will. stay tuned. TICK TOCK!
you cant imagine how much Biden regrets not running in 2016, and regrets plagiarizing Neil Kinnock in 1987, his time has passed!

So what's your alternative?

Because it seems you are all over the board on who to support.

Is Biden perfect? No.

If you put him in the White House tomorrow, could he do a reasonably good job compared to the nutbag who is in there now? Absolutely.

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