Biden calls for decency and Republicans take it as a personal attack

Um, numbnuts; it's not race bait its the truth bitch!! HERES a list of a few things: 1.All Mexicans are rapist.

Except he never said that. That you open with a lie, shows that your gish galloping list deserves no more consideration.

My point stands. This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

The vast majority of what has been called "Wacism" since then, was actually just differences of opinion on the best way to reach that.

That your side pretends otherwise, is you guy being a bunch of lying, race baiting whores.
He did say all of those things!! I know you probably get all your news and talking points from conservative shows and your numb, conservative brain doesn't want to face the facts.

This Divisive Clown of a wanna be Dictator caused and emboldened the wretches of this society to come out of the shadows and from under the white hoods.

So, the idea that you would boldly lie and say he didn't say those things tell me everything I need to know about you, that you like alot of you jackasses will defend Dear leader and what he said and did no matter what.

What he said was that illegals that Mexico sends us, and not their best people, and listed a number of examples, including "rapists" among other ways that those they send are flawed.

He specifically said that "some of them are nice people", to clarify for the slower among us, that he was not saying that "all " mexicans are like that, or even not all the illegals are like that.

Some are. Some are enough to be concerned about.

YOu are a fucking moron.

My point stands.

This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

The vast majority of what has been called "Wacism" since then, was actually just differences of opinion on the best way to reach that.

That your side pretends otherwise, is you guy being a bunch of lying, race baiting whores.
Which was a total lie, because Mexico wasn't sending these people. Mexican people were sending themselves because of the decades long oppression the US imposed on Mexico and the rest of the central and South American countries; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

1. Blaming the Mexican government for a flow of illegals coming out of Mexico is reasonable. And not really the point for either of us.

2. My point stands.
This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

The vast majority of what has been called "Wacism" since then, was actually just differences of opinion on the best way to reach that.

That your side pretends otherwise, is you guy being a bunch of lying, race baiting whores.
It is the point, because you were quoting Trump, and Trump, as always, was lying about that. The Mexican government and the flow of illegals is our fault. Do we need to discuss my link so you can understand fully the consequences of invading other countries by taking over their governments, job opportunities, resources, and way of life? Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

If there was a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality in this country, "Section 8 Housing" would have never been a thing. But it was, and for a very good reason. The conspiracy was to pretend to integrate those populations, but when government housing was offered it moved Blacks into the same oppressed situation they've always been in. That practice continues to this day.

Tell me something, have you ever seen an educated Black man getting a banking, accounting, medical, Engineering job, etc. in Nebraska or South Dakota? No! Why is that? Because they don't hire Blacks out there. Racial equality has never been a thing, and stop pretending it is.

1. The idea that past grievances justifies current violations of national sovereignty is not supported by international law. Such behavior is an act of war.

2. We have had a big debate over the best way of achieving racial equality. YOur assumption that any outcome that was not to your liking, ie section 8 housing is because of wacism, does not make sense.

3. The population of Nebraska is FOUR percent black. That you don't see a lot of black bankers there, is not surprising.

4. This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks, since the early 1960s. YOu need to stop living in the past.
"Past grievances" are the symptoms of the current problem. Current International law doesn't deal with national sovereignty", people do and should. People in the US committed the crimes destroying that sovereignty. That is an act of war already carried out.

Nothing you are claiming supports reality. Equality for Blacks has never been a thing. The fact that you acknowledge a four percent population of Blacks in Nebraska totally supports my claim. There aren't many there for a reason, and I told you that reason.
Really? What's the matter, revealing that guilty conscience? Biden didn't mention any names, but it didn't take much like Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson to come out of the wood work by exposing themselves for exactly who and what they are. It's the likes of these folks that caused the insurrection. Look all you white supremacists, we know who you are, as much as you know who you are. You all are no mystery and never have been.

The fact that these thugs, Qanon, proud boys, bugaloo's, skin heads, rednecks, white supremacists, white trash, otherwise known as Trump supporters, are all one and the same. They have no interest in decency. That's how they tripped up and let the cat out of the bag by responding to it as a personal attack.

Left to their own devices, they'd kill anyone and everyone who wasn't like them.

You expect "decency" after everything the left has done the past 4 years? Just be thankful that a civil war didnt happen.

Yes both sides should be thankful. It would have been bad for both sides honestly! And the saddest part of it all is that a Bold face liar would have torn this country farther apart than he has already just to keep the power of the job, without actually doing the job.

Yea, now that's the crazy part. He wanted to become president while actually being a King/Dictator/Authoritarian without actually doing the job. WTF? And he incited violence on his way out the door. What a straight piece of shit he is.

What on earth are you talking about? No matter how hard you awful people try, this quote will always exist and easily refute your pathetic lies.

Trump: "I want you to go out and peacefully let them hear your voices"


DUDE!!!! Give it up!! He incited a damn riot! Those fucknuts went in the Capitol with Zipties! I
Really? What's the matter, revealing that guilty conscience? Biden didn't mention any names, but it didn't take much like Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson to come out of the wood work by exposing themselves for exactly who and what they are. It's the likes of these folks that caused the insurrection. Look all you white supremacists, we know who you are, as much as you know who you are. You all are no mystery and never have been.

The fact that these thugs, Qanon, proud boys, bugaloo's, skin heads, rednecks, white supremacists, white trash, otherwise known as Trump supporters, are all one and the same. They have no interest in decency. That's how they tripped up and let the cat out of the bag by responding to it as a personal attack.

Left to their own devices, they'd kill anyone and everyone who wasn't like them.

You expect "decency" after everything the left has done the past 4 years? Just be thankful that a civil war didnt happen.

Yes both sides should be thankful. It would have been bad for both sides honestly! And the saddest part of it all is that a Bold face liar would have torn this country farther apart than he has already just to keep the power of the job, without actually doing the job.

Yea, now that's the crazy part. He wanted to become president while actually being a King/Dictator/Authoritarian without actually doing the job. WTF? And he incited violence on his way out the door. What a straight piece of shit he is.

What on earth are you talking about? No matter how hard you awful people try, this quote will always exist and easily refute your pathetic lies.

Trump: "I want you to go out and peacefully let them hear your voices"


Lol! Man come on! Well since Trump can't seem to secure legal representation at this time I hope you have a law degree! Lol..yeah that's what he said after saying let's" March on the Capitol". If that statement is his defense is your he's going to definitely be Impeached again. Boy, you guys are nuts!
Um, numbnuts; it's not race bait its the truth bitch!! HERES a list of a few things: 1.All Mexicans are rapist.

Except he never said that. That you open with a lie, shows that your gish galloping list deserves no more consideration.

My point stands. This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

The vast majority of what has been called "Wacism" since then, was actually just differences of opinion on the best way to reach that.

That your side pretends otherwise, is you guy being a bunch of lying, race baiting whores.
He did say all of those things!! I know you probably get all your news and talking points from conservative shows and your numb, conservative brain doesn't want to face the facts.

This Divisive Clown of a wanna be Dictator caused and emboldened the wretches of this society to come out of the shadows and from under the white hoods.

So, the idea that you would boldly lie and say he didn't say those things tell me everything I need to know about you, that you like alot of you jackasses will defend Dear leader and what he said and did no matter what.

What he said was that illegals that Mexico sends us, and not their best people, and listed a number of examples, including "rapists" among other ways that those they send are flawed.

He specifically said that "some of them are nice people", to clarify for the slower among us, that he was not saying that "all " mexicans are like that, or even not all the illegals are like that.

Some are. Some are enough to be concerned about.

YOu are a fucking moron.

My point stands.

This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

The vast majority of what has been called "Wacism" since then, was actually just differences of opinion on the best way to reach that.

That your side pretends otherwise, is you guy being a bunch of lying, race baiting whores.
Yeah asswipe you conviently tried to ignore the part about saving The confederate bullshit though huh?
You said none of his policies were strictly for whites and I easily showed and told you that you're a bold face lie!

That's the problem instead of facing reality like Trump they're more people who actually want this country to live out its creed than the dumb asses like you who don't. 80 million legit votes! So that's about 9 million more of the true "patriots ".

When you use a gish gallop list, like you did, part of the strength of it, is that the accusations reinforce each other. A person who was bad enough person to do A. is easily believed to be a bad enough person to do B. ANd of course, by teh time you get to c or e, people are just accepting accusations as proof.

BUT, that works the other way too.

I debunked your very first point. If you lied about that, then the rest of the list, becomes LESS CREDIBLE.

AND, further more, that your response when your first point is challenged, instead of admitting it, is to try to change the subject?

you just sabotaged your credibility even more.

My point thus, wins.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the early 60s, and the vast majority of what is called "wacism" during that time, has really been disagreements on how to best reach that equality.

And people like you, that are constantly wace baiting, are fucking liars and assholes, tearing this nation apart.
Man stop! I'm done with your asinine conversation! You actually think that sticking to one point debunks everything else I said and showed you is enough to let me know you're full of shit.

I shot your argument down with 5 points and I probably could go to about a 100, but your mind is made up and I can't and won't change it.

Like you said you're old so if you haven't evolved or changed now you don't want to or you're incapable. So don't tell me about black people and what we go through if you're not black, and act like this clown and his cohorts didn't do all they could in 4 years to put judges, laws and change laws to reverse alot of things that would give minorities more power.

So I stand on the reality that some of you guys are just staunchly against any change or scared of minorities getting any advancements in this country.

1. If you don't want someone to take one point, and crush it, and then point out that that means your whole list is bullshit, then pick your strongest example and be prepared to seriously and honestly discuss the issue.

2. I mean, why would you NOT want to do that? MMMM? Hint: Because on some level, you know you are lying.

3. YOur assumptions about my age, mean nothing to me.

4. From what I have heard, Trump's judges were good conservatives, which is to say, good judges. YOu got a complaint to make about them, make it and give an example.

5. Your best example. You pull that gish galloping shit again, I won't be so nice as to just take the first one. I will pick the stupidest and ridicule you mercilessly.

Ohhh I'm scared!! You can't ridicule me about anything. You're attempt to deflect all my other points and me shooting the bullshit you said down is laughable!

Like I said adress the Confederate MONUMENTS if he didn't have policies for White people. You won't. Mmmmm: I wonder why? Because you know I'm right.

I can take one of your points and mercilessly roast you too. And give that "Bi-partisan" line a rest dude! If you haven't lived as a black man or been black since "1960" that study is just some media hogwash! I guess that's your go to line when ever you hear racism or systematic racism huh?

Well please come up with a different line because you and that study tired and old. That shit hasn't changed many lives in America, because if they did Trump and Mitch wouldn't fight so hard to keep things the way they were pre-Obama

1. You choose to use the Gish Gallop tactic. I thus, got to address one of them and prove the list to be weak.

2. Nope. you don't get to just ignore the fact that I debunked your first point and move on to the next.

3. Not sure what "study" you are referring to. Both parties have been committed to racial equality for blacks since the early 60s. That is my conclusion based on my reading of history. You disagree, take your best shot.

4. And saying "black" doesn't get you shit.

1.You obviously been living in a bubble! Both parties haven't been committed to racial equality since the 60s! Two of the most influential Black leaders were assassinated in the 60s you dimwitted fool! I'm sure at least one or both sides of the government had a hand in that dummy!

2. John and Robert Kennedy tried to get racial equality for blacks in the 60s and both were assassinated with one or both sides of the government in on it! Somebody gave Hoover and the FBI the ok to kill all 4 of those guys.

3. Your reading history don't mean Jack shit when it comes to real life! What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you say well " I read about " racial equality" being practiced in the 60s so In your idiotic words "wasicm" is a myth and isn't relevant today, because this dude on the internet read that they did studies on it from the 60s...duhhh

Correll doesn't have a clue.
Really? What's the matter, revealing that guilty conscience? Biden didn't mention any names, but it didn't take much like Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson to come out of the wood work by exposing themselves for exactly who and what they are. It's the likes of these folks that caused the insurrection. Look all you white supremacists, we know who you are, as much as you know who you are. You all are no mystery and never have been.

The fact that these thugs, Qanon, proud boys, bugaloo's, skin heads, rednecks, white supremacists, white trash, otherwise known as Trump supporters, are all one and the same. They have no interest in decency. That's how they tripped up and let the cat out of the bag by responding to it as a personal attack.

Left to their own devices, they'd kill anyone and everyone who wasn't like them.

Okay he wants unity? Tell Pelosi and Schumer to leave Trump alone. How is that?

Really? What's the matter, revealing that guilty conscience? Biden didn't mention any names, but it didn't take much like Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson to come out of the wood work by exposing themselves for exactly who and what they are. It's the likes of these folks that caused the insurrection. Look all you white supremacists, we know who you are, as much as you know who you are. You all are no mystery and never have been.

The fact that these thugs, Qanon, proud boys, bugaloo's, skin heads, rednecks, white supremacists, white trash, otherwise known as Trump supporters, are all one and the same. They have no interest in decency. That's how they tripped up and let the cat out of the bag by responding to it as a personal attack.

Left to their own devices, they'd kill anyone and everyone who wasn't like them.

Okay he wants unity? Tell Pelosi and Schumer to leave Trump alone. How is that?


Then there is no unity, fuck off.
Really? What's the matter, revealing that guilty conscience? Biden didn't mention any names, but it didn't take much like Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson to come out of the wood work by exposing themselves for exactly who and what they are. It's the likes of these folks that caused the insurrection. Look all you white supremacists, we know who you are, as much as you know who you are. You all are no mystery and never have been.

The fact that these thugs, Qanon, proud boys, bugaloo's, skin heads, rednecks, white supremacists, white trash, otherwise known as Trump supporters, are all one and the same. They have no interest in decency. That's how they tripped up and let the cat out of the bag by responding to it as a personal attack.

Left to their own devices, they'd kill anyone and everyone who wasn't like them.

I'm feeling your cry for unity. :auiqs.jpg:
Really? What's the matter, revealing that guilty conscience? Biden didn't mention any names, but it didn't take much like Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson to come out of the wood work by exposing themselves for exactly who and what they are. It's the likes of these folks that caused the insurrection. Look all you white supremacists, we know who you are, as much as you know who you are. You all are no mystery and never have been.

The fact that these thugs, Qanon, proud boys, bugaloo's, skin heads, rednecks, white supremacists, white trash, otherwise known as Trump supporters, are all one and the same. They have no interest in decency. That's how they tripped up and let the cat out of the bag by responding to it as a personal attack.

Left to their own devices, they'd kill anyone and everyone who wasn't like them.

I'm feeling your cry for unity. :auiqs.jpg:

I am too. It's called law and order unity. Remember that?
No one's showing proof or the photos. What a chicken shit liar you are.
So how come was it ok for you guys to have done this to Trump for over 4 years+? You guys were chicken shit liars for over 4 years, why are you now suddenly concerned?
No one's showing proof or the photos. What a chicken shit liar you are.
So how come was it ok for you guys to have done this to Trump for over 4 years+? You guys were chicken shit liars for over 4 years, why are you now suddenly concerned?
WTF are you talking about? Now we are talking about Trump? :auiqs.jpg: So, you can't show any photos, making you the liar we know you are, so let's pick something else as a distraction. You definitely are a coward and a liar. Pathetic!
Really? What's the matter, revealing that guilty conscience? Biden didn't mention any names, but it didn't take much like Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson to come out of the wood work by exposing themselves for exactly who and what they are. It's the likes of these folks that caused the insurrection. Look all you white supremacists, we know who you are, as much as you know who you are. You all are no mystery and never have been.

The fact that these thugs, Qanon, proud boys, bugaloo's, skin heads, rednecks, white supremacists, white trash, otherwise known as Trump supporters, are all one and the same. They have no interest in decency. That's how they tripped up and let the cat out of the bag by responding to it as a personal attack.

Left to their own devices, they'd kill anyone and everyone who wasn't like them.

Okay he wants unity? Tell Pelosi and Schumer to leave Trump alone. How is that?


Then there is no unity, fuck off.

We don't cut deals with you Traitors and Terrorists. There are enough Republicans surfacing now that everyone can work with to make things right again. You lost.
No one's showing proof or the photos. What a chicken shit liar you are.
So how come was it ok for you guys to have done this to Trump for over 4 years+? You guys were chicken shit liars for over 4 years, why are you now suddenly concerned?
WTF are you talking about? Now we are talking about Trump? :auiqs.jpg: So, you can't show any photos, making you the liar we know you are, so let's pick something else as a distraction. You definitely are a coward and a liar. Pathetic!
Did it go over your head? The amount of baseless crap you guys came out with over the last 4 years, you now demand proof when it's thrown back at President Bidet !!! You are a class act.
Should have treated Trump "decently" over the last 4 years.

Fuck that fucking child molester.
And fuck your lies, liar.
Fuck you dickweed you get what you gave
I give out the truth. Something your ilk wouldn't know about. 20,000 plus lies by your pos criminal president, and he lost the election. Fuck that worthless bastard.
HaHaHaHaHa--You better start fact checking China Joe and Kameltoe, moron. You wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your ass and set up shop.

Come on Racist American and you think you would.

View attachment 447729

Seriously, you racist would never see him as anything other than a black man.

I never saw him as anything but a standard lefty.

I opposed him, less strongly than I did Bill Clinton, or Kerry, who offended me more on various political issues.

You are a wace baiting asshole.


Suck me, Fuck boy you'll get more. You ass clowns hated Pres. Obama because he was a Democrat, but you hated even more because he was a black man that became POTUS.

I was a partisan republican and an ideological conservative before Obama and I am one now after Obama. And I am likely to be one, for the rest of my life.

The idea that a dem president's skin color matters to me, is something only a fucking retard would say.

YOu are that fucking, wace baiting, cock sucking retard.

So, fuck you.

That is all that matters to most of you weak ass, cocksuckers. You are one of those people who will throw a rock and then hide his hand, so go fuck yourself.
Should have treated Trump "decently" over the last 4 years.

Fuck that fucking child molester.
And fuck your lies, liar.
Fuck you dickweed you get what you gave
I give out the truth. Something your ilk wouldn't know about. 20,000 plus lies by your pos criminal president, and he lost the election. Fuck that worthless bastard.
HaHaHaHaHa--You better start fact checking China Joe and Kameltoe, moron. You wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your ass and set up shop.

Come on Racist American and you think you would.

View attachment 447729

Seriously, you racist would never see him as anything other than a black man.

I never saw him as anything but a standard lefty.

I opposed him, less strongly than I did Bill Clinton, or Kerry, who offended me more on various political issues.

You are a wace baiting asshole.


Suck me, Fuck boy you'll get more. You ass clowns hated Pres. Obama because he was a Democrat, but you hated even more because he was a black man that became POTUS.

I was a partisan republican and an ideological conservative before Obama and I am one now after Obama. And I am likely to be one, for the rest of my life.

The idea that a dem president's skin color matters to me, is something only a fucking retard would say.

YOu are that fucking, wace baiting, cock sucking retard.

So, fuck you.
He is a Smollett sympathizing racist troll who lets his racist views define him. I ignored him, got tired of his circular arguments. He is looking for sympathy--it is between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.

Why would I need sympathy for a racist POS. You Trump Humpers are a joke, Concerned American. Pffft talk about some bullshit.
Should have treated Trump "decently" over the last 4 years.

Fuck that fucking child molester.
And fuck your lies, liar.
Fuck you dickweed you get what you gave
I give out the truth. Something your ilk wouldn't know about. 20,000 plus lies by your pos criminal president, and he lost the election. Fuck that worthless bastard.
HaHaHaHaHa--You better start fact checking China Joe and Kameltoe, moron. You wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your ass and set up shop.

Come on Racist American and you think you would.

View attachment 447729

Seriously, you racist would never see him as anything other than a black man.

I never saw him as anything but a standard lefty.

I opposed him, less strongly than I did Bill Clinton, or Kerry, who offended me more on various political issues.

You are a wace baiting asshole.


Some negroid posters can never evolve beyond.....'das waycist'

Well too bad for you RacistHornet, you have already admitted you are a racist. Idiot.

You've admitted that you call people wacist, for no reason. Because you are a fucking retard.
Yep and feels sorry for himself constantly. I enjoy defeating him in debates.

Now that's funny, "Hey I won the debates against you." "Oh I ok since you claimed it, it must be true." Smfh.
Really? What's the matter, revealing that guilty conscience? Biden didn't mention any names, but it didn't take much like Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson to come out of the wood work by exposing themselves for exactly who and what they are. It's the likes of these folks that caused the insurrection. Look all you white supremacists, we know who you are, as much as you know who you are. You all are no mystery and never have been.

The fact that these thugs, Qanon, proud boys, bugaloo's, skin heads, rednecks, white supremacists, white trash, otherwise known as Trump supporters, are all one and the same. They have no interest in decency. That's how they tripped up and let the cat out of the bag by responding to it as a personal attack.

Left to their own devices, they'd kill anyone and everyone who wasn't like them.

Okay he wants unity? Tell Pelosi and Schumer to leave Trump alone. How is that?


Then there is no unity, fuck off.

We don't cut deals with you Traitors and Terrorists. There are enough Republicans surfacing now that everyone can work with to make things right again. You lost.

Your post contradicts itself. You're an idiot.
Should have treated Trump "decently" over the last 4 years.

Fuck that fucking child molester.
And fuck your lies, liar.
Fuck you dickweed you get what you gave
I give out the truth. Something your ilk wouldn't know about. 20,000 plus lies by your pos criminal president, and he lost the election. Fuck that worthless bastard.
HaHaHaHaHa--You better start fact checking China Joe and Kameltoe, moron. You wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your ass and set up shop.

Come on Racist American and you think you would.

View attachment 447729

Seriously, you racist would never see him as anything other than a black man.

I never saw him as anything but a standard lefty.

I opposed him, less strongly than I did Bill Clinton, or Kerry, who offended me more on various political issues.

You are a wace baiting asshole.


Some negroid posters can never evolve beyond.....'das waycist'

Well too bad for you RacistHornet, you have already admitted you are a racist. Idiot.

You've admitted that you call people wacist, for no reason. Because you are a fucking retard.
Yep and feels sorry for himself constantly. I enjoy defeating him in debates.

Now that's funny, "Hey I won the debates against you." "Oh I ok since you claimed it, it must be true." Smfh.
It is true. Want me to pull up the feeds and embarrass you further?
Really? What's the matter, revealing that guilty conscience? Biden didn't mention any names, but it didn't take much like Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson to come out of the wood work by exposing themselves for exactly who and what they are. It's the likes of these folks that caused the insurrection. Look all you white supremacists, we know who you are, as much as you know who you are. You all are no mystery and never have been.

The fact that these thugs, Qanon, proud boys, bugaloo's, skin heads, rednecks, white supremacists, white trash, otherwise known as Trump supporters, are all one and the same. They have no interest in decency. That's how they tripped up and let the cat out of the bag by responding to it as a personal attack.

Left to their own devices, they'd kill anyone and everyone who wasn't like them.

You expect "decency" after everything the left has done the past 4 years? Just be thankful that a civil war didnt happen.

Yes both sides should be thankful. It would have been bad for both sides honestly! And the saddest part of it all is that a Bold face liar would have torn this country farther apart than he has already just to keep the power of the job, without actually doing the job.

Yea, now that's the crazy part. He wanted to become president while actually being a King/Dictator/Authoritarian without actually doing the job. WTF? And he incited violence on his way out the door. What a straight piece of shit he is.

What on earth are you talking about? No matter how hard you awful people try, this quote will always exist and easily refute your pathetic lies.

Trump: "I want you to go out and peacefully let them hear your voices"


DUDE!!!! Give it up!! He incited a damn riot! Those fucknuts went in the Capitol with Zipties! I
Really? What's the matter, revealing that guilty conscience? Biden didn't mention any names, but it didn't take much like Rand Paul and Tucker Carlson to come out of the wood work by exposing themselves for exactly who and what they are. It's the likes of these folks that caused the insurrection. Look all you white supremacists, we know who you are, as much as you know who you are. You all are no mystery and never have been.

The fact that these thugs, Qanon, proud boys, bugaloo's, skin heads, rednecks, white supremacists, white trash, otherwise known as Trump supporters, are all one and the same. They have no interest in decency. That's how they tripped up and let the cat out of the bag by responding to it as a personal attack.

Left to their own devices, they'd kill anyone and everyone who wasn't like them.

You expect "decency" after everything the left has done the past 4 years? Just be thankful that a civil war didnt happen.

Yes both sides should be thankful. It would have been bad for both sides honestly! And the saddest part of it all is that a Bold face liar would have torn this country farther apart than he has already just to keep the power of the job, without actually doing the job.

Yea, now that's the crazy part. He wanted to become president while actually being a King/Dictator/Authoritarian without actually doing the job. WTF? And he incited violence on his way out the door. What a straight piece of shit he is.

What on earth are you talking about? No matter how hard you awful people try, this quote will always exist and easily refute your pathetic lies.

Trump: "I want you to go out and peacefully let them hear your voices"


Lol! Man come on! Well since Trump can't seem to secure legal representation at this time I hope you have a law degree! Lol..yeah that's what he said after saying let's" March on the Capitol". If that statement is his defense is your he's going to definitely be Impeached again. Boy, you guys are nuts!
Um, numbnuts; it's not race bait its the truth bitch!! HERES a list of a few things: 1.All Mexicans are rapist.

Except he never said that. That you open with a lie, shows that your gish galloping list deserves no more consideration.

My point stands. This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

The vast majority of what has been called "Wacism" since then, was actually just differences of opinion on the best way to reach that.

That your side pretends otherwise, is you guy being a bunch of lying, race baiting whores.
He did say all of those things!! I know you probably get all your news and talking points from conservative shows and your numb, conservative brain doesn't want to face the facts.

This Divisive Clown of a wanna be Dictator caused and emboldened the wretches of this society to come out of the shadows and from under the white hoods.

So, the idea that you would boldly lie and say he didn't say those things tell me everything I need to know about you, that you like alot of you jackasses will defend Dear leader and what he said and did no matter what.

What he said was that illegals that Mexico sends us, and not their best people, and listed a number of examples, including "rapists" among other ways that those they send are flawed.

He specifically said that "some of them are nice people", to clarify for the slower among us, that he was not saying that "all " mexicans are like that, or even not all the illegals are like that.

Some are. Some are enough to be concerned about.

YOu are a fucking moron.

My point stands.

This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

The vast majority of what has been called "Wacism" since then, was actually just differences of opinion on the best way to reach that.

That your side pretends otherwise, is you guy being a bunch of lying, race baiting whores.
Yeah asswipe you conviently tried to ignore the part about saving The confederate bullshit though huh?
You said none of his policies were strictly for whites and I easily showed and told you that you're a bold face lie!

That's the problem instead of facing reality like Trump they're more people who actually want this country to live out its creed than the dumb asses like you who don't. 80 million legit votes! So that's about 9 million more of the true "patriots ".

When you use a gish gallop list, like you did, part of the strength of it, is that the accusations reinforce each other. A person who was bad enough person to do A. is easily believed to be a bad enough person to do B. ANd of course, by teh time you get to c or e, people are just accepting accusations as proof.

BUT, that works the other way too.

I debunked your very first point. If you lied about that, then the rest of the list, becomes LESS CREDIBLE.

AND, further more, that your response when your first point is challenged, instead of admitting it, is to try to change the subject?

you just sabotaged your credibility even more.

My point thus, wins.

We have had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks since the early 60s, and the vast majority of what is called "wacism" during that time, has really been disagreements on how to best reach that equality.

And people like you, that are constantly wace baiting, are fucking liars and assholes, tearing this nation apart.
Man stop! I'm done with your asinine conversation! You actually think that sticking to one point debunks everything else I said and showed you is enough to let me know you're full of shit.

I shot your argument down with 5 points and I probably could go to about a 100, but your mind is made up and I can't and won't change it.

Like you said you're old so if you haven't evolved or changed now you don't want to or you're incapable. So don't tell me about black people and what we go through if you're not black, and act like this clown and his cohorts didn't do all they could in 4 years to put judges, laws and change laws to reverse alot of things that would give minorities more power.

So I stand on the reality that some of you guys are just staunchly against any change or scared of minorities getting any advancements in this country.

1. If you don't want someone to take one point, and crush it, and then point out that that means your whole list is bullshit, then pick your strongest example and be prepared to seriously and honestly discuss the issue.

2. I mean, why would you NOT want to do that? MMMM? Hint: Because on some level, you know you are lying.

3. YOur assumptions about my age, mean nothing to me.

4. From what I have heard, Trump's judges were good conservatives, which is to say, good judges. YOu got a complaint to make about them, make it and give an example.

5. Your best example. You pull that gish galloping shit again, I won't be so nice as to just take the first one. I will pick the stupidest and ridicule you mercilessly.

Ohhh I'm scared!! You can't ridicule me about anything. You're attempt to deflect all my other points and me shooting the bullshit you said down is laughable!

Like I said adress the Confederate MONUMENTS if he didn't have policies for White people. You won't. Mmmmm: I wonder why? Because you know I'm right.

I can take one of your points and mercilessly roast you too. And give that "Bi-partisan" line a rest dude! If you haven't lived as a black man or been black since "1960" that study is just some media hogwash! I guess that's your go to line when ever you hear racism or systematic racism huh?

Well please come up with a different line because you and that study tired and old. That shit hasn't changed many lives in America, because if they did Trump and Mitch wouldn't fight so hard to keep things the way they were pre-Obama

1. You choose to use the Gish Gallop tactic. I thus, got to address one of them and prove the list to be weak.

2. Nope. you don't get to just ignore the fact that I debunked your first point and move on to the next.

3. Not sure what "study" you are referring to. Both parties have been committed to racial equality for blacks since the early 60s. That is my conclusion based on my reading of history. You disagree, take your best shot.

4. And saying "black" doesn't get you shit.

1.You obviously been living in a bubble! Both parties haven't been committed to racial equality since the 60s! Two of the most influential Black leaders were assassinated in the 60s you dimwitted fool! I'm sure at least one or both sides of the government had a hand in that dummy!

2. John and Robert Kennedy tried to get racial equality for blacks in the 60s and both were assassinated with one or both sides of the government in on it! Somebody gave Hoover and the FBI the ok to kill all 4 of those guys.

3. Your reading history don't mean Jack shit when it comes to real life! What the fuck is wrong with you? How can you say well " I read about " racial equality" being practiced in the 60s so In your idiotic words "wasicm" is a myth and isn't relevant today, because this dude on the internet read that they did studies on it from the 60s...duhhh

1. The platforms and policies of both parties since the 60s have been consistent in supporting racial equality for blacks. Your denial of this fact is you being emotionally invested in a Big Lie.

2. Assassinations do not prove Government involvement.

3. I did not say I "read about racial equality being practiced in the 60s". I said I read history. And since you bring up "real life" I will add that my "real life" experiences and observations validate the information I have read in history. You attacked me for being "old". What do you, young one, know about the past, other than what you have "read" about it?

4. The vast majority of what people call wacism, for the last 60 years, has been disagreements in how to reach the agreed upon goal of equality for blacks.
Should have treated Trump "decently" over the last 4 years.

Fuck that fucking child molester.
And fuck your lies, liar.
Fuck you dickweed you get what you gave
I give out the truth. Something your ilk wouldn't know about. 20,000 plus lies by your pos criminal president, and he lost the election. Fuck that worthless bastard.
HaHaHaHaHa--You better start fact checking China Joe and Kameltoe, moron. You wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your ass and set up shop.

Come on Racist American and you think you would.

View attachment 447729

Seriously, you racist would never see him as anything other than a black man.

I never saw him as anything but a standard lefty.

I opposed him, less strongly than I did Bill Clinton, or Kerry, who offended me more on various political issues.

You are a wace baiting asshole.


Some negroid posters can never evolve beyond.....'das waycist'

Well too bad for you RacistHornet, you have already admitted you are a racist. Idiot.

You've admitted that you call people wacist, for no reason. Because you are a fucking retard.
Yep and feels sorry for himself constantly. I enjoy defeating him in debates.

Now that's funny, "Hey I won the debates against you." "Oh I ok since you claimed it, it must be true." Smfh.
It is true. Want me to pull up the feeds and embarrass you further?

By all means please do.
Um, numbnuts; it's not race bait its the truth bitch!! HERES a list of a few things: 1.All Mexicans are rapist.

Except he never said that. That you open with a lie, shows that your gish galloping list deserves no more consideration.

My point stands. This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

The vast majority of what has been called "Wacism" since then, was actually just differences of opinion on the best way to reach that.

That your side pretends otherwise, is you guy being a bunch of lying, race baiting whores.
He did say all of those things!! I know you probably get all your news and talking points from conservative shows and your numb, conservative brain doesn't want to face the facts.

This Divisive Clown of a wanna be Dictator caused and emboldened the wretches of this society to come out of the shadows and from under the white hoods.

So, the idea that you would boldly lie and say he didn't say those things tell me everything I need to know about you, that you like alot of you jackasses will defend Dear leader and what he said and did no matter what.

What he said was that illegals that Mexico sends us, and not their best people, and listed a number of examples, including "rapists" among other ways that those they send are flawed.

He specifically said that "some of them are nice people", to clarify for the slower among us, that he was not saying that "all " mexicans are like that, or even not all the illegals are like that.

Some are. Some are enough to be concerned about.

YOu are a fucking moron.

My point stands.

This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

The vast majority of what has been called "Wacism" since then, was actually just differences of opinion on the best way to reach that.

That your side pretends otherwise, is you guy being a bunch of lying, race baiting whores.
Which was a total lie, because Mexico wasn't sending these people. Mexican people were sending themselves because of the decades long oppression the US imposed on Mexico and the rest of the central and South American countries; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

1. Blaming the Mexican government for a flow of illegals coming out of Mexico is reasonable. And not really the point for either of us.

2. My point stands.
This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks, since the early 60s.

The vast majority of what has been called "Wacism" since then, was actually just differences of opinion on the best way to reach that.

That your side pretends otherwise, is you guy being a bunch of lying, race baiting whores.
It is the point, because you were quoting Trump, and Trump, as always, was lying about that. The Mexican government and the flow of illegals is our fault. Do we need to discuss my link so you can understand fully the consequences of invading other countries by taking over their governments, job opportunities, resources, and way of life? Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -

If there was a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality in this country, "Section 8 Housing" would have never been a thing. But it was, and for a very good reason. The conspiracy was to pretend to integrate those populations, but when government housing was offered it moved Blacks into the same oppressed situation they've always been in. That practice continues to this day.

Tell me something, have you ever seen an educated Black man getting a banking, accounting, medical, Engineering job, etc. in Nebraska or South Dakota? No! Why is that? Because they don't hire Blacks out there. Racial equality has never been a thing, and stop pretending it is.

1. The idea that past grievances justifies current violations of national sovereignty is not supported by international law. Such behavior is an act of war.

2. We have had a big debate over the best way of achieving racial equality. YOur assumption that any outcome that was not to your liking, ie section 8 housing is because of wacism, does not make sense.

3. The population of Nebraska is FOUR percent black. That you don't see a lot of black bankers there, is not surprising.

4. This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on equality for blacks, since the early 1960s. YOu need to stop living in the past.
"Past grievances" are the symptoms of the current problem. Current International law doesn't deal with national sovereignty", people do and should. People in the US committed the crimes destroying that sovereignty. That is an act of war already carried out.

Nothing you are claiming supports reality. Equality for Blacks has never been a thing. The fact that you acknowledge a four percent population of Blacks in Nebraska totally supports my claim. There aren't many there for a reason, and I told you that reason.

1. Past grievances are not symptoms of current problems. That is a senseless statement.

2. By traditional standards of International Law, violations of National Sovereignty is an Act of War.

3. Yes. In the past Acts of War were committed. What is your point about that?

4. What I am claiming IS reality. Since the 1960s, we have had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks.

5. The fact that blacks have not moved to fucking NEBRASKA in large numbers, proves nothing.
Should have treated Trump "decently" over the last 4 years.

Fuck that fucking child molester.
And fuck your lies, liar.
Fuck you dickweed you get what you gave
I give out the truth. Something your ilk wouldn't know about. 20,000 plus lies by your pos criminal president, and he lost the election. Fuck that worthless bastard.
HaHaHaHaHa--You better start fact checking China Joe and Kameltoe, moron. You wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your ass and set up shop.

Come on Racist American and you think you would.

View attachment 447729

Seriously, you racist would never see him as anything other than a black man.

I never saw him as anything but a standard lefty.

I opposed him, less strongly than I did Bill Clinton, or Kerry, who offended me more on various political issues.

You are a wace baiting asshole.


Some negroid posters can never evolve beyond.....'das waycist'

Well too bad for you RacistHornet, you have already admitted you are a racist. Idiot.

You've admitted that you call people wacist, for no reason. Because you are a fucking retard.
Yep and feels sorry for himself constantly. I enjoy defeating him in debates.

Now that's funny, "Hey I won the debates against you." "Oh I ok since you claimed it, it must be true." Smfh.
It is true. Want me to pull up the feeds and embarrass you further?

By all means please do.
If I do, will you promise to leave this site forever? Yes or no?
Should have treated Trump "decently" over the last 4 years.

Fuck that fucking child molester.
And fuck your lies, liar.
Fuck you dickweed you get what you gave
I give out the truth. Something your ilk wouldn't know about. 20,000 plus lies by your pos criminal president, and he lost the election. Fuck that worthless bastard.
HaHaHaHaHa--You better start fact checking China Joe and Kameltoe, moron. You wouldn't know the truth if it crawled up your ass and set up shop.

Come on Racist American and you think you would.

View attachment 447729

Seriously, you racist would never see him as anything other than a black man.

I never saw him as anything but a standard lefty.

I opposed him, less strongly than I did Bill Clinton, or Kerry, who offended me more on various political issues.

You are a wace baiting asshole.


Some negroid posters can never evolve beyond.....'das waycist'

Well too bad for you RacistHornet, you have already admitted you are a racist. Idiot.

You've admitted that you call people wacist, for no reason. Because you are a fucking retard.
Yep and feels sorry for himself constantly. I enjoy defeating him in debates.

Now that's funny, "Hey I won the debates against you." "Oh I ok since you claimed it, it must be true." Smfh.
It is true. Want me to pull up the feeds and embarrass you further?

By all means please do.
Here is one example. Sad to see you leave this site.


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