Biden Bombshell! Creepy Joe praised Communist Leader Tito of Yugoslavia & his country & citizens

Biden's family were ashamed to be English, and pretended they were Dutch, according to Biden's own memoir "Promises To Keep"
Biden praised John Stennis as "a man of character and courage"

Stennis: -Staunch supporter of racial segregation -Sought the execution of three black men whose murder confessions had been extracted by torture -Opposed the Voting Rights Act and multiple civil rights acts

Listen to Joe Biden try to speak with a Southern accent

Your link doesn't go to that, Dumbass.

That is NOT a "Southern accent", shit-for-brains. Not even remotely close. Not even attempted.
Biden praised John Stennis as "a man of character and courage"

Stennis: -Staunch supporter of racial segregation -Sought the execution of three black men whose murder confessions had been extracted by torture -Opposed the Voting Rights Act and multiple civil rights acts

Listen to Joe Biden try to speak with a Southern accent

Your link doesn't go to that, Dumbass.

That is NOT a "Southern accent", shit-for-brains. Not even remotely close. Not even attempted.

I am not a fan of Biden, but I have to admit I would happily vote for him over that phony Mitt Romney. Fortunately, Trump will win easily.
Biden voted for the Republican nominee for Governor of Delaware in 1968, who went on to defeat the democrat in that race. but Joe did not become a Republican because of Watergate & other Nixon scandals!
"I read this book about a union/mafia guy believed to have been the one who killed Hoffa, and there’s a weird little vignette in it about he and a local union blocked newspaper delivery for a week to hurt a Republican and it got Joe Biden elected in 1972"

Brendan Buck on Twitter
Biden's family were ashamed to be English, and pretended they were Dutch, according to Biden's own memoir "Promises To Keep"
Why would Dutch be better than English? That makes no sense.
nobody knows. the whole Biden family is shrouded in mystery. did you know? if it weren't for Biden's wealthy father's uncle and his connections, he would never have gotten into politics, or even gone to college!
How Warren is still polling below *Joe freaking Biden* after i made this thread baffles me

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