Biden Claimed He Would Unify America

Totalitarian states "unify" their people. When no one has any voice or freedom there is a great degree of uniformity.

More to the point, totalitarian states often end up unifying their people in opposition and rebellion. Judging by the unions' crying and butthurt over lost jobs - which we told them was going to happen and they insisted we were wrong - President Asterisk and his "powers behind the throne" are off to a rousing start on that.
For the record, Biden doesn't run impeachment.
Remember that when you are paying so much more when filling your car up this summer.
I agree, but with the democrat lockdowns, you shouldn't use to much gas getting to the store.

I think that's their plan. It won't matter how expensive oil is, because no one will have a job to go to, or money to shop with, or stores to shop at.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

The desperation of the butthurt Trumptards. If this is all you have, you have less than nothing. Trump lied 30,000 times, and destroyed the country. Joe has a long, long way to go to be in the running for the Liar In Chief award. Not to mention its' a little early to say "Joe Lied" since the whole matter of stimulus payments is just now being debated in the House and Senate.

You may have to eat those words in 6 weeks time.

The desperation of idiots living in Canada to pretend they matter.

Run along back to East Asscrack.
Trump couldn't force Mitch to pass those payments and yet you know that Trump thought he should because Trump spoke up. I Beijing's little bitch didn't want this kangaroo court proceeding to divide the nation where is his voice saying stop? Face it. Biden is a fucking liar. He lied about EVERYTHING!!
Oh look. Another Trump humping hypocrite.

Trump couldn't get Moscow Mitch to cut loose with the $2K but Biden can.

Bless your little reading comprehension deprived heart. Try to keep up. I'll make it simple for you. If Beijing's little bitch, Joe Biden, didn't like Nancy and Chuck's kangaroo court impeachment, he would say, "I don't like it." That doesn't mean Nancy and Chuck wouldn't continue. It would only mean that Beijing's little bitch was on record opposing something that is further dividing the country.
An Impeachment trial is appropriate.

But first take the Constitutionality question to the SC.

Then second, authorize a special counsel to do a full investigation of Trumps Salacious lies and behavior deceiving his supporters before, during and after the mob's strong arm attack on Congress while they were certifying Joe Biden's victory.

Then have the trial.
He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

He lied. His goal is to divide America.

And for you Leftards wishing to hide Uncle Joe behind Nancy’s skirt:

Dems like Biden frequently lie and do the exact opposite of what they promised after the election. Otherwise no Dem would get elected.
Good job. That's a far shorter time than it normally takes to drum something into your head.
What? The fact that idiots repeat questionS AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN ANSWERED?
At what price?
All ya gotta do is renounce QAnon and admit that the election was free and fair.

Can ya do it?
At what price?
Anyone else sensing a theme here?
At what price?
All ya gotta do is renounce QAnon and admit that the election was free and fair.

Can ya do it?
So sorry. I didn't see that you'd actually addressed this post to me. Notifications took me straight to MarcATL's post beyond this. In answer to your incredibly inane question, renouncing Qanon isn't a problem as all I know about he/she/it I learned from liberals on this board. As to the election being free and fair, that's going to be a no for me. Me lying for the sake of unity won't bring unity. The election was many things but not free and fair. I had hoped that you'd realized that closely held principles were inviolate. Maybe next time.

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