Biden Bombshell! Creepy Joe praised Communist Leader Tito of Yugoslavia & his country & citizens

Marxism and socialism aren't about helping others. They're ideologies built on control and hypocrisy. Always remember: Socialism is much more about hating the rich than it is about helping the poor. that's what TITO was all about!
Sure am glad Biden threw his hat in the ring. It keeps you idjits busy while the real nominee is kept in the background. Damn you subhuman strumpers are dumb. But keep it up. It's entertaining as hell.
Sure am glad Biden threw his hat in the ring. It keeps you idjits busy while the real nominee is kept in the background. Damn you subhuman strumpers are dumb. But keep it up. It's entertaining as hell.
and who would that be?
Creepy Joe is not in control of his mouth, or his campaign either, or his conduct where he touches people!
Proposed Biden Campaign Slogan: "The Vice President Won't Be Mike Pence!"

we dont need a crime bill, we need a hope bill!


Joe dropped 5 points in the CNN poll in the last week.

That was the first time LaDairis reminded everyone here of what the Atlanta Jewish Times had to say in 2012....

I think it is fair to say that Joe Biden is NOT a serious candidate to win the Dem Primary...

GAFFE A DAY JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LaDairis still picks Klobuchar to win the nomination.... that is, of course, assuming Jerry Springer stays out....
had Biden postponed the Clarence Thomas hearings and let the entire body of evidence play itself out, there would be no Justice Thomas and no President Bush and no 9/11 and no iraq war and no afghanistan war and no katrina etc etc

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"Plagiarism charge against Sleepy Joe Biden on his ridiculous Climate Change Plan is a big problem, but the Corrupt Media will save him. His other problem is that he is drawing flies, not people, to his Rallies. Nobody is showing up, I mean nobody. You can’t win without people!" - President Trump
This thread is screwy.
Everyone knows that Marshall Tito was a hero of WWII, and relentlessly fought the Germans even though greatly out gunned.
We barely escaped many times.
And he managed to avoid Yugoslavia from being occupied by Soviet troops like Poland, Hungary, etc.
He was one of the best modern leader in the world.

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