Biden Bombshell! Creepy Joe praised Communist Leader Tito of Yugoslavia & his country & citizens

"i have personally failed the Bosnians" - Biden in 2000, saying he didn't run for president that year because of his failings
Biden supports the Hyde Amendment, has voted for it many times, so he opposes abortion. big issue for Democrats!

Joe Biden’s Tell on Abortion

"Biden has a subtle move he sometimes uses when speaking to voters—call it the “Catholic schoolboy play.” He might be accepting an award or speaking at a campaign event; maybe someone makes a joke, or yells something sexually suggestive. And then Biden crosses himself. It’s a small gesture, sometimes meant to be funny, sometimes earnest. But it’s a signal. Whatever accusations people may make about his nearly five-decade career in Washington or his penchant for uninvited back rubs, Biden wants everyone to know that he’s still Uncle Joe, the good Catholic boy from Scranton, Pennsylvania."

"Several of these groups moved quickly to condemn Biden’s position. “At a time when reproductive rights are under consistent attack, it’s unacceptable that a major Democratic nominee supports the Hyde Amendment,” read a statement from Emily’s List, which supports female, pro-abortion-rights candidates for office. Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the advocacy arm of the clinic network, wrote, “Supporting Hyde isn’t good policy or politics. We strongly encourage Joe Biden to speak to the people whose lives are impacted by this discriminatory policy and reevaluate his position.”"

Biden supports the Hyde Amendment, has voted for it many times, so he opposes abortion. big issue for Democrats!

And then there is the issue of warmongering for Israel... do Democrats support this.... what the Atlanta Jewish Times said in 2012

Newspaper Editor: Israel Should Consider Assassinating Obama [UPDATE]

"Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies."

In other words, if the Mossad took out Obama, Biden would conspire with the Mossad, lie to the American people about who did the assassination, most likely by blaming Iran, and starting a US war with Iran over said lie....

We've already had two such TRAITORS in the Oval Office, and both were TOTAL DISASTERS for the US, since neither had a molecule of patriotism to the US....

Notice too, LBJ's "Jewish ears...."
Evidence of Creepy-ness...

Your "wife" who defends you from all of the other women accusing you of sexual misconduct.... is pals with MICHAEL ROBINSON....

Three GAY MEN, one a "trans," the second one still in the CLOSET, and the third one a professional HATE HOAXER....
Evidence of Creepy-ness...

Your "wife" who defends you from all of the other women accusing you of sexual misconduct.... is pals with MICHAEL ROBINSON....

Three GAY MEN, one a "trans," the second one still in the CLOSET, and the third one a professional HATE HOAXER....
bless your heart.

take your complaints elsewhere. we need to be laser focused on Biden, Biden, Biden!
Biden is not going to be the nominee, dumbass.

It will be someone who is currently in the single digits, or not even declared. The "top" candidates are all sure losers, with Biden being the most certain.

Where was Bill Clinton at this time in the polls in 1991??
Biden is not going to be the nominee, dumbass.

It will be someone who is currently in the single digits, or not even declared. The "top" candidates are all sure losers, with Biden being the most certain.

Where was Bill Clinton at this time in the polls in 1991??
who do you think will be the nominee?
I've been on record picking Klobuchar.

She actually had an "uptick" in the last CNN poll... now at 4%....

Basically, the Dems can win if they pick someone who is not a total disaster as a candidate like Hillary was in 2016. Klobuchar is a "plain Jane" who is good in debate. I think she has a good chance. If it isn't her, I predict it will be someone currently "under the radar."

It won't be Biden, Bernie, Pocha, or Harris. Period...
I've been on record picking Klobuchar.

She actually had an "uptick" in the last CNN poll... now at 4%....

Basically, the Dems can win if they pick someone who is not a total disaster as a candidate like Hillary was in 2016. Klobuchar is a "plain Jane" who is good in debate. I think she has a good chance. If it isn't her, I predict it will be someone currently "under the radar."

It won't be Biden, Bernie, Pocha, or Harris. Period...
good choice
If you want Trump to win, stop attacking Biden. Biden is clearly the easiest win Trump has on the list. You want Biden to win the primary if you want Trump re-elected. The other three are all pretty easy too, but Biden is the easiest. He'll shoot himself in the foot 3-4 times a week...
If you want Trump to win, stop attacking Biden. Biden is clearly the easiest win Trump has on the list. You want Biden to win the primary if you want Trump re-elected. The other three are all pretty easy too, but Biden is the easiest. He'll shoot himself in the foot 3-4 times a week...
it's just for educational purposes so that folks know who they're voting for.
The most dangerous Dem Prez candidates are never the "best known," they are always the "least known," with Slick and the Cocksucker in Chief being the top two examples...
This nonsense again


Let them, the "media," hype Joe Biden. The more they hype him, the more his own idiocy will sink himself...

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