Biden Bombshell! Creepy Joe praised Communist Leader Tito of Yugoslavia & his country & citizens

"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

Tito told the USSR to suck an egg (more or less) and made it stick. Upon his death, Yugoslavia turned into a deep shithole. Tito held it together with both Christians (Slavs) and Muslims and kept them from trying to wipe each other out. There is a lot to admire about Tito that you unwashed, uneducated slimers don't understand.

Tito was every bit the butcher that was Stalin. He was an animal who killed over half a million after the war. He was a dictator for life and frankly I spit on his grave. His protégés carried on the slaughter when Freedom beckoned.....nothing to admire at all unless one admired mass murder and gulags.

"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

Tito told the USSR to suck an egg (more or less) and made it stick. Upon his death, Yugoslavia turned into a deep shithole. Tito held it together with both Christians (Slavs) and Muslims and kept them from trying to wipe each other out. There is a lot to admire about Tito that you unwashed, uneducated slimers don't understand.

Tito was every bit the butcher that was Stalin. He was an animal who killed over half a million after the war. He was a dictator for life and frankly I spit on his grave. His protégés carried on the slaughter when Freedom beckoned.....nothing to admire at all unless one admired mass murder and gulags.


It's a fucking thank-you letter for being invited to a funeral, moron.

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"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

Tito has been dead for 39 years.
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC
Tito was one of the few who could stand up to Stalin and live to tell about it. He was no pure communist..
Yugoslavia was a high tech mecca that built the Yugo. Tito was champion for you no doubt. A leaders leader.
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC
A 40 year old thank you letter is hardly a bombshell. Politics made for strange bedfellows. At the time, Yugoslavia and the USSR had chilly relations and the US tried to make use of this. I can remember visiting Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia while on a port call with the USS America back around that time period.
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC

A thank-you letter for an invitation to represent the US at a funeral? Really? What the fuck is WRONG with you? Do you ever read these mindless threads, or are you so self-infatuated with getting your name on the internets that you don't have time?

The answer is obviously 'no'...he/Trumpbots almost NEVER read the posts they link to.
Biden told Serbian war criminal Karadzic that it "was interesting to meet him" and shook his hand
Biden apologized on the Senate floor for America's inaction to stop the Serbian genocide of Bosnians in the 90s
"The reason for the China pullback & attempted renegotiation of the Trade Deal is the sincere HOPE that they will be able to “negotiate” with Joe Biden or one of the very weak Democrats, and thereby continue to ripoff the United States (($500 Billion a year)) for years to come

Guess what, that’s not going to happen! China has just informed us that they (Vice-Premier) are now coming to the U.S. to make a deal. We’ll see, but I am very happy with over $100 Billion a year in Tariffs filling U.S. coffers...great for U.S., not good for China!" -President Trump
This is much ado about not much. One, Tito, though no saint, was much better than any Soviet leader up to that point, and succeeded in getting some degree of autonomy from the Soviets. Two, under those circumstances, the last thing any American politician visiting Yugoslavia would do would be to openly attack Tito for not meeting the Western ideal of leadership.
Well, considering that Tito broke with Stalin and got Yugoslavia it's freedom, I'd want to go back and see what relations were like between the US and them back in 1979.

The world changes on a regular basis, and so do people. He was a champion for the people at one time, which is why he won so many terms as president.
but did joe salute a commie bastard is the question ....
This is much ado about not much. One, Tito, though no saint, was much better than any Soviet leader up to that point, and succeeded in getting some degree of autonomy from the Soviets. Two, under those circumstances, the last thing any American politician visiting Yugoslavia would do would be to openly attack Tito for not meeting the Western ideal of leadership.

And three, it's a simple thank-you letter for being invited to a journalist's funeral. Basically an OP desperate to attehtion-whore using a whole lot of nothing.
Well, considering that Tito broke with Stalin and got Yugoslavia it's freedom, I'd want to go back and see what relations were like between the US and them back in 1979.

The world changes on a regular basis, and so do people. He was a champion for the people at one time, which is why he won so many terms as president.
I was actually in Yugoslavia in 1979..."Split" and "Dubrovnik"...the best way I can think of to sum it up was/is, yugoslavia was to the east block as france is to NATO
Well, considering that Tito broke with Stalin and got Yugoslavia it's freedom, I'd want to go back and see what relations were like between the US and them back in 1979.

The world changes on a regular basis, and so do people. He was a champion for the people at one time, which is why he won so many terms as president.
I was actually in Yugoslavia in 1979..."Split" and "Dubrovnik"...the best way I can think of to sum it up was/is, yugoslavia was to the east block as france is to NATO

Actually, Tito split away from Stalin shortly after the end of WWII. He was never really close with Russia.
Actually, Tito split away from Stalin shortly after the end of WWII. He was never really close with Russia.
I was just commenting on what Yugoslavia was like by using the comparison, in the 60's france dropped out of nato for almost 30 years...just to throw this out there I do believe the term "BALKANIZATION" came from the way the balkan countries came together to form Yugoslavia.
It was because of Tito's split with Russia that he was able to get aid for Yugoslavia. While he may have done some bad things in his later years, when Biden visited back in 1979, it's kinda readily apparent that there were friendly relations between them and us.
Actually, Tito split away from Stalin shortly after the end of WWII. He was never really close with Russia.
I was just commenting on what Yugoslavia was like by using the comparison, in the 60's france dropped out of nato for almost 30 years...just to throw this out there I do believe the term "BALKANIZATION" came from the way the balkan countries came together to form Yugoslavia.

It was because of Tito's split with Russia that he was able to get aid for Yugoslavia. While he may have done some bad things in his later years, when Biden visited back in 1979, it's kinda readily apparent that there were friendly relations between them and us.

I think both of y'all have it right. I like the France/NATO analogy of a country doggedly going their own way.

None of this however has anything to do with a simple thank-you letter for being invited to a funeral, which is a normal thing people do everywhere as a simple gesture of diplomacy. The fact that the OP thinks it's a "bombshell" leads me to believe there should be slides perused under a microscope of whatever lives in his head in lieu of a brain.

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