Biden chides GOP for 'trying to hide the truth' about Black history in marking Bloody Sunday

‘President Biden on Sunday called out Republicans for efforts to limit teaching parts of Black history as he marked the 58th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

“History matters,” Biden said at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. “The truth matters, notwithstanding what the other team is trying to hide. They’re trying to hide the truth.”

Biden highlighted the importance of teaching African American studies, which comes amid a growing debate over Republicans pushing to prevent the teaching of certain subject matters such as African American studies in schools.

“No matter how hard some people try, we can’t just choose to learn what we want to know but not what we should know. We should learn everything, the good, the bad, the truth of who we are as a nation. And everyone should know the truth of Selma,” Biden said.’

Conservatives are wrong to try to censor and prohibit the teaching of African American studies.

Biden's Offensive Pandering, Lying, and Confusion in Selma​

5 Mar 2023 ~~ By Nick Arama

Joe Biden was in Selma, Alabama on Sunday to commemorate “Bloody Sunday.”
Biden was there to commemorate the 58th anniversary of “Bloody Sunday,” when police beat peaceful protesters marching for voting rights.
But if you read media descriptions, like this from the New York Times, you would think we were barely away from those times.
“Even as Democrat-led efforts to protect access to the ballot have failed” — what the heck is this? That’s truly shameless. Exactly who is being denied the vote? And it’s Democrats who have lied and been divisive under Joe Biden acting as though somehow Republicans are denying people the right to vote, which is all about trying to manipulate the voters.
Joe Biden was at that again during his remarks in Selma. First, he of course had to lie again about his involvement in the civil rights movement to pander to his audience.



Moreover, shall we remind him of how many times in the past he praised the filibuster before he decided it was an evil thing? How about how many times the Democrats used it in 2020?
It’s “bad” only when he and the Democrats think it doesn’t serve their political purposes.

Democrats need to squeeze every drop out of the 1950s racism memes.
What's ironic, is it was Democrats like Bull Connor, George Wallace, Dale Alford, Clarence C. Aycock, Sam Ervin, William Fulbright and Robert Byrd who condoned turning dogs, firehoses on the blacks then and blocked Equal Rights Law Reform in Congress. Democrats All.
How is it that Democrats find their way to black events commemorating their past misdeeds of America history that they were a part of while pointing the finger as they always do at Conservatives
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I feel like defending Clayton here, Deanna.

The programmer of D.N.C. operative C_Clayton_Jones just didn't give it a very wide range of expression.

Didn't give him much of anything, in fact. He reminds me of one of those stuffed animals you could record on and it would repeat any ole horseshit thing you fed it.

My brats did no good with those things. I eventually just had to wrassle 'em back away from them and gleefully give them to some other unknowing mother.
How is it that Democrats find their way to black events commemorating their past misdeeds of America history that they were a part of while pointing the finger as they always do at Conservatives
It's almost as if the slave states haven't flipped Republican.

People and people just as dim witted as you, are part of the problem.

So long as there ARE people like you in the numbers there are- we have little hope of any real solutions
What "solutions" do you have in mind?
Wait. So you think including the events of Bloody Sunday on history lessons is a bad thing and should be hidden?
Our history teachers should spend their time on the accomplishments of great Americans like George Washington and Thomas Edison.

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