Biden Calls For A Gun Ban After Colorado Shooting

The Republicans have fought the expansion of health care at every step.
' :206: B...b...but the care'.

Failed attempt to distract from the Democrats' lip service of mental health regarding the gun issue.
I did. Make health care, specifically mental health care available to those who need it and then have a discussion about that to do with those who have known violent mental health issues.
I have made that same argument. MILLIONS of Americans ave called for this. DEMOCRATS have promised this - giving LIP SERVICE to it then pivot straight back to gun control / limiting 2nd Amendment Rights / eliminating the 2nd Amendment.

Democrats are full of shit when it comes to real ideas or enforcement of existing law. Their goal is to get rid of Americans' right to own weapons....the reason why is the same reason they have turned DC ointo the Iraqi 'Green Zone'. They are afraid of the American people and a possible revolt against the Democrats destruction of this nation and their conversion into Socialism / oppressive tyranny.

The Republicans have fought the expansion of health care at every step.

The Republicans have fought the expansion of socialized health care at every step. There, fixed it for you.
So some liberal extremist, Trump-Hating Whack-a-doodle with a Muslim-sounding name goes on a shooting spree, and Biden and the Democrats rush to use this as an excuse to strip LAW-ABIDING citizens of their 2nd Amendment Rights.

During the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic-terrorist violence of Antifa looting, pillaging, destroying, arsonist, raping, assaulting, and murdering Antifa terrorist acts in Democrat-run communities all over the country - that caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage and destroyed many Americans businesses / dreams...

Democrats arrested a couple for holding their legally-owned, Constitutionally protected personal weapons on their own property in front of their own house - in a 'Stand-Your Ground' state, to protect themselves and ther home from violent protestors who threatened their lives and threatened to burn down their House.

The trespassing terrorists were arrested for trespassing....and have already been released. The case by a liberal extremist AG against the couple is still on-going, has not been dropped, despite the fact that they did not do anything illegal and a bipartisan effort to get the charges dropped is on-going.

Biden and the Democrats, who are just screwing the majority of Americans as hard as they can as fast as they can have turned DC into the Iraqi 'Green Zone' defended by National Guard Troops because they are so deathly afraid that the Americans they are screwing and whose country they are turning into a 3rd-world socialist tyrannical country are going to rise up against them for what they are doing.

To ensure a successful revolt against their tyrannical transformation f this nation into a single-party Socialist state they HAVE to take the guns out of the hands of the people.

'Hell yes, we are coming after your AR-15s!'
- A bill has already been submitted by proven CCP Espionage Facilitator Diane Feinstein

Hell YES, we are coming for your guns. There was never any doubt.
Gun control isn't a gun ban. No reasonable person should believe that's the case.

Right. Because a gun at home in your safe is so much protection from a shooter.

konradv: OK, shooter. We're going to let you have it now. We'll make even more sure your victims aren't armed! Now there's no way you'll shoot anyone, huh!?!

Here's a fun fact for you. It was illegal for the shooter to shoot those people. Telling him he can't have a gun is going to work how?

Democrat: Someone with a complete inability to think things through ...
That is a valid argument that gun control advocates refuse to respond to.

Simple...If I want to kill that guy fucking my grilfriend....I can go to Bass Pro Shops and be told I need to go through a background check....or...I can go to the corner and buy a Saturday night special from Chico. Hey....I want to kill someone...who the fuck needs to deal with a background check.....Off to meet with Chico.

Not rocket science.

Those who wish to commit a crime are not worried about what other laws they may be breaking. Especially when the crime is murder.

I mean...what has a longer sentence? Commititing murder or carrying a gun without a license?

Not rocket science.
In all my life I have never seen anyone selling guns on a street corner.
LMAO...the only ones who see them doing it are the ones who are told who to get them from.

Its not like the illegal gun sellers have a stand with a sign "illegal guns for sale"

What a childish response
Still I never see them.
So if you dont see them, they dont exist?
Are you one who believes the only guns sold are sold legally because you dont see those that sell them illegally?

So if you never saw a 60 year old guy rape his 10 year old niece, then there are no pedophiles out there?

Do you not realize that people that commit crimes do all they can to not be seen?

Your attitude toward this conversation is naïve.
Lol, you make up shit and attribute to me. You sound a lot like a leftist.
Sio, while dementia Joe doesn't support it, Comrade Kamala is openly calling for the seizure of "assault style" rifles. One more step in the transformation of the United States of America. May God help us........
The Republicans have fought the expansion of socialized health care at every step. There, fixed it for you.
Health Care and Mental Health in regards to the 2nd Amendment and gun ownership are 2 different things. Snowflakes are trying to meld the two as a distraction to their continued LIP SERVICE without action over mental health in regards to owning a weapon.

Again, as well, the 'Red Flag' law already exists, putting part of the responsibility to report mentally unstable gun owners on FAMILY and others. This shooter's family acknowledge they knew he was mentally disturbed and did nothing. The laws that were required to prevent this shooting existed / exists. They were not carried out / enforced.

Also, just like with the 6 Jan violence in the Capitol, The FBI knew the violence was coming / were monitoring this guy ... yet the FBI failed to do ANYTHING to prevent the violence in both cases. This is yet another Black Eye for the rogue FBI.
Sio, while dementia Joe doesn't support it, Comrade Kamala is openly calling for the seizure of "assault style" rifles. One more step in the transformation of the United States of America. May God help us........

Again, the term 'Assault Weapon' / 'Assault Rifle' is a bogus, propaganda term the left created to make these weapons seem sinister and near-criminal, and these terms should be ignored / thrown out.

There are no such things as 'assault weapons' or 'assault rifles'. EVERY weapon CAN be used to 'assault' anyone. ANY gun can be used to 'assault' someone / anything. A .22 pistol/weapon, a .45, a .9mm, an AR-15....a knife, a hatchet, a scissor, a BRICK, a baseball bat, etc...can be used as an 'assault' weapon.
I did. Make health care, specifically mental health care available to those who need it and then have a discussion about that to do with those who have known violent mental health issues.
I have made that same argument. MILLIONS of Americans ave called for this. DEMOCRATS have promised this - giving LIP SERVICE to it then pivot straight back to gun control / limiting 2nd Amendment Rights / eliminating the 2nd Amendment.

Democrats are full of shit when it comes to real ideas or enforcement of existing law. Their goal is to get rid of Americans' right to own weapons....the reason why is the same reason they have turned DC ointo the Iraqi 'Green Zone'. They are afraid of the American people and a possible revolt against the Democrats destruction of this nation and their conversion into Socialism / oppressive tyranny.

The Republicans have fought the expansion of health care at every step.

The Republicans have fought the expansion of socialized health care at every step. There, fixed it for you.

So the claim of addressing mental health was complete BS.
The Republicans have fought the expansion of health care at every step.
' :206: B...b...but the care'.

Failed attempt to distract from the Democrats' lip service of mental health regarding the gun issue.

You advocate for something and then defend those who block it.

Another failed distraction attempt. Why are you so desperate to avoid talking about how Democrats have advocated gun legislation addressing mental health yet have never made any serious attempt - or attempt of any kind - to actually do it?

The Democrats' answer is always to strip Americans - law -abiding citizens - of their Constitutional2nd Amendment Right. This is equivalent to the Democrats attempting to end vehicular homicide due to DUI by taking away cars owned by law-abiding citizens who DON'T drink and drive.
The Republicans have fought the expansion of health care at every step.
' :206: B...b...but the care'.

Failed attempt to distract from the Democrats' lip service of mental health regarding the gun issue.

You advocate for something and then defend those who block it.

Another failed distraction attempt. Why are you so desperate to avoid talking about how Democrats have advocated gun legislation addressing mental health yet have never made any serious attempt - or attempt of any kind - to actually do it?

The Democrats' answer is always to strip Americans - law -abiding citizens - of their Constitutional2nd Amendment Right. This is equivalent to the Democrats attempting to end vehicular homicide due to DUI by taking away cars owned by law-abiding citizens who DON'T drink and drive.

I did not bring up mental health. I agreed with it.

You brought it up but now seem to be backpedaling.
Still I never see them.
So if you dont see them, they dont exist?
Are you one who believes the only guns sold are sold legally because you dont see those that sell them illegally?

So if you never saw a 60 year old guy rape his 10 year old niece, then there are no pedophiles out there?

Do you not realize that people that commit crimes do all they can to not be seen?

Your attitude toward this conversation is naïve.

Our southern border is so secure that 6,000 CHILDREN come across it a day, no way bad guys could get guns through that?

It would be nice to think of people like miketx and konradv as just naïve, but they know that, they are evil demanding we disarm Americans for their politic hate
I did not bring up mental health. I agreed with it.
Yes you did...and I asked you why the Democrats do not do anything but give Lip Service to the idea....which is when you began this failed attempted string of distractions.
Harris, top White House aides called for seizure of 'assault weapons' in past

Harris, top White House aides called for seizure of 'assault weapons' in past


The Democrats' desire to strip law-abiding citizens of their 2nd Amendment Rights is nothing new and has been understood for a long time. 'Never let a crisis go to waste - Immediately after an event like this Democrats begin going after guns before the bodies are cold.

Harris' own sister immediately Tweeted out racist crap and talk about gun control....which she had to delete as soon as it was reported the guy was a Syrian nut job...proving Libtards don't even care about waiting for the facts.
You brought it up. You blamed the Democrats for blocking health care coverage.
You're a liar, as al lcan see. I did not bring up HEALTH CARE COVERAGE. I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are contiuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?
...So you want something that is largely legal in the USA, private sales no background check depending on the state, and make that a federal felony punishable with years in jail? You are not even targeting crime, you are creating criminals out of thin air. How many private sale hood transactions do you think occur in the USA annually?
If it becomes illegal to transfer a firearm without prior approval ( background check, etc. ) then yes, I want those who attempt to circumvent such laws to be prosecuted.

Why? Because better control of firearms transfers ( sales, inheritance, gifting, loans, etc. ) are designed to regulate Killing Devices, and that's too serious NOT to enforce.

And because the problem is so widespread that we have to start somewhere and not be intimidated by the size and scope of the challenge.

Criminals won't obey those laws. Likewise with the latest 2 mass shooters they had no prior felonies. So no red flag on the sale. How come you guys never bring this up with daily hood shootings in Chicago?
Criminals won't obey those laws. Likewise with the latest 2 mass shooters they had no prior felonies. So no red flag on the sale. How come you guys never bring this up with daily hood shootings in Chicago?
This Syrian's sisters have stepped forward to say they knew he was mentally disturbed and found him 'playing' with guns prior to this shooting. They had an obligation, according to the Red Flag law, to report him for public safety's sake.
Criminals won't obey those laws. Likewise with the latest 2 mass shooters they had no prior felonies. So no red flag on the sale. How come you guys never bring this up with daily hood shootings in Chicago?
This Syrian's sisters have stepped forward to say they knew he was mentally disturbed and found him 'playing' with guns prior to this shooting. They had an obligation, according to the Red Flag law, to report him for public safety's sake.
So the existing law didn't work lol.
You brought it up. You blamed the Democrats for blocking health care coverage.
You're a liar, as al lcan see. I did not bring up HEALTH CARE COVERAGE. I brought up the fact that Liberals / Democrats TALK about authoring legislation designed to address mentally ill people from owning guns yet never doing anything about it / never doing it....and, STILL - as people can see - you are contiuing to attempt these BS....FAILED....distractions.

So why DO Democrats fail to follow-through with their repeated promises of authoring legislation to address mental illness and gun ownership:?

You brought up addressing mental health. You expect people to treat themselves?
So the existing law didn't work lol.
Amazing how criminals and crazy people don't obey the law, and after they commit crimes Democrats want to punish the law-abiding citizens the local and state government has proven they can not protect.

Funny how they continue to think there are new laws they have not passed yet that will be the ones the criminals and crazy people FINALLY obey.


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