Biden calls for "rule of law in war" even as Israel commits massive ongoing war crimes in Gaza

As much as Hamas deserves it, Israel will not level Gaza.

The violence in the West Bank in the piecemeal annexation of their land by the Settler Radicals, supported by the IDF?

Yeah, we're never told that. Sometimes we shouldn't wait to be told.

It has been a cycle of violence for over a hundred years.

Looks like it's getting worse too.

Everything's gotten worse since you elected Joe Biden.
WATCH LIVE: White House holds news briefing after Biden statement on Israel-Hamas fighting

President Joe Biden to give remarks on Israel Hamas war as fighting continues: Watch live

While decrying action by HAMAS militants, Biden made no mention of the long history of war crimes committed by Israel against the people of Palestine.

Why is this?

Israel Responds to Hamas Crimes by Ordering Mass War Crimes in Gaza

Does the United States stand for the rule of law in war, or only for the rule of law in war when the victims are our alleged allies?

Allegations of war crimes against Israel - Wikipedia

Estimates of Palestinian civilians - including numerous women and children - murdered by Israel range into the thousands upon thousands.

When has a US president condemned these horrendous crimes?

Will the murder of more innocent Palestinians by Israel somehow miraculously solve anything?

Will a US president ever condemn Israel's war crimes past and present?

As I said in one of the other threads, war is hell.

There is no practical way to control what individuals will do, especially in the heat of the moment.
Sure they have liar.

Saul Biden man, Saul Biden!

Name one thing that's better since you elected Joe Biden.
This is hard for me, because I voted for Biden and will again. But on this issue, fuck Biden! The Palestinians have endured 56 years of Israeli tyranny. When will the US come to their defense?

BTW, great post!

I will first say that I have studied the Torah and the Quran. I have had both Jewish friends and Muslim friends through the years, I am not partial to each religion. I will also say I think terrorism is awful. I find the Hamas attack awful and pure evil. I think it is awful of Hamas kidnapping women, children, families. I think it is awful of the beheading of babies. I think posting videos of family members of Facebook that Hamas is about to kill is disguising and pure evil. I do not agree with Hamas tactics and see them as an axis of evil.

Saying all that I can't help feeling sorry for the Palestinian's. The overwhelming majority are not Hamas militants committing these awful acts, they are just peaceful people trying to live their lives. Yet the innocent suffer and are treated inhumanely. Neighborhoods decimated to complete ruin. All food, water, and aid cut off to the innocent women, children, and Palestinians who are not a part of Hamas just trying to live their lives in peace. With how horrific the Gaza pictures are now Israel is going send in ground forces to decimate Gaza even more causing more hardship for these families, their children, their elderly, their women. I understand all kinds of civilians killed in Israel, but nothing said of the massive killings of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Most mainstream media just focuses on how awful things are in Israel with having no compassion for how awful the innocent in Gaza are suffering.
There is no such thing as “Rule of Law in War” in dealing with terrorism or in war. That concept is absurd to say the least.
Indications are that Hamas monsters went house to house in a border village and murdered every Jew including 40 babies and the left focuses on what, Israel massive ongoing war crimes? WTF?

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