Biden Calls For A Gun Ban After Colorado Shooting

You brought up addressing mental health. You expect people to treat themselves?
Your reading comprehension level sucks.

I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are continuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

In this new gun legislation Democrats could provide / address health care for mental ill patients.

(Why didn't Barry and the Democrats who rammed the minority-supported Obamacare down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it fail to address metal health care in their bill? Thanks for admitting Obamacare was a failed health care bill that did not address mental health....but again, this is a seperate topic that should be kept in a separate thread.)
You brought up addressing mental health. You expect people to treat themselves?
Your reading comprehension level sucks.

I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are continuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

In this new gun legislation Democrats could provide / address health care for mental ill patients.

(Why didn't Barry and the Democrats who rammed the minority-supported Obamacare down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it fail to address metal health care in their bill? Thanks for admitting Obamacare was a failed health care bill that did not address mental health....but again, this is a seperate topic that should be kept in a separate thread.)

So we agree that what is needed is expanded mental health coverage.

And how do we do that?
You brought up addressing mental health. You expect people to treat themselves?
Your reading comprehension level sucks.

I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are continuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

In this new gun legislation Democrats could provide / address health care for mental ill patients.

(Why didn't Barry and the Democrats who rammed the minority-supported Obamacare down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it fail to address metal health care in their bill? Thanks for admitting Obamacare was a failed health care bill that did not address mental health....but again, this is a seperate topic that should be kept in a separate thread.)

So we agree that what is needed is expanded mental health coverage.

And how do we do that?


Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness in regards to gun ownership - they need to stop giving LIP SERVICE to the idea and actually do it.
You brought up addressing mental health. You expect people to treat themselves?
Your reading comprehension level sucks.

I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are continuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

In this new gun legislation Democrats could provide / address health care for mental ill patients.

(Why didn't Barry and the Democrats who rammed the minority-supported Obamacare down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it fail to address metal health care in their bill? Thanks for admitting Obamacare was a failed health care bill that did not address mental health....but again, this is a seperate topic that should be kept in a separate thread.)

So we agree that what is needed is expanded mental health coverage.

And how do we do that?


Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness in regards to gun ownership - they need to stop giving LIP SERVICE to the idea and actually do it.

How does one specifically address this limiting it to guns?
How does one specifically address this limiting it to guns?
WHY do Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership?
You brought it up. You blamed the Democrats for blocking health care coverage.
You're a liar, as al lcan see. I did not bring up HEALTH CARE COVERAGE. I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are contiuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

You brought up addressing mental health. You expect people to treat themselves?

So let's get into specifics, instead of generalizing the term 'mental health', and use this specific case. How would your design of healthcare have caught this guy before he legally purchased a fire arm and killed people?
So let's get into specifics, instead of generalizing the term 'mental health', and use this specific case. How would your design of healthcare have caught this guy before he legally purchased a fire arm and killed people?
Had his sisters reported his mental instability prior to his attempting to purchase his gun his background check could have been flagged. At this point the sale could have been held up until he could prove his mental health. This did not happen. The existing law intended to prevent mentally challenged individuals from purchasing weapons.

This is the 1st step - identifying those individuals and preventing them from purchasing a weapon.

The FBI was monitoring this guy. I would bet hard cold cash they already had a portfolio on this guy that included his historical, personal, medical information, complete with a psychological make-up (what was known). If they thought he was connected to an individual thought possibly to be a terrorist I bet the FBI had every bit of evidence on this guy they could get. I would also bet when his background check began the FBI knew about it as soon as the background check / gun application was submitted / began.
It's just being reported now that the Syrian was arrested for punching / attacking a classmate, being described as having a 'short temper'.
You brought up addressing mental health. You expect people to treat themselves?
Your reading comprehension level sucks.

I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are continuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

In this new gun legislation Democrats could provide / address health care for mental ill patients.

(Why didn't Barry and the Democrats who rammed the minority-supported Obamacare down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it fail to address metal health care in their bill? Thanks for admitting Obamacare was a failed health care bill that did not address mental health....but again, this is a seperate topic that should be kept in a separate thread.)

So we agree that what is needed is expanded mental health coverage.

And how do we do that?

That is easy.
We need a public option so that mental health treatment is affordable.

You are never going to find or treat the mentally ill and potentially dangerous if you make them be able to first afford it.
It has to be free.
So let's get into specifics, instead of generalizing the term 'mental health', and use this specific case. How would your design of healthcare have caught this guy before he legally purchased a fire arm and killed people?
Had his sisters reported his mental instability prior to his attempting to purchase his gun his background check could have been flagged. At this point the sale could have been held up until he could prove his mental health. This did not happen. The existing law intended to prevent mentally challenged individuals from purchasing weapons.

This is the 1st step - identifying those individuals and preventing them from purchasing a weapon.

The FBI was monitoring this guy. I would bet hard cold cash they already had a portfolio on this guy that included his historical, personal, medical information, complete with a psychological make-up (what was known). If they thought he was connected to an individual thought possibly to be a terrorist I bet the FBI had every bit of evidence on this guy they could get. I would also bet when his background check began the FBI knew about it as soon as the background check / gun application was submitted / began.

I agree with you 100%, I just want pknopp to flesh out his 'mental health' idea, give more specifics as to how it would work. He is blaming republicans for somehow holding back healthcare and this issue not being addressed properly because of that. Using this example, how would his version of socialized healthcare have stopped this incident from happening to begin with? Is he saying that this person didn't have access to healthcare, and if he had, it would have prevented him from doing what he did?

Imo, there is evil in the world, period. And regardless of what healthcare is available to them, or what laws are put into place to try to stop them, they are going to do what they are going to do. Human nature hasn't changed since the dawn of humanity on this planet, and it's never going to evolve or change. So I'd like someone like pknopp to outline with details how his vision of healthcare is going to make a difference. It shouldn't be that difficult if he believes in it that passionately, right?
So let's get into specifics, instead of generalizing the term 'mental health', and use this specific case. How would your design of healthcare have caught this guy before he legally purchased a fire arm and killed people?
Had his sisters reported his mental instability prior to his attempting to purchase his gun his background check could have been flagged. At this point the sale could have been held up until he could prove his mental health. This did not happen. The existing law intended to prevent mentally challenged individuals from purchasing weapons.

This is the 1st step - identifying those individuals and preventing them from purchasing a weapon.

The FBI was monitoring this guy. I would bet hard cold cash they already had a portfolio on this guy that included his historical, personal, medical information, complete with a psychological make-up (what was known). If they thought he was connected to an individual thought possibly to be a terrorist I bet the FBI had every bit of evidence on this guy they could get. I would also bet when his background check began the FBI knew about it as soon as the background check / gun application was submitted / began.

The severely mentally ill need to be involuntarily housed.
Just stopping them from buying firearms won't accomplish a thing because they can then still legally purchase flammables, toxins, explosive chemicals, etc., as well as illegally buying whatever they want.
Sure. I don't disagree but I was addressing the statement about "banning Muslims" from owning guns. Would they not do the same thing?

My suggestion about banning Muslims from being able to own weapons in the US, of course, was posted in JEST....but the idea of making it illegal for LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS from owning weapons, to strip LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS of their 2nd Amendment Rights is just as stupid / wrong, IF NOT MORE SO.

So why not propose things that might actually work as opposed to proposals made in jest?

I agree we need to create programs that allow people who need mental health services available to them. You can't do that though when one fights against any and all expanded health care programs.

I support ending all gun ownership laws and enact UHC and start a conversation about what we can do about those with obvious mental health issues especially those who have shown a propensity to violence.
this is because you are totally un-educated regarding guns. i support putting people like you on a deserted island, w/1 gun, lets see who kills in order to live

Odd that you only reply with insults as opposed to making a rational argument as to why I am wrong. Typical.
thats your problem, should you take it as an insult. most intelligent people would see it as a comment. now if you disagree w/it, thats your problem. nobody has to agree w/ you, ..or me...
Sio, while dementia Joe doesn't support it, Comrade Kamala is openly calling for the seizure of "assault style" rifles. One more step in the transformation of the United States of America. May God help us........

Again, the term 'Assault Weapon' / 'Assault Rifle' is a bogus, propaganda term the left created to make these weapons seem sinister and near-criminal, and these terms should be ignored / thrown out.

There are no such things as 'assault weapons' or 'assault rifles'. EVERY weapon CAN be used to 'assault' anyone. ANY gun can be used to 'assault' someone / anything. A .22 pistol/weapon, a .45, a .9mm, an AR-15....a knife, a hatchet, a scissor, a BRICK, a baseball bat, etc...can be used as an 'assault' weapon.

Yeah, that nonsense of "Assault rifles" has bugged the living hell out of me for years. I would bet a dollar to a donut that these fascists have no idea that "AR" actually was short for Armalite Rifle. But no, they keep their shit going.

Hell, you want to be assaulted? I own a WWII German Mauser 7mm that my Father bought at K-Mart back in the day. $25 bucks and covered in cosmoline. He bought three of them. One for him and one for each Son. He completely restored and refinished them - beautiful.

Back to "assault rifles".....I can take your head off at 450-500 yards with the bolt action surplus rifle. How's that for an "assault"? Again, I will ALWAYS stand by the term "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" for the entirety of my life.

Will Comrade Kamala get her way? Highly doubtful. Fortunately, for the time being, we have some level-headed "servants" and a SCOTUS that may or may not have their little pointed heads screwed on correctly.
Back 100 years ago gun control was established by Whites to keep the Darkies from being armed.

Nowadays gun control is designed by the Communists to prevent White Americans from having the ability to oppose the Communist agenda to turn America into a Socialist shithole
Sure. I don't disagree but I was addressing the statement about "banning Muslims" from owning guns. Would they not do the same thing?

My suggestion about banning Muslims from being able to own weapons in the US, of course, was posted in JEST....but the idea of making it illegal for LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS from owning weapons, to strip LAW-ABIDING CITIZENS of their 2nd Amendment Rights is just as stupid / wrong, IF NOT MORE SO.

So why not propose things that might actually work as opposed to proposals made in jest?

I agree we need to create programs that allow people who need mental health services available to them. You can't do that though when one fights against any and all expanded health care programs.

I support ending all gun ownership laws and enact UHC and start a conversation about what we can do about those with obvious mental health issues especially those who have shown a propensity to violence.
i support not owning--knives,--butter, paring, steak...or owning cars, people kill people w/cars, or stopping for a hot cup of coffee-you may spill it and kill someone....
honestly, i support putting people w/ mental health issues, and people that only see 1 side of the BIG picture (hint,hint) in the "duh" wards until they realize there is always (AT LEAST) 2 sides to everything.
take the blinders off and LEARN instead of spewing total crap
You brought up addressing mental health. You expect people to treat themselves?
Your reading comprehension level sucks.

I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are continuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

In this new gun legislation Democrats could provide / address health care for mental ill patients.

(Why didn't Barry and the Democrats who rammed the minority-supported Obamacare down the throats of the majority of Americans who did not want it fail to address metal health care in their bill? Thanks for admitting Obamacare was a failed health care bill that did not address mental health....but again, this is a seperate topic that should be kept in a separate thread.)

So we agree that what is needed is expanded mental health coverage.

And how do we do that?

That is easy.
We need a public option so that mental health treatment is affordable.

You are never going to find or treat the mentally ill and potentially dangerous if you make them be able to first afford it.
It has to be free.
Oh stop--he wasn't mentally ill---------muslims and cair are using crazy as their go excuse for muslims murdering now to get them off the hook. The guy is sane---------well as much as a muslim believer can be------he murdered the infidels as his religion calls for.

Now ask where this unemployed 21 year old got the money for the gun and ammo...
Are the 6 senators from the 3 western states all Prog socialist communists? All coastal with tens of millions earning real livings in non prog counties. So to those who say taxation without representation what do you think it is? And you men you friggin fools. The Prog women will have you murdering and killing and at war before they are done. Stupid assholes! You really do not think most of them will be involved? China and Russia re of macho governments.

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