Biden Bombshell! Creepy Joe praised Communist Leader Tito of Yugoslavia & his country & citizens

Trump has nothing to worry about with Creepy Joe. That sonofabitch will self destruct. He won't be able to help himself.

The guy is not only a clown and a creep but he is pretty damn dumb, even for a Democrat.
Contemporary civil rights advocates, including the NAACP and Hubert Humphrey, said that Biden's position in the busing debate "would heave a brick through the window of school integration"


"Buttigieg carefully answered ?s about the political impact of the 1994 crime bill on Thursday, saying Dems who supported the bill -- like Joe Biden -- would be held accountable through elections."
"Joe #Biden enjoying his 1979 visit to #communist #Yugoslavia (and #dictator #Tito who is listed in the top 20 killers of the 20th c) where political prisoners were jailed, tortured and killed and the #Catholic church was under constant attack. #WellDoneJoe"


CroatianHeritageAssn on Twitter

"The most exciting event of my political career," #JoeBiden described his meeting with Tito in February 1979. #Biden was in Yugoslavia for Kardelj's funeral. In June '79 he hosted a delegation of the LCY - the only communist party invited to the US by both the GOP & the DNC
Wow.....40 years ago

Trump praised Kim Yong Un ...This Year
How Joe Biden’s Policies Made the Opioid Crisis Harder to Treat

"“I got stuck with, because I was chairman of the [Senate] Judiciary Committee, writing most of the drug legislation that occurred in [the 1980s and ’90s],” Biden said while speaking at the University of Pennsylvania on April 11 as part of a panel on the opioid crisis. “Big mistake was us buying into the idea that crack cocaine was different than powdered cocaine and having [different] penalties.” "

"The reality of Biden’s long career as a drug warrior, however, suggests something different: That he didn’t get “stuck with” writing drug legislation; he chose to make it a priority of his 36-year tenure in the Senate. In the War on Drugs, Biden was the “tough on crime” face of the Democratic Party, used his legislative skills to forge a bipartisan consensus for severe anti-drug legislation and specifically wrote or sponsored several laws that public health experts believe have, over the course of the opioid crisis, made it far deadlier than it has to be."

"The conventional wisdom is that Biden is the strongest Democrat in these regions, and perhaps the only one who can pull blue-collar, white “Reagan Democrat” voters back from Donald Trump. But as he tries, he will have to reckon with the fact that in many cases, it was his own legacy making the nation’s drug problem worse"

"In Philadelphia, where Penn is located and Biden’s presidential campaign is headquartered, activists and public health workers actually laid the groundwork for what would be the nation’s first overdose prevention site. But earlier this year, federal prosecutors in Pennsylvania filed suit against Safehouse, the nonprofit organization formed to run the location, preemptively acting to prevent the overdose prevention site from opening. To block it, the law they cited was an old provision of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986, known as the “crack-house statute,” which Biden co-sponsored."

"“Biden wrote and passed this law that allowed drug users to be prosecuted as murderers,” says Dr. Carl Hart, a Columbia University neuroscientist and expert on drug use who chairs the school’s department of psychology. In practice, Hart says that Biden’s efforts “decrease the likelihood that somebody is gonna help someone who is overdosing.”"

"In the absence of such locations, what happens when someone doesoverdose on opioids? If they’re fortunate enough to be around someone else at the time, that person might call 911. Or they might not—especially if they are also using drugs or provided them to the person who overdosed.

Research shows that the No. 1 reason people cite for not calling 911 for help during overdoses is the possibility they’ll face criminal charges. And that’s a fear that exists in large part thanks to another law co-authored by Biden—a crack-era provision that, along with copycat legislation at the state level, is part of what is collectively known as the “Len Bias Law.”
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Trump: Biden 2020 reminds me of Trump 2016

from the article:

Trump sees parallels between Joe Biden’s early surge to the front of the crowded 2020 Democratic presidential field and his own runaway success in the 2016 Republican primaries.

In an interview with POLITICO on Friday afternoon, Trump cast the former vice president as a clear, if flawed, front runner, noting that Biden had recently flubbed the name of Britain’s prime minister. And he compared Biden’s early success in a heavily crowded field to his own entry and rapid ascent in the 2016 Republican campaign.

“I look at it like my race” in 2016, the president said in a phone interview, predicting that Biden will remain at the head of the pack of 22 Democrats running for president.

Recalling his June 2015 campaign announcement at Trump Tower, he boasted, “If you remember, from the day I came down the escalator until the end of the primaries, I was in the number-one position. I was center stage every debate. And, you know, nobody came close.”

Trump actually polled near the bottom of the then twelve-candidate Republican primary field when he first joined the race in mid-June 2015. But he became the clear GOP front runner within several weeks, and no other candidate ever decisively claimed that mantle from him.
Trump appeared to be following Biden’s early days on the campaign trail closely. At one point, he mocked the former vice president for last week mistakenly referring to Margaret Thatcher instead of the current British prime minister, Theresa May. Biden quickly corrected himself, calling it a “Freudian slip.”

“Is that a good front runner? I don’t know. That was a beauty,” Trump said.

He suggested that he doesn’t see his other Democratic rivals as serious threats. “It seems that many of them aren’t registering with, you know, the public,” Trump said. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), he added, “seems to be going in the wrong direction.”

Asked specifically about South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Trump was dismissive.

“Alfred E. Neuman cannot become president of the United States,” he said, comparing Buttigieg to the iconic boyish Mad Magazine cartoon character.

Asked by POLITICO in San Francisco on Friday night to respond to Trump's new nickname, Buttigieg said: "I’ll be honest. I had to Google that. I guess it’s just a generational thing. I didn’t get the reference. It's kind of funny, I guess. But he’s also the president of the United States and I’m surprised he’s not spending more time trying to salvage this China deal."
"North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me. I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me, & also smiled when he called Swampman Joe Biden a low IQ individual, & worse. Perhaps that’s sending me a signal?" - President Trump tweeting from Japan
forget the fact that biden's a gaffe machine, he's a person of yesteryear whose ideas are not in line with the Socialist Dems. his time has passed.
So what we have established that Joe Biden was doing his job 40 years ago

while Trump had just survived his Personal Vietnam (Brave soul) and was just starting in a bunch of bad business ideas which Daddy would bail him out off...
"Anyone associated with the 1994 Crime Bill will not have a chance of being elected. In particular, African Americans will not be able to vote for you. I, on the other hand, was responsible for Criminal Justice Reform, which had tremendous support, & helped fix the bad 1994 Bill!

Super Predator was the term associated with the 1994 Crime Bill that Sleepy Joe Biden was so heavily involved in passing. That was a dark period in American History, but has Sleepy Joe apologized? No!" -Trump
"The 1994 Crime Bill was a TERRIBLE mistake: • Huge disparity in sentencing • Mass incarceration of Black men • Bill Clinton apologized for signing it It took President @realDonaldTrump to enact true Criminal Justice Reform! Now the cycle is being broken" - Brad Parscale, Trump campaign manager

This is pathetic. Falling into the old conservative pattern of wanting to lose as long as they’re not called racist.

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