Biden Bombshell! Creepy Joe praised Communist Leader Tito of Yugoslavia & his country & citizens

"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

Being part of the official delegation to the state funeral, I don't see anything wrong with this letter.
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

Being part of the official delegation to the state funeral, I don't see anything wrong with this letter.
Biden's a commie!
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

The "Happy Occasion" would have been Tito's death!!


Death of any dictator is a good news.

Still, funeral if this one had more state delegations than any of funerals of U.S. presidents.
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

Tito told the USSR to suck an egg (more or less) and made it stick. Upon his death, Yugoslavia turned into a deep shithole. Tito held it together with both Christians (Slavs) and Muslims and kept them from trying to wipe each other out. There is a lot to admire about Tito that you unwashed, uneducated slimers don't understand.

Tito was every bit the butcher that was Stalin. He was an animal who killed over half a million after the war. He was a dictator for life and frankly I spit on his grave. His protégés carried on the slaughter when Freedom beckoned.....nothing to admire at all unless one admired mass murder and gulags.


Disagree. He was dictator and authoritarian, but nowhere at the Stalin level.

In fact, American politicians were seeking advise from Tito on how to deal with Russians.
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC
And? You know that Tito was not a darling of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, right?
Well, considering that Tito broke with Stalin and got Yugoslavia it's freedom, I'd want to go back and see what relations were like between the US and them back in 1979.

The world changes on a regular basis, and so do people. He was a champion for the people at one time, which is why he won so many terms as president.
I was actually in Yugoslavia in 1979..."Split" and "Dubrovnik"...the best way I can think of to sum it up was/is, yugoslavia was to the east block as france is to NATO

Actually, Tito split away from Stalin shortly after the end of WWII. He was never really close with Russia.

Only similarity was they were both communist run countries.

However, Yougoslavia was open to East and West, and together with India and Egypt, a leader of non-aligned countries. They were playing both sides, our and Russian, and benefited from it. Long story short, although communists, they were friends with pretty much everyone.
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

Being part of the official delegation to the state funeral, I don't see anything wrong with this letter.
Biden's a commie!

Being stupid doesn't make him commie. I think he's just going with the highest bidder.
we will. stay tuned. TICK TOCK!

No, you probably won't. So are you a conservative or a liberal... or just a garden variety troll?
i'm an equal opportunity critic. a HUMAN BEING! Deal with it!

You're a fucking moron YOU deal with it.
my heart is liberal. my brain is conservative. that's just how the world is!

Let's just face it, your brain is fucking retarded. You took a simple diplomatic letter thanking an invitation to a funeral, probably drafted by an aide, and tried to sell it here as some "bombshell" somehow connected to "communism". Get that? Funerals have something to do with "communism" now. And you admitted in this same freak show thread that you just did it for ATTENTION because you have no life. You're a waste of human protoplasm and a complete fucking joke.
"i made a mistake. i underestimated Cheney's influence in the administration and his incompetence" - Biden in 2007
what we know about Biden's early years before he became a senator:

_he was pro-life
_he led protests calling for desegregation
_he ripped off a nun's bonnet after she made fun of his impediment

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