Biden Bombshell! Creepy Joe praised Communist Leader Tito of Yugoslavia & his country & citizens

How Warren is still polling below *Joe freaking Biden* after i made this thread baffles me

Why you're still desperately whoring for attention after this train wreck of a thread baffles everybody.
you're just butthurt that I EXPOSED your boy Joe Impedimenta as a COMMIE!

Ummm No Sprinkles, you embarrassed yourself completely with an inane fucking stupid thread about a diplomat thanking his host for an invitation to a fucking funeral and there's no way to undo that.
To be a Democrat you pretty much have to be a dumbass American hating piece of shit asshole. That clown Joe Biden is no exception.
To be a Democrat you pretty much have to be a dumbass American hating piece of shit asshole. That clown Joe Biden is no exception.

Today I learned that only a dumbass American hating [sic] piece of shit asshole sends a thank-you note for being invited to a funeral.
Question to you stupid Moon Bats:

Which one of the Democrat clowns are you supporting?

One of the Communists?

The Queer?

Creepy Joe, who was part of the worst Administration in the history of the Republic?


The Whore?

The Indian Princess?

The Fake Mexican?

How about one of the dumbass Negrras?

1991. 3 years before the 1994 Crime Bill became law, before Bill Clinton was ever elected President, Biden proposes giving the death penalty to so many crimes that he lost count.
Here he quotes a newspaper that says he gives the death penalty to "everything but jaywalking." Notice he openly calls it, "The Biden Crime Bill." And proposes giving the death penalty for 51 offenses, "Biden has made it a death penalty offense for everything but jaywalking"

Listen. You don’t have to believe me. But yesterday Kamala Harris was asked about Joe Biden’s lies on the devastation caused by his 1994 Crime Bill and she openly calls him out. Listen to me. We have 18 months until we elect a President. And I simply will not allow Creepy Joe to openly lie about his record and then say that his 1994 Crime Bill didn’t cause mass incarceration. Don’t tell me he has changed. Don’t tell me it was a long time ago. He’s lying about it TODAY. He’s standing by it and lying about it right now.

Hey, back in 1989, MOST people in this country were against marijuana. I know that I was against it back then. What happened? The Navy made me a DAPA (Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor) the last 8 years I was in, and with all the information they gave me, I couldn't figure out why it was so bad, because alcohol is much harder on the body than cannabis ever thought about being. So, when I retired from the military, I did some more research, and finally decided to try it myself. Been 420 friendly ever since.

And, if you would have told me back in 2002 that I would be using my retired military ID card to get discounts on marijuana in the stores, I would have told you that is something that would never happen. Whenever I go to CO, I ask if they give military discount, and about 95 percent of the shops do.
Joe Biden: "I actually like Dick Cheney... I get on with him. I think he's a decent man" "i also like kissnger"

Bernie Sanders: “Henry Kissinger was one of the most destructive secretaries of state in the modern history of this country."

clear choices for voters!

Clark Feels The Bern on Twitter

"I felt like i dated 3 guys. i really hit it off with Joe's sons Hunt & Beau" - Creepy Jill Biden, a few months before marrying Sleepy Joe
Listen. You don’t have to believe me.

There's the fucking understatement of all time.
all you have is personal attacks. you have no substance to speak of. whereby i speak substance! I'M SUBSTANTIVE!

You spelled "pathetic" wrong, Dippo.
thanks for proving my point. i accept your surrender.

but my goal in life is beyond destroying your arguments. its about destroying biden's candidacy by speaking truth to power.

to all my brothers and sisters: another big bombshell here is that Biden negotiated with serbian war criminals in the 90s, among them Slobodan Milosevic. if this man Creepy Biden ever steps in the white house, America will be over!
Listen. You don’t have to believe me.

There's the fucking understatement of all time.
all you have is personal attacks. you have no substance to speak of. whereby i speak substance! I'M SUBSTANTIVE!

You spelled "pathetic" wrong, Dippo.
thanks for proving my point. i accept your surrender.

but my goal in life is beyond destroying your arguments. its about destroying biden's candidacy by speaking truth to power.

to all my brothers and sisters: another big bombshell here is that Biden negotiated with serbian war criminals in the 90s, among them Slobodan Milosevic. if this man Creepy Biden ever steps in the white house, America will be over!

You tried to create a thread using the so-called "bombshell" of a Biden aide sending a thank-you letter for an invitation to a journalist's funeral, and you fell flat on your pathetic face. Which is why you're the only wag left posting here.

Listen. You don’t have to believe me.

There's the fucking understatement of all time.
all you have is personal attacks. you have no substance to speak of. whereby i speak substance! I'M SUBSTANTIVE!

You spelled "pathetic" wrong, Dippo.
thanks for proving my point. i accept your surrender.

but my goal in life is beyond destroying your arguments. its about destroying biden's candidacy by speaking truth to power.

to all my brothers and sisters: another big bombshell here is that Biden negotiated with serbian war criminals in the 90s, among them Slobodan Milosevic. if this man Creepy Biden ever steps in the white house, America will be over!

You tried to create a thread using the so-called "bombshell" of a Biden aide sending a thank-you letter for an invitation to a journalist's funeral, and you fell flat on your pathetic face. Which is why you're the only wag left posting here.

listen to all my maniacs. they're you calling you out Pogo. they're calling Biden out on his BS. 12 pages of quality criticisms of Biden which will cost him the presidency! WOOOOOOOO!

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